Themed Mixtape Game

Fuck it I'm tossing my hat into the ring.

Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge
6/10. I just think it's ok. Sue me.

Carnivore - Jesus Hitler
9/10. "Have I returned to save the Jews, or to destroy them"??? So Sabbath at times. Sooo awesome.

Seance - Reincarnage
4/10. I dunno I kinda tuned out...

Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead
5/10. It's a fine song folks.

Slayer - Reborn
7/10. This is more like it. Can't deny the urgency.

Death - Zombie Ritual
7/10. It gets the job done. Better than watching 'The Walking Dead'.

Holy Terror - Distant Calling
6/10. I liked it enough.

Demigod - Reincarnation (Unholy Domain version)
7/10. Pretty brutal and aggressive. Me likes.

Sacrifice - Re-animation
6/10. A fun track indeed.

- Damned Grave
7/10. Some rockin' shit right here.

Yuri Gagarin - The New World Order
5/10. Some instrumental metal all up in here. Spacey vibe. It was not horrible.

- Reincarnation of the Sun
8/10. I'm loving the vocals here.

The Chasm
- Fiery Rebirth
7/10. This is some tasty stuff.

Target - Ultimate Unity
5/10. I liked the drums. I liked the guitar. I liked the bass. I did not like the vocals. Meh.

Burzum - Dunkelheit
9/10. That riff man!
1. Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge - 9/10 - Beautiful and amazing epic about a powerful wizard being overcome by his own immense power in an attempt to become reborn.
2. Carnivore - Jesus Hitler - 6.5/10 - Not bad for crossover, but didnt really impress me all that much. Lyrical content is a little too cheesy and immature, and the whole Iron Man-esque main riff kind of turned me off.
3. Seance - Reincarnage - 7.5/10 - Solid slab of death metal here.
4. Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead - 10/10 - This is one of my favorite metal tracks of all time, so my score may be a bit biased, but this song is basically the perfect heavy metal package. The king of skeletons has truly risen to rule the dead.
5. Slayer - Reborn - 9.5/10 - I have to admit, this is one of my favorite tracks from RiP, and truly leaves me 'ripped and torn'. It's great to hear this song isolated from the album, as I can truly feel it's intensity contrasted with the rest of the playlist.
6. Death - Zombie Ritual - 9/10 - Again, one of my favorite tracks from Death. This is a great example of death metal done right.
7. Holy Terror - “Distant Calling” - 6/10 - Not a fan of the vocals, and the riffs are kind of lacking in anything other than melody. The lyrics are probably the best part of this song, and yet still the rhyming scheme is just a little lazy imo.
8. Demigod - Reincarnation (Unholy Domain version) - 9/10 - This is death metal just like I like it, raw, unrelenting heaviness, and proficient enough to be interesting and meandering. The lyrics are also seeped in death and re-animation. Damn shame that there are better classics on this list, otherwise this would probably have done better in the ratings.
9. Sacrifice - Re-animation - 7.5/10 - Fits the theme almost exactly and makes me want to thrash. Good stuff.
10. Tormentor - Damned Grave - 9/10 - Fuck yea vampire revival, this is black metal with balls. Always been one of my favorite demos.
11. Yuri Gagarin - “The New World Order” - 5/10 - Other than track name, not sure if this fits in with the rest of the playlist. Its a pretty chill metal jam though, reminds me a bit of Kyuss tbh, except with a spacier vibe.
12. A.M.S.G. - Reincarnation of the Sun - 6/10 - Not bad, but kind of drags on for a bit. Very repetitive but there are some decent ideas here at least.
13. The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth - 8/10 - The last time I listened to this album I was on a road trip home and deemed it boring. If this song is any indication of the rest of the album, then I cant believe how wrong I was. Better than I remembered, this album is definitely worth revisiting, and the lyrics are very poetic and well written.
14. Target - Ultimate Unity - 8/10 - I dont usually like speed/thrash, but this song kicks ass. Great riffs, and the lyrics are of the kind of sci-fi that I just crave. Great pick.
15. Burzum - “Dunkelheit" - 9/10 - Overrated or not, this song just oozes emotion and feeling. Great song, love the vibe going on here.
Alright fucks, I didn't even look at the last 2 pages. No Country, go ahead an tally up the votes.

BTW you autistic fags: I was on a date tonight. No maximus but whatever. So that's why I am late posting here. Looks like Candlemass is gonna win.
sent it to yoda. no spoilers, but i will tell you that fourth place in this game got a higher score than any other song in any other round so far. may be something to do with the people who voted on this one being on average more generous with their ratings, idk. it was a pretty great playlist though.
Yeah, I don't think people were more generous as much as there were few shit or otherwise divisive tracks this game.
sent it to yoda. no spoilers, but i will tell you that fourth place in this game got a higher score than any other song in any other round so far. may be something to do with the people who voted on this one being on average more generous with their ratings, idk. it was a pretty great playlist though.

What did the highest scoring song get?
Am I reading this right. 4th place in this round scored higher than 9.11, which is what the Rainbow track got?

ah no, i forgot that round got announced after i did the tallying up of best/worst scores. fourth was higher than the scald track, anyways. :p

as for the rest, you will see when yoda gets off his drunken ass!
1. slayer 8.77
2. cirith ungol 8.73
3. candlemass 8.67
4. death 8.43
5. demigod 7.9
=6. the chasm 7.83
=6. burzum 7.83
8. holy terror 7.73
9. tormentor 7.67
10. target 7.6
11. carnivore 7.1
12. séance 7.07
13. sacrifice 7
14. yuri gagarin 6.07
15. a.m.s.g. 5.6

Boom. I forget who picked what song and didn't keep track so yeah, whoever did Slayer wins.
Yeah, Krow successfully butthurt blocked them from winning. I'm not worried though, because I've won two more times than he has.

EDIT: Unless he picked Slayer, but I don't think he did.
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