Top 5 Drummers of all time

I have a peart drum solo on my computer it is fantastic to say the least. But i think regarding danny with technicality, He doesnt go overboard on tricky drum fills at all. His drumming compliments Tool very much so. Volto! Is where he starts to wank a bit on the drums.
NineFeetUnderground said:
^ i dont have to just are. but not about danny...just that you highly underestimate peart's talents...based on the fact that peart...much like Rush as a whole, never jeopardize the integrity of the song for technical ability and showmanship. thats something danny has yet to understand or appreciate. however if peart and danny were to go head to head for that specific purpose...i imagine youd be blown the fuck away by peart's capabilities.

Saying that Danny jeopardizes songs by blatantly showcasing his abilities is laughable. Give me an example of a Tool song where he does this!
( I guess I must have missed that 10 minute drum solo in the middle of Sober :lol: )
Also, Danny isn't the one who has to finish alot of his songs live with just blatant drum wankery :p
Benighted1 said:
Saying that Danny jeopardizes songs by blatantly showcasing his abilities is laughable. Give me an example of a Tool song where he does this!
( I guess I must have missed that 10 minute drum solo in the middle of Sober :lol: )
Also, Danny isn't the one who has to finish alot of his songs live with just blatant drum wankery :p

you yourself said he is all over the place during a song, whereas can hear what hes doing a lot of the time. your answer was right there in your own statement my friend. lets leave it at that though, i dont really have the patience for danny fanboys today. maybe tomorrow.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you yourself said he is all over the place during a song, whereas can hear what hes doing a lot of the time. your answer was right there in your own statement my friend. lets leave it at that though, i dont really have the patience for danny fanboys today. maybe tomorrow.

so this is what I said:- Also Danny can pull off a lot more interesting and complex fills than what I've seen Neil do. I also think that Danny is just an all round more creative drummer than Neil.

hmmm.... So your trying to tell me that Danny should just kept more to the standard rock feel the whole time like Neil?
Just because Danny has more creative drum parts, does not mean he is "all over the place during a song". By this logic, the more simplistic you are and sticking to that style the better you are... which is just as retarded as people who think the more complex you are, the better you are (dream theater and tubbs instantly spring to mind)

you still didnt give me any examples by the way which leads me to belive that you could well be a Peart fanboy in the same way you accuse me of being a carey fanboy...:p (this is silly really since the main thing I have been listening to lately is Rush and I havent touched my tool CDs apart from the new one in ages)
Benighted1 said:
so this is what I said:- Also Danny can pull off a lot more interesting and complex fills than what I've seen Neil do. I also think that Danny is just an all round more creative drummer than Neil.

hmmm.... So your trying to tell me that Danny should just kept more to the standard rock feel the whole time like Neil?
Just because Danny has more creative drum parts, does not mean he is "all over the place during a song". By this logic, the more simplistic you are and sticking to that style the better you are... which is just as retarded as people who think the more complex you are, the better you are (dream theater and tubbs instantly spring to mind)

you still didnt give me any examples by the way which leads me to belive that you could well be a Peart fanboy in the same way you accuse me of being a carey fanboy...:p (this is silly really since the main thing I have been listening to lately is Rush and I havent touched my tool CDs apart from the new one in ages)

no no no, im not saying danny needs to be more like peart...just that you cant judge pearts full potential since hes not as flashy from start to finish on a song to song basis. perhaps i wasnt being clear earlier, but i think that SHOULD make sense now. and i would have to go back and listen to a lot of the tool material to find where i heard these parts as proof, since im not a big tool fan. which i guess i can do, but i dont think its vital to the small point im making.
Dave Lombardo, Bobby Jarzombek, Van Williams, Richard Christy(when He's drumming) and Mike Portnoy.(although I don't care for him, I acknowledge his talent)
westknife said:
neil peart is consistently a more creative and original drummer than danny carey, end of story. don't get me wrong, carey is great, but peart knocks him flat easily

nah Danny took influence from peart (among others) and took it to a whole new level!!
alot of Tool fans would say "I've listened to Moving Pictures and random other Rush songs I've downloaded and I think Danny Carey is overall, a more impressive drummer because I just can't stop listening to the complex, forward thinking genius that is his drumming. In fact, I think his drumming sounds Existentialist...I can hear the deep philosophy in the china and the excessive fills he uses per song! The deep thought put into his drumming is oh! so arousing! Tool just creates stuff other musicians wish they could create. I'll be damned if I wake up to reality one day...these drugs tell me that tool is amazing"

