This will definitely change, lots of stuff coming from the US (I'll probably have them by Saturday).
So far, in order:
1 - Absu - S/T
2 - Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II
3 - Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness
4 - Gorod - Process of a New Decline
5 - Tribulation - The Horror
6 - Goatwhore - Carving Out the Eyes of God
7 - Warbringer - Waking into Nightmares
8 - Asphyx - Death...the Brutal Way
9 - Candlemass - Death, Magic, Doom
10 - Immortal - All Shall Fall
Honorable Mentions: Nile, Mastodon, Destroyer 666, Behemoth, Arckanum, Vomitory, Ensiferum, Ahab, Beherit, The Gates of Slumber, Augury.