Top five In Flames songs

People like to complain about In Flames, or any other band that evolves,changes their sound,whatever. But then again,you guys wouldn't like it if every IF album sounded the same,now would you?

I would love it if every In Flames Album sounded the same. At the risk of sounding quite ignorant, I appreciate bands such as Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquillity that keep their sound the same and uphold the same values throughout their careers. Defending IF is quite the losing battle, though I respect you for taking that side, the proof is in the pudding.. Making the album more available instead of buying it online is the definition of selling out. It makes it so any dumbass with a hot topic fetish and a CC t-shirt can walk into any Best Buy/ whatever CD store you have and pick up an IF album, hoping to get some acoustic guitar, when in the past it was cool to have to buy your album online, because none of the scene n00bz had any clue.

In MY opinion IF is no longer metal, regardless of who is/was in the band, they blow ass now. I will not buy their next album, hopefully my step brother who enjoys Good Charlotte and Death Cab for Cutie will pick it up, and while we drive to the OC he can "pop" it into the stereo and he can put up his metal horns as I hide my face and my ears while the new IF album emoz it up.

Buy a Blood Stain Child album.
I would love it if every In Flames Album sounded the same. At the risk of sounding quite ignorant, I appreciate bands such as Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquillity that keep their sound the same and uphold the same values throughout their careers. Defending IF is quite the losing battle, though I respect you for taking that side, the proof is in the pudding.. Making the album more available instead of buying it online is the definition of selling out. It makes it so any dumbass with a hot topic fetish and a CC t-shirt can walk into any Best Buy/ whatever CD store you have and pick up an IF album, hoping to get some acoustic guitar, when in the past it was cool to have to buy your album online, because none of the scene n00bz had any clue.

In MY opinion IF is no longer metal, regardless of who is/was in the band, they blow ass now. I will not buy their next album, hopefully my step brother who enjoys Good Charlotte and Death Cab for Cutie will pick it up, and while we drive to the OC he can "pop" it into the stereo and he can put up his metal horns as I hide my face and my ears while the new IF album emoz it up.
+infinity! You and I get along so much regarding taste and real metal. :D
Haha your sig is amazing, I wish he was saying Punish Nintendo, I might like that song a little more. Those Mario bastards haven't come out with a good system since the 64 and haven't improved their graphics engine since then either. DT was right, you should Punish Nintendo.

I once had a person tell me that the singer made the metal band, and therefore bands like Breaking Benjamin and such were the best metal bands there were because they had the best vocalists. Meanwhile I'm listening to Akercocke and Behemoth going... uhhh.... I guess you and your American Idol failures are more metal than me? His argument was that anyone can play the riffs. Ummm... No... and then I ripped out his heart while banging my head, held it up to the sky and yelled "Oden, guide our ships, our axes spears and swords!"

Anyways, lets get back to the thread, because the hate thread was shut down by MR. ADMINISTRATOR because it wasn't on topic.

I have posted top five IF songs and I will do it again...
1.)Behind Space
3.)December's Flower
5.)Episode 666
Let's go back and see what I posted before...
Oh I'm gay, I uncluded Only For The Weak. Just call me emo and get it over with. Oh, yeah... and if you couldn't tell, I like TJR.
If i was stranded on an island and only had 5 In Flames songs to listen to, they would be

-Artifacts of the Black Rain
-Embody the Invisible
-Episode 666
-Dead Eternity

Why is it that when people are asked what they would take if they are stranded on an island nobody says a boat?
Haha your sig is amazing, I wish he was saying Punish Nintendo, I might like that song a little more. Those Mario bastards haven't come out with a good system since the 64 and haven't improved their graphics engine since then either. DT was right, you should Punish Nintendo.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I agree aswell! I still have my Nintendo 64! I got it back in 1999 or so, Mario Party owns! :lol:

Let's go back and see what I posted before...
Oh I'm gay, I uncluded Only For The Weak. Just call me emo and get it over with. Oh, yeah... and if you couldn't tell, I like TJR.
I like Only For The Weak, it's so fucking awesome! However, The Jester Race will remain my favorite album, although Colony is a second away.

+ I read an interview today with Anders Friden. He was asked what was his favorite dt song, and unfortunately (he's lying ofcourse) he said "none!". Let him go to hell!

My 2007 wishlist: In Flames' split album with 3 Doors Down. :lol: :p
My 2007 wishlist: In Flames' split album with 3 Doors Down. :lol: :p

3 Doors Down wouldn't do an album with IF, it'd be bad publicity.

Maybe Amy Lee of Evanescence though. She sang Freak on a Leash with that cunt from Korn, and it sounded like shit, so maybe her next goal will be to ruin IF... Oh wait... too late... THEY ALREADY DID THAT...

WUP, gf outside, gotta run, post later!
Good Lord... I don't mind seeing them live... But when they ignore their classics I wish I hadn't. They leave the stage and everyone sits around and goes.... Well that sucked.
1. tie between dead eternity and artifacts of the black rain
2. the inborn lifeless and dead god in me the guitar is sik
3. scorn
4. dioloque with the stars
5. food for the gods
No particular order
1. Artifacts Of The Black Rain
2. Cloud Connected
3. Dawn Of A New Day
4. Pinball Map
5. Another Day In Quicksand

I love all of their songs *old and new*..