To all Ghost Reveries Haters.....

If Opeth is a business, are they a Sole Proprietership, LLC, or Corporation?? They don't even sell their own shirts, or merchandise, or anything. I don't see how they are even remotely a business, even unofficially. :erk:


Roadrunner Records = Company

Opeth = Band
hibernal_dream said:
Are you accusing Opeth of sacrificing their artistic values for the sake of the money? Sorry, but that's much worse than accusing them of writing a slightly inferior album.

I am not accusing Opeth of anything! They are my favorite band along with TOOL. I am just stating the fact is once and a while every business has to change the product line to keep it fresh; some consumers will like it, and some consumers will not. Remember the Coca-Cola fiasco? New Coke -vs- Coke Classic?

And this is my point exactly. I am not worked up about this at all. Bitching about how TGC, Atonement, HOW, or IY should have never been written or on the album just struck a chord with me, and I think that I am allowed to speak my opinion in a forum, but I did it in a from a business perspective. I am a small businessman myself, and have been signing my own paycheck for the last ten years. (Trust me kids, that is the coolest thing in the world when you have the power to have no one tell you what you need to or to depend on to exsist. I think Metalman_CPA would agree with me on this.)

And for all the rest of you, I am a huge supporter of Opeth and their music. I hope they have all the success that they could possibly have.
whenharlequinsfall said:
A band is a a buisness as soon as the albums, tours, merch ect are enough to full support the band, but its not like Opeth are going to turn into KISS anytime soon. that being said mixgrafix, calm the fuck down before you give ur self a heart attack. if ppl dont like ghost reveries, who gives a shit? i reckon its a fantastic album but if ppl have there own thoughts, how about letting them?

Just stating my opinion.
MixGrafix said:
I am not accusing Opeth of anything! They are my favorite band along with TOOL. I am just stating the fact is once and a while every business has to change the product line to keep it fresh; some consumers will like it, and some consumers will not. Remember the Coca-Cola fiasco? New Coke -vs- Coke Classic?

And this is my point exactly. I am not worked up about this at all. Bitching about how TGC, Atonement, HOW, or IY should have never been written or on the album just struck a chord with me, and I think that I am allowed to speak my opinion in a forum, but I did it in a from a business perspective. I am a small businessman myself, and have been signing my own paycheck for the last ten years. (Trust me kids, that is the coolest thing in the world when you have the power to have no one tell you what you need to or to depend on to exsist. I think Metalman_CPA would agree with me on this.)

And for all the rest of you, I am a huge supporter of Opeth and their music. I hope they have all the success that they could possibly have.

Speaking your opinion I have no problem with, but it's the business perspective I disagree with. Personally I think it's both hilarious and disgusting you'd think of Opeth, Beethoven, Van Gogh, Shakespeare or any other artist as running a "business". When I think of a business, I think of an entity existing solely for the purpose of profit. If you think Opeth fits within this definition, then why not just be honest and call them sell-outs? I think it's pretty obvious that if Opeth wanted to "attract a greater proportion of consumers by changing their product line" they'd be hiring dancers in skimpy swimwear, a DJ and a rapper for their music videos, establishing their own brand of Opeth clothing and Opeth soft drink. But somehow you seem to think the changes on Ghost Reveries were part of some new business pitch by the band to land greater profits. Commodifying the music by discussing how to keep the music "fresh" to sell more albums is something men in suits do in boardrooms of labels like Roadrunner. It's also something that intellectually/musically defunct bands like Kiss and Motley Crue use as a substitution for real creativity. Whether or not Opeth lets that influence their albums or takes that kind of attitude is up to them. But the day Opeth makes music solely for profits is the day i'll stop listening to them, because that's the day they become a business and not a band. No-one in this thread is suggesting that that's what they've done on Ghost Reveries except YOU. Sorry about the lengthy post, it's just a topic I feel strongly about.:cool:
lol this is a dumbass thread started by a dumbass who clearly doesn't know much
MixGrafix said:
Opeth is a band and a business. They have to do what is best for them. That is all I was saying. And by the way, Opeth does have a clothing line. They sell t-shirts and other swag. Click here to buy some. I know now that no matter what anyone says on here, someone else has to one up them.

Being honest i dont think many people have said in a harderned 'Opeth is an Artist, Not a Buisness'. I dont get what fuelled this anyway. Plus i dont really care, im just checkin my emails, soo......