To all Ghost Reveries Haters.....

MixGrafix said:
I am not accusing Opeth of anything! They are my favorite band along with TOOL. I am just stating the fact is once and a while every business has to change the product line to keep it fresh; some consumers will like it, and some consumers will not. Remember the Coca-Cola fiasco? New Coke -vs- Coke Classic?

*Sigh* It is this kind of reasoning that has made the mainstream music scene into such a dire state.
No I think its a good thred. It creates at least something of substance to talk about rather than the usual "What is Opeth's best song?". What ruins these types of threds is how people conduct their replies. Instead of constructive criticism they just say stuff like "shit thred" and then attack the poster. Shame really.
Well, that's kind of my point. I mean, yeah, you're completely right, this could be a very intelligent conversation-invoking thread, but I think it's pretty obvious to everyone here that right off the bat with nature of the very first post, this thread was going nowhere.
MixGrafix said:
Opeth is a band and a business. They have to do what is best for them. That is all I was saying. And by the way, Opeth does have a clothing line. They sell t-shirts and other swag. Click here to buy some. I know now that no matter what anyone says on here, someone else has to one up them.
so you made a thread to point out that Opeth, profitting from tours and albums, is therefore business? instead of pointing out everything that everyone else has already pointed out, i'll leave it as is. you're an idiot.
Nichtsicher said:
No I think its a good thred. It creates at least something of substance to talk about rather than the usual "What is Opeth's best song?". What ruins these types of threds is how people conduct their replies. Instead of constructive criticism they just say stuff like "shit thred" and then attack the poster. Shame really.
starting a thread with "listen all you whiney little bitches" and delivering yet even more rehash on a subject that's already been done to death in the past does not make a good "thred"
Nichtsicher said:
No I think its a good thred. It creates at least something of substance to talk about rather than the usual "What is Opeth's best song?". What ruins these types of threds is how people conduct their replies. Instead of constructive criticism they just say stuff like "shit thred" and then attack the poster. Shame really.

It's amazing how people here attack me and call me an idiot, when they can't take a step back and think for a second that what you hate about what I am saying could be true. I understand that this thread was going to get me flamed, but instead of saying "this is my opinion, and I do not agree with you", that would be great. Try to have a real open conversation with like minded people about a band that writes some of the most complex music in the metal world. That is all. To everyone else, I could give a crap what you think about me.
MixGrafix said:
It's amazing how people here attack me and call me an idiot, when they can't take a step back and think for a second that what you hate about what I am saying could be true. I understand that this thread was going to get me flamed, but instead of saying "this is my opinion, and I do not agree with you", that would be great. Try to have a real open conversation with like minded people about a band that writes some of the most complex music in the metal world. That is all. To everyone else, I could give a crap what you think about me.
MixGrafix said:
Listen all you whiny little bitches!

People make music to be heard. When music is heard it equals $$$.
Cash revenue makes it a business.

As for ppl hating GR, some people just can't accept change. When GR came out it was all I listened to for a couple months or so. Now I play it every once in a while. Lately I haven't been listening to entire Opeth albums that often. Usually I just play individual songs of theirs.

I still think GR is a pretty cool album. Definitely much better than what most bands are releasing nowadays. I'm hoping their next album really blows peoples fucking minds. GR was a step in that direction, as is evident by it's universal appeal & acclaim.
MixGrafix said:
Listen all you whiny little bitches! It seems that the majority of people here are the best musicians in the world, and should actually be writing all of Opeth's songs for them. You want to keep them in your "Opeth Shell", and not let them evolve. You want to keep them all to yourselves. When I was 14 I had to choose between WASP, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Ratt and Quiet Riot. Luckily I discovered Metallica through Bob Muldowney's Fanzine "KICK ASS MONTHLY". The first time I heard "Kill Em All" on vinyl I knew that there was something better out there. I found Venom and Anthrax and Overkill and Voi Vod and Megadeth and MOTORHEAD. I found my calling in life.

