This is a correction about Etherealsadness

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Originally posted by Tee
yep, Neverlady, I like your new sig.
(mine is really multi-interpretable.)

good to have you here. :cool:
Not that I have any problem with Renske.....

Thanks, dear!! :) Cheer up, you know... I soon gotta go though... :cry:
Renske was the one who posted all the brain tumor threads. She wanted to leave this place with a bang. Its Sandra again. Renske isn't in the obituaries because she was very proud of her diplomacy, so we didn't want one. We also didn't have an investigation nor an autopsy(sp?). She didn't want anyone to investigate because she was proud of being a diplomat...
You little fucker. If thats what you truly wish to beleive, I think you are one of the biggest bastards in this world. Go jack off in a room or something, it'll make you feel better... BTW, my name's Sandra... Inger sux
Originally posted by Unregistered
You little fucker. If thats what you truly wish to beleive, I think you are one of the biggest bastards in this world. Go jack off in a room or something, it'll make you feel better... BTW, my name's Sandra... Inger sux

don't know if this is addressed to me. I'm female.
about the name: it's the matter of perspective.
about you, unregistered: sorry about your loss of etherealsadness...
(have to notice that your style of writing changed.)


My post was meant to be to RIP50... Hes a bastard. My language can get extremely aggresive. Trust me, you don't wanna be around me when im angry...

Good day

I would think that Renske's sister would prefer letting her peers last memory of her be on a high note. I don't think it's right that somebody would go out of their way to prove that their sister had some sort of dementia or whatever and commited suicide.If she truly is dead, just leave it be and let her rest in peace.
Heh, so why is it that I get this strange feeling that Renske and her sister and her friend and whatever are the same person who probably has some sort of inferiority complex and desperately seeks attention? So yeah just post a thread that you died and see how people react to it... Woot I'm popular, people were actually touched by my death... Yeah whatever...

Killing capitalists since the beginning of time
Originally posted by Unregistered
Renske was the one who posted all the brain tumor threads. She wanted to leave this place with a bang. Its Sandra again. Renske isn't in the obituaries because she was very proud of her diplomacy, so we didn't want one. We also didn't have an investigation nor an autopsy(sp?). She didn't want anyone to investigate because she was proud of being a diplomat...

Unfortunately, this whole thing is starting to sound more and more like utter bullshit. First off, it's rarely the family's right to refuse an autopsy. The state needs to determine that the death wasn’t in fact a homicide. If someone jumped in front of a train, the state would most certainly want to determine whether or not the deceased was pushed. Second, forget the obituary, if a 19 year old girl jumped in front of a train, it would be all over the newspapers. That's not the sort of thing that happens every day. Finally, if one of my siblings took their own life, I don't see myself spending time on the net trying to prove to complete strangers that my sibling had actually been killed, and not passed away by natural causes. I believe I, like the average person, would be too grief-stricken to give a damn about what a bunch of folks on a discussion forum thought.

Originally posted by Black Winter Day
i am a capitalist too. socialists are the ones that should be killed.

Nah, communists should be wasted. That Guerrilla guy seems like a communist anyway rather than capitalist.