to that I say:
Buy Hemispheres and Farewell to Kings and listen to them over and over, whenever you realize you're suffocating yourself with 10,000 days.
affinityband said:
I have a peart drum solo on my computer it is fantastic to say the least. But i think regarding danny with technicality, He doesnt go overboard on tricky drum fills at all. His drumming compliments Tool very much so. Volto! Is where he starts to wank a bit on the drums.
The Rhythm Method is what you must be talking about. Neil Peart played it when I saw Rush live it was amazing you get a whole new appreciation for it live. My brother-in-law says Neil Peart changes it somewhat when he plays it live.
Black Rain said:
A list I came up with, I think it's pretty accurate.
The (is their main stand out in my opinion)
1.Martin Lopez - Opeth (Groove)
2.Nick Barker - Dimmu borgir Cradle of filth Etc Attribute (Fucking Speed)
3.Kai kahto - WinterSun (Speed, tempo changes)
4.Chris adler - Lamb of God (Tightness, most unqie drum arrangements and fill ins.
5.Gene Hoglan - SYL death testament(Legend, Speed)

LOL....lamb of god's drummer before gene hoglan? are you seriously that stupid? apparently you are you dumb son of a bitch.

worst list in the history of lists.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in this thread yet... God, I haven't been here for AGES! :erk:
Well, I love the drums. For whatever reason, I feel more passionately for drumming than I do other instruments these days, and lately the quality of drumming will be one of the first things about a band/song/album I notice. HOWEVER, I do not claim to be an expert, or know everything about drums, so the following drummer are just people I happen to be fond of personally, so don't flame me if they don't pwn as hard as whatever drummers you can think of that I never heard of before.

Mike Portnoy - Now, a lot of people don't like Dream Theater here, and that's fair enough, I can see why it wouldn't appeal. I myself am rather partial to some DT, and I find that I enjoy the vast majority of Portnoy's drum patterns/fills immensely. I think he's creative, and (mostly) very appropriate in his drumming. He's precise, reliable, sufficiently technical, and still listenable. He gets a thumbs up from me, no mater what anybody else says :)
Martin Lopez - Obviously, being an Opeth fan, it's likely that I'll mention our dearly departed Lopez (gutted about that, btw). I've been taking the time over the last few days to really listen to what the guy does, and I still dig all of it just as muchn as I ever did. Flashes of absolute genius, but NEVER a show off, Martin has a real knack for finding a drum pattern that's totally appropriate for a song, and yet highly original/distinctive (at least within the context of progressive death metal). I can't wait to hear his new project, and it saddens me that I'll never see him live...
Nick Barker - Seems largely unpopular around here (and in general), but I can't really understand why. The fact that he made the last two Demon Burger albums less miserable should be commendation enough! I think he's only improved over the years, and combines blistering speed with some great, innovative cymbal work and fantastic fills. Did a great, classy job on Old Man's Child's 'In Defiance...' album, however questionnable parts of the record itself may be. Totally and utterly wasted on that 'Dust' project I last heard him on...
Gene Hoglan - Speed, man. SPEED! I think Gene is a VERY limited drummer. I think that speed drumming is what he's built for, and unlike a drummer like Lopez, he isn't really a whole lotta use when you wanna take the tempo down. His cymbal work isn't as creative as some others, and his patterns aren't that inventive, BUT the man has speed DOWN! Some of the work on 'Alien' is totally awe-inspiring. His weight alone should render that kind of thing impossible. I just marvel at the guy, his speed astounds me.
Max Roach - Haven't had the chance to check out many jazz drummers yet, but my dad latched on to the fact that I was big into drums, and dug out a vinyl of 'Drums Unlimited', and what can I say... it totally blew my mind.
David Gray - Yes, the guy has faults. I know he can't sustain a blast beat as well as, say, Mike Smith, but his overall style is FAR more creative. Interesting fills, and some MAD fast blasts (even if he does hit the snare like a girl), he has a really good overall package, which is why I think he merits a place here.

I've probably forgotten some really awesome people that I like a LOT, but those are the ones that spring to mind at this late hour. I thought about mentioning Hellhammer, but then didn't, because much as I like and admire him, he doesn't have the technicality of Lopez or Portnoy, and can't match the speed of Hoglan or Barker... he knows what's appropriate, but he's not particularly creative. Good drummer, but not one of the best.