Top 5 Drummers of all time

NineFeetUnderground said:
no. but it reflects poorly on you. just fyi

Oh, really? Gee, I never realised that my ability to respect the opinions of other people reflected poorly on me. I'm forgetting, aren't I, that to demand everybody recognise the infinite superiority of my subjective opinions makes me a more worthwhile person? Damn... that REALLY was my bad...

Me too, but I play airdrums because I'm too poor to afford a drumset along with my guitars.
Deadlift said:
It would be cool if only current drummers or former drummers answered in this thread. That would be interesting.

I have played drums 5-6 years myself. :kickass:

And yet enough "drummers" here have cited Martin Lopez as the greatest drummer in the universe...:rolleyes: honestly, I'm almost always on Liquid Diamonds' side when Nine Feet Underground starts bitching...but he has a point.
coolsnow7 said:
And yet enough "drummers" here have cited Martin Lopez as the greatest drummer in the universe...:rolleyes: honestly, I'm almost always on Liquid Diamonds' side when Nine Feet Underground starts bitching...but he has a point.

people hide where its safe...there is safety in numbers. not everyone has the balls, so i understand.
NineFeetUnderground said:
but im not broke, addicted to drugs, in love with my former self (more like my current self), and havent hung myself in my shower. im so ahead of the game.
you put macaulay to shame!
illidurit said:
1. drummer from my fav metal band
2. drummer from my 2nd fav metal band
3. drummer from my 3rd fav metal band
4. someone I've never heard of before this thread but I want to look cool
5. danny carey because he's so porgresive !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


NFU! who are some of your fav drummers?

here are a few of my fav's from my limited music collection...please forgive me, im sure there are better drummers out there, i just havent heard them.

adrian erlanddson
billy cobham
bill bruford
neil peart
martin lopez

these are just drummers i know to be very good...they may be blown away by other drummers i havent heard yet...i definitely want to hear some cynic stuff now, as well as Tool...(is it a crime i havent checked them out yet?)

i couldnt pick just 5, so many drummers offer so many things. but i guess ill take 5 off the top of my head which always stand out for one unique reason or another...

neil peart
billy cobham
bill bruford
art blakey
listened to some samples from the newest hux flux, thats pretty badass

should i get their debut or the new shit first?

havent heard any art blakely, did a web search, didnt find much surprisingly...he's a jazz musician is about all i could find. funny it wasnt on wikipedia

have you heard bruford - feels good to me? i like it..beelzebub is an interesting song... i havent found any of his other albums(one of a kind?)

i did see something called bruford and moraz songs for drum and piano...have no idea what thats like...