Thoughts on NSBM

Oh, and I'd buy any album that looks like hellakool thrash straight outta the 80's at sight if I had the money/it was cheap enough. DOes that make ME a bad consumer too? I do this because I trust thrash metal terror to be fucking awesome.
General Zod said:
I have a question about the term "non-white". On the surface (no pun intended) it would seem obvious. However, Jews are apparently "non-whites", even though almost all the Jewish folks I've met have the same skin color as all the white supremacists I've met. So, apparently it's not as obvious as one might think. For instance, where do people of Oriental and Indian heritage fall in the minds of those who subscribe to this line of thinking?

White = Germanic White (or so I've been told). Jew = Semite.

So even Italians would have a hard time fitting into this equation (since Dennis Hopper explained how they're all part eggplant), even though the world conveniently forgets that they were Nazi allies (and probably lost Hitler his little war). :loco:

Here's a question for everyone: Had Hitler won, and the Third Reich ruled supreme, what would have eventually happened to the Italians and Japanese? They didn't really fit into the blonde hair, blue eyed equaiton did they? It's not like he and Stalin remained good mates now is it?
Hitler officially declared that Italians are Aryans, and by correct definition of the word I think they are. Anyway, I think Adolf wouldn't bitch about that because he didn'twant to rule the world, he wanted lebensraum for his people and he'd get that moving east to the Urals and west as far as the British Islands I suppose.
Sorath said:
Oh, and I'd buy any album that looks like hellakool thrash straight outta the 80's at sight if I had the money/it was cheap enough. DOes that make ME a bad consumer too? I do this because I trust thrash metal terror to be fucking awesome.
Haha, well in truth, if everybody did that, then we would have even more shit metal releases genrally available than we already do.

It's hard enough trying to distinguish between good releases and bad releases, why make it harder upon ourselves?
Sorath said:
Hitler officially declared that Italians are Aryans, and by correct definition of the word I think they are.
Correct definition? Hitler made it up as he went along.

By the way, it's amazing how many American-Arabs starting mowing lawns and speaking with Hispanic accents on Sept. 12th 2001.
Correct definition as in indo-european peoples. Hitler used the term to describe germanic peoples though, and some more which he needed help from. He didn't invent the word aryan.
JayKeeley said:
You would buy it all without having ever heard it. You therefore buy on the genre label alone due to it's ideology, and not the quality of music. I'm not judging you, I'm just making an observation. Correct me where I'm wrong.

To avoid looking like a hypocrite, I have ALWAYS stated that for my own buying pattern, the quality of music comes first. If you can add integrity and intelligence to the end-product, then better still.
Yes, I would indeed buy it all if I could without having ever heard it. I think this is the stage where I should point out that, if the unlimited wealth with which to do this with was available to me, I'd buy a whole lot more music from other genres (or, more like, from other sub-genres of Metal).
You've been making this observation based on the deluge of NSBM purchases that have appeared from me over the last six months in the Latest Purchases thread, am I right? That came about because at that time I came across contacts with a plentiful supply of NSBM albums at low prices. There's even more avenues available to me now, but lack of funds is stopping me from making more purchases. Seeing as I've got every Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Whitesnake and Rainbow album I could ever want, when the funds return I will gladly go back to getting every NSBM album I can get my hands on. The relative cheapness of releases by bands I might never have heard of before makes picking up a duffer less of a waste of money (just file it away and put it down to experience), and makes one that turns out to be quality all the more rewarding. The appeal of being able to explore a whole avenue of unknown music that pulls me ol' pride muscles makes me a sure sucker for getting every bit of NSBM I can find.

There is a difference in wanting to change the rules of immigration, and wanting to stab a 'my pals' in the throat just because he happened to walk down the street you grew up on.

As much as I detest the very existence of Israel and it's unanimous support by the USA, I can't condone Hezbollah or Al Queda suicide bombings. Again, that probably makes me a hypocrite. So be it.
I should also point out at this stage that I have never expressed any desire to stab a 'my pals' in the throat just for being that. When I was younger and naive, yes, I made a lot of offhand comments that people still like to remind me about, but even back then I never meant it and I can't remember the last time I made a comment like that. Jews are an entirely different matter, but that's another story...
So you might ask "why do you listen to music that condones it then?". Truth be told I don't think I own a single CD, cassette or vinyl that expresses a desire to do exactly that. If I do then it's either in another language or I don't have a lyric sheet to translate the vocals. On the other hand, I'm sure if I had a quick rummage I could namedrop plenty of songs expressing a desire to reclaim white land for white people. I don't have a problem with that because you've all heard about what I think about illegal asylum seekers already, and anyone who wants to know my exact opinions on race and racial integration is welcome to ask me - if they think I get my opinions straight off a Der Sturmer cassette then they're the dumb fool. I feel comfortable listening to other people with the balls to speak out along similar lines to what I think, but the fact we're on different wavelengths doesn't really fuss me that much.

