Top 5 Drummers of all time

Liquid Diamonds said:
I'm not going to change my opinion that he's a limited drumer when it comes to anything other than speed, unless someone can reccommend to me a record where he disproves that. Go listen to his work with DTB, and then listen to Lopez. You might see what I mean then.

Ever hear the Dark Angel stuff? How about his work with Death - Individual Thought Patterns, Symbolic? Listen to The Philosopher (particularly the end), Perennial Quest, Overactive Imagination (for some interesting speed stuff). He's far more than just speed - but most people know him because of Strapping Young Lad, where the goal is to create a wall of sound in the first place. Is anyone going to argue that Devin Townshend is a brilliant guitarist based on SYL?

As for great drummers, I didn't have the patience to read through 13 pages, but I hope Richard Christy, Jason Rullo, and Sean Reinert were at least mentioned.
NineFeetUnderground said:
i think this thread may be the quintessential example of everything wrong with metal, and music in general these days.

Wow, NineFeet, that's.... that's just fascinating. Really interesting.

I love the way you do that. You know, berate everything anybody else says, but seldomly give any reason as to why you do so, other than to be an ass. Good on you, I for one am REALLY impressed...

:Smug: :erk: :Smug:
Keith! said:
I think your totally wrong about Hoglan. Everything i've heard from musicians who have worked with him always go on about how much of an exellent drummer he is. Alot of people in the music buisiness have a shit load of respect for him, and that doesnt happen by just being good at speed...

Take another listen dude.

And about Nick Barker and Mike Portnoy >>>> :erk: :erk:

I agree. Saying Gene is limited is just plain stupid. Listen to his work not with SYL but with death. He's not JUST a thrash drummer with speed. I'm not saying he is the best drummer EVER, but I think you could easily make the case for him being the best METAL drummer ever...
My favorites:

1. Danny Carry - Tool
2. Martin Lopez - Opeth
3. Nick Menza - Megadeth
4. Dave Lombardo - Slayer
5. Nicko McBrain - Iron Maiden
Saying that Gene Hoglan is just about speed shows how ignorant people can sometimes be.
Speed Is the first thing you notice about time but listen closer, he is very creative in every departement of the drumset ( ride playing especialy) !
To the contrary, Hoglan is one of the most unique metal drummer out there and enven in SYL his double bass patterns are not straightforward at all and are tricky and creative ( try to play the first song on Alien !!!)

Anyway his work with Death is just legendary and I d say he is the second most imortant extreme metal drummer along with Lombardo !

And he can be quite subtle, listen to his cymbal/tom playing on the intro of The Philosopher !
the top 5 drummers of all time:

1.Mike Portnoy
2.Keith Moon
3.Neal Pert
4. Danny Carry
5.Richard Christy/Martin Lopez

How alot of people on this board dont even have Mike Portnoy in their top 5 is beyond me! Hes one of the greatest of all time, if not THE greatest! :rock:
this should be renamed "the portnoy sucks vs portnoy rocks thread".
the thread has certainly run its course.
Liquid Diamonds said:
Wow, NineFeet, that's.... that's just fascinating. Really interesting.

I love the way you do that. You know, berate everything anybody else says, but seldomly give any reason as to why you do so, other than to be an ass. Good on you, I for one am REALLY impressed...

:Smug: :erk: :Smug:

hey dumb dumb, its pretty fucking self explanatory here. you honestly can tell me with a straight face that this thread doesnt blow your fucking mind with ignorance and stupidity? good christ.
NineFeetUnderground said:
hey dumb dumb, its pretty fucking self explanatory here. you honestly can tell me with a straight face that this thread doesnt blow your fucking mind with ignorance and stupidity? good christ.

Yes, I can actually. I just see a collection of perfectly legitimate opinions. Is that so hard for you to grasp?
Liquid Diamonds said:
See, I LOVE drums, but I have so much to learn. I will openly admit that I don't know who these people are. Not one of them. Anyone care to enlighten my poor, uneducated self?

Its okay that you dont know who these people are because i just made them all up!!!:goggly: :goggly: :goggly:
:danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy::danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy::danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy: