things you hate with a passion

nigga be hatin'

Fucking first of all, they're not saying "It's;" they're not speaking correctly, but all they're doing is failing to enunciate the word properly. "Eh's some milk left in the fridge" is what it sounds like, but in their head they mean "There's." It's just a lazy, poorly pronounced way of speaking.

Second of all, "There is no fucking milk left in the fridge now; it's all gone."

And last of all, why would you drink fucking milk? Man up and take a shot of bourbon with me you fucking pussies.

haha awesome
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My mom is always being condescending and stuff and gives me this "I'm not trying to be" act but it's all bullshit. Me and my brother always call her out on it, if she wasn't trying she would simply not do it. What she is doing is expressing her judgmental attitude and following it with an excuse to not make her look bad. Every time something fucking happens on the news, or to my brother or something, she proceeds to lecture me like a clueless idiot. Also in public if something tiny happens that would embarrass this crazy "image" she has to maintain with people she doesn't even know she goes off on everyone. She is just an extremely judgmental person who criticizes and critiques random people in public and she acts like everyone does the same to her and that her children are a reflection of her.