To all Ghost Reveries Haters.....

LOL @ how MixGraphix is the biggest hypocrite EVER- nothing you say has ever really been backed up. You bitch about people not like GR, and how they need to shut the fuck up- and YOU won't shut the fuck up about how people who dislike it are stupid/don't know music/how great GR is in general.

also- lol @ you assuming that you're the "best" opeth fan here, who has seen them the most, promoted them the most, etc. you couldn't posibly know if that's true or not.

Um yeah- I guess because I'm a 'liberal" that I'm automatically a huge cunt/bad person right?

AND- "Now is this forum a communinst, facist place." This is direct quote from you. If you were at all an intelligent person, you would know that the actual ideologies of Communism and Facsim ARE THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

Lock/Delete this thread, please- it, as well asthe OP, are obviously beyond help.
MixGrafix said:
It is amazing how just because I spoke my mind people want to ban me. I am not entitled to my opinion?

People are getting the shits with you not because of your point, but because of the manner in which you choose to express it.

The tone set by your various posts implies that you are nothing but an ass kissing fanboy (combined with that awful chubmeister avatar).

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? "Opeth-Opeth-Opeth, Im passing the word around about Opeth, I'm promoting Opeth. Do you like Opeth, I love Opeth. You should come see Opeth". Jesus, fucking concentrate on something else for a change, it's not winning you brownie points with anyone.

Shut up already! You're biggest waste of DNA this forum has seen! GR has been done to death. Accept that people like it and people hate it, and SHUT UP. Someone duct tape his fucking hands together so he cant type anymore b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t
I never said that I was the best Opeth fan here by far... that would Be Tubbs McGee. All I have said is I like Opeth, I like there music, and I want to expose them to everyone who is interested.

And as far as me shutting up, I will say what ever I want to say here. If someone here hurls mud at me, fine. But to be threateded by someone online, please. And like I said before, if you dont like my opinion, whatever. Read another thread.

And Hubster, talk about a gay avatar.....
MixGrafix said:
I never said that I was the best Opeth fan here by far... that would Be Tubbs McGee. All I have said is I like Opeth, I like there music, and I want to expose them to everyone who is interested.

Then what was this braggin' all about

MixGrafix said:
I have traveled more to see Opeth than anyone here, have attended six shows in a year, Detroit, Cleveland, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, and Tampa with tickets for two people at each show (including flew from Detroit to Fort Lauderdale, and drove onto Tampa, back to Lauderdale then back to Detroit), bought all of Opeth's Albums, and have shared their incredible music with multitudes of people, including 10 people going to Gigantour with me, specifically to see Opeth. I am supporting and promoting Opeth all I can.
Bierbommetje said:
Then what was this braggin' all about

I said that I have traveled more than anyone. I never ever said I was the best fan... that is still Tubbs McGee. And I like to see Opeth. I am passionate and dedicated. And since I own my own small business, I can go where I want to go and when I want to go to see my favorite band. Does that sound so bad? So if you want to call my a fanboy, call me a fanboy.

BTW... I think my favorite regular show by the way was The Culture Room in Fort Lauderdale. Great energy, and the crowd was totally into it. Not the best sound by far.... that was Harpo's in Detroit, but great energy.

I shall be seeing them again on the 24th at Gigantour at DTE energy music theater in Detroit. Anyone wants to hang out, smoke a bowl, and have a drink, we will be there at 3:00.