Hell, I can tolerate listening to Anthrax and Rage Against The Machine slamming right-wingers too. Just about :loco:
Ayeka said:
You've been making this observation based on the deluge of NSBM purchases that have appeared from me over the last six months in the Latest Purchases thread, am I right?
Nah, not specifically. I don't even go into that thread anymore, it's a bit depressing seeing everyone else buy albums other than yourself. :loco: I think I asked the question once in another thread of whether anyone bought NSBM by label alone, and you told me that you did. There was also another thread where somebody (the guy with the avatar of George Bush dressed like an an Afghan with a beard...Iconoclast?) confirmed that there are people who buy NSBM on label alone. I just found it surprising I suppose.

I should also point out at this stage that I have never expressed any desire to stab a 'my pals' in the throat just for being that. When I was younger and naive, yes, I made a lot of offhand comments that people still like to remind me about, but even back then I never meant it and I can't remember the last time I made a comment like that. Jews are an entirely different matter, but that's another story...
It was just a figure of speech, I wasn't saying that you *specifically* would do that.

I think people are combining neo-Nazi "kill the my pals" music in with NSBM, and I'm just making the distinction.

I'm also making the assumption that everybody here has heard (of) bands like Screwdriver, etc.
I still don't see what "kill the my pals"-style KKK-retard music has to do with nazism in any way more than that the people who listen to such music often likes to think that they are nazis.

3. Do you support genocide?

We support total death for weak humans. Why?

- This cannot be stressed enough: we are poisoning our planet through
our carelessness and raw need; there are too many of us for nature to
also breathe fully.
- Most humans are primitive intellectually, relying on reactionist
behavior like a group of frightened monkeys flinging their shit at
- Most humans are so self-interested you invade the living space of
others with your demands; in short, most of you are dishonest, lying,
indifferent scum.

Think toward war!

The natural world is more powerful than the artifical society and
morals of humankind. Its evolutionary system works through vast
powers of regeneration and full expression in idea. Our belief is
that nature as primarily good MUST be respected. By destroying the
weak and elevating the strong, we are working with evolution to
produce a more beautiful world.

If you know black metal, you know that Christians and Jews are not
welcome with us. There was at first (1942) rage at having these
creatures defile our earth, enslave our peoples, destroy our genetic
process and place us into a world of material value where all greater
value, value beyond the shadow of death, is lost.

Some NSBMers are full believers in the Nazi promise and even extend it
further to "clearing the world of all Jews, Hispanics, Congoids,
Gypsys and Slavs" as a process of restoring the white homeland.
are more immediately concerned with establishing white homelands,
preserving white culture, and most of all, educating white children
and preparing them for a challenging world on intellectual, academic,
physical, spiritual and racial levels.

Almost all NSBMers will say that it is important for each culture to
preserve itself. We hate the global government and the capitalist
plastic culture which destroys that which is refined and replaces it
with the easy and reactionary living. You have entertainment and
products so you are content, but you hate growth - we hate you - the
cold void will invade. You must die!!
4. Are you racists?

If a racist means to recognize the difference between people who have
differentiated appearance and cultural thought process, then we are
racists. Peoples develop differently for a reason, and their values
are not always compatible. That's the "diversity" educated
open-minded people keep talking about.

Our beliefs does not necessarily mean we are "judging" or "hating."

Judging requires a value system, and we hate polar value systems.
There is only what is. Judeo-Christianity is vengeance, punitivism,
sado-masochism, whorishness, fetishism, cruelty, sloth, intoxication
and other vices of the weak material minds.

If certain thing is a threat to our people's existence, and we see it
occur again and again, we must strike at this to preserve beauty and
adventure. War against the ugly, conniving, mendacious and greedy!
Death to that which threatens freedom for the free!

If racists means we think each culture should stand alone, and be
proud to be what it is, then we're racists. HEIL HITLER
J. said:
Judeo-Christianity is...sloth
Oh noes! I knew there was something wrong with this guy:

Taken from the song, "The Fate Worse Than Death" by Thor's Hammer:

"To make all people equal ones, is nightmare of the poisoned mind".

I'm guessing this band isn't a big fan of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Funnily enough, a few days ago I had an exam where I got the chance to say what a load of shit the American Declaration of Independance was :D

JayKeeley said:
It was just a figure of speech, I wasn't saying that you *specifically* would do that.
Fairy nuff, just wanted to set the record straight :)
Almost all NSBMers will say that it is important for each culture to
preserve itself. We hate the global government and the capitalist
plastic culture which destroys that which is refined and replaces it
with the easy and reactionary living. You have entertainment and
products so you are content, but you hate growth - we hate you - the
cold void will invade. You must die!!

Our beliefs does not necessarily mean we are "judging" or "hating."

Judging requires a value system, and we hate polar value systems.
There is only what is. Judeo-Christianity is vengeance, punitivism,
sado-masochism, whorishness, fetishism, cruelty, sloth, intoxication
and other vices of the weak material minds.

These are excellent points.