Pagan Altar – 6/10
Good stuff, but they’ve never grabbed me as much as the other big epic metal names.
Carnivore – 2/10
Generic riffs, lolworthy fake female orgasm noises, stupid song for a stupid band.
Sortilege – 7/10
Very good, I don’t listen to them regularly enough to have a grasp on where to rank this relative to their other songs, but definitely representative of them.
Gorgoroth – 2/10
Intro overlong and a bit sappy, doesn’t lead into the main song well. Generic 6/4 black metal slog for the bulk of the rest. Of course the lyrics aren’t available because they probably suck.
Saint Vitus – 8/10
Will they win? Probably.
White Wizzard – 6/10
Good, but goes through a lot of the usual trad metal tropes and feels like they were trying a little too hard to create a big epic song to hang their crown on.
Aspid – 9/10
Not even one of the best songs on the album, but as an introduction to the band and album it immediately sells them, great buzzsaw riffing and crazy vox all the way through.
Iron Maiden – 8/10
I guess I’ll subtract one point because it doesn’t particularly sum them up well nor in a creative way, but it’s still an anthem for a reason, great song.
Skyclad – 8/10
I tend to neglect the first album, but man it makes me remember how venomous Walkyier was back in those days. This is the kind of Skyclad I prefer tbh.
Pentagram – 7/10
Good stuff.
Fog of War – 5/10
Back when this came out everyone hyped them as one of the bands that would surely make a huge name for themselves. Never really got into them myself, I think people liked them just because they had an audible bassist or something. Apparently they did actually release a new album last year, but yeah. Aside from the singer not bad though.
Manowar - 8/10
Great song, bonus point because it always get me pumped for more MANOWAR.
Nyktalgia – 3/10
Would have been tolerable if it ended about 5 minutes in like it felt it would, but then it decided to become another song. Overlong, boring, lame.
Angel Witch – 9/10
Dream Death – 10/10
A little faster and more upbeat than most of the album, but damn does it still fit. I probably have that chours playing in my head more than even most of the trad metal anthems in this line-up, and that says a lot.
Dark Quarterer – 8/10
Great song, too bad they jumped the shark after their first album so quickly.