You should be thankful that Opeth is still a band. SIXTEEN years together, and most of you still want to keep them in the Black Water Park Days. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I hope Opeth writes a love song / ballad using a xylophone, bongo, timbale,accordian and a clave with Ron Burgundy on Jazz flute and scores a number one hit with it. Kasey Kasem soon will be doing a long distance dedication to "Tad in Fresno from his long lost love Buffy in Tulsa." Opeth's music is their music, and not yours. THANK GOD FOR THAT.

Understand one thing. OPETH IS A BUSINESS AT THIS POINT AND NOT JUST A BAND. They have to evolve and make there sound as big as is can be and push them limits of change. That means taking chances, twisting their sound, trying a new style, and if they did not do it, they would be going straight to nowheresville.

So in closing, I want to say to Mike, Pete, Martin, Martin and Per, and the whole Opeth crew, do whatever you feel is best for you. If you have to lose a few fans stuck on Morningrise, then so be it.

I will still be a fan.

Ahem: Roadrunner Records.

That is all.
MixGrafix said:
It's amazing how people here attack me and call me an idiot, when they can't take a step back and think for a second that what you hate about what I am saying could be true. I understand that this thread was going to get me flamed, but instead of saying "this is my opinion, and I do not agree with you", that would be great. Try to have a real open conversation with like minded people about a band that writes some of the most complex music in the metal world. That is all. To everyone else, I could give a crap what you think about me.

Oh I totally disagree with your ideas. As I said earlier this is the exact mentality that has been placed on the mainstream music industry today (wether or not this has been the case throughout history I don't know). As soon as you call something a business it then entails that it's bottom line is to get as much profit as possible. It's not art, it's profit that is the main agenda. To say Opeth is a business is totally wrong. Sure they have signed to a major reccord label, but Mikael has pointed out numerous times that they make music for themselves and if others enjoy that, well thats good to. You can't say Opeth is in it for the money otherwise as Peter has also said, they could have done that a long time ago. Sure money is an aspect, but it's not the bottom line.
Nichtsicher said:
Oh I totally disagree with your ideas. As I said earlier this is the exact mentality that has been placed on the mainstream music industry today (wether or not this has been the case throughout history I don't know). As soon as you call something a business it then entails that it's bottom line is to get as much profit as possible. It's not art, it's profit that is the main agenda. To say Opeth is a business is totally wrong. Sure they have signed to a major reccord label, but Mikael has pointed out numerous times that they make music for themselves and if others enjoy that, well thats good to. You can't say Opeth is in it for the money otherwise as Peter has also said, they could have done that a long time ago. Sure money is an aspect, but it's not the bottom line.
Well said.
Nichtsicher said:
Oh I totally disagree with your ideas. As I said earlier this is the exact mentality that has been placed on the mainstream music industry today (wether or not this has been the case throughout history I don't know). As soon as you call something a business it then entails that it's bottom line is to get as much profit as possible. It's not art, it's profit that is the main agenda. To say Opeth is a business is totally wrong. Sure they have signed to a major reccord label, but Mikael has pointed out numerous times that they make music for themselves and if others enjoy that, well thats good to. You can't say Opeth is in it for the money otherwise as Peter has also said, they could have done that a long time ago. Sure money is an aspect, but it's not the bottom line.
what the band says about their music, and what their intentions really are behind the music are completely 100% irrelevant

the fact is, they're selling their music, period, to make a profit, to live off their music, and to fund future recording and touring

it's business
Opeth aren't exactly starving artists. The reason they tour and put out records is because they enjoy playing and writing music - unless, of course, they owe their record label more than they have, in which case they tour and put out albums for all of that good stuff PLUS making money. In addition, shit thread.
lol they are musicians and human beings they write what comes to them when it comes to them. You don't have like it, you don't even have to listen to it. I don't like "panic at the disco" I don't like indy rock. so you know what? I just don't listen to it, it's that simple. I don't feel the need to go on indy rock forums and tell them how much they suck. It's immature and no one needs to hear it. Ghost reveries I think is a good album. Baying of the hounds, Ghost of Perdition good solid heavy tracks. Lot of freaky new elements to he whole album that no one is used to, but it's what opeth is all about. Keeping us off gaurd, keep fighting to keep out of their comfort zone and remain unpredictable as musicians.