Traditional Doom Metal

OK, luckily it was only really lame on Carmilla. I assumed it was gonna be that lame for the whole album. Anyway, really liking it now. I also like that the second song is about probably one of the best short stories ever, "Young Goodman Brown" by Hawthorne. I don't really like Cauldron Born but Howie is for sure on the top of his game here (he is good in CB too, but the vocals let down at least ...and Rome Shall Burn).
I want to get In Situ by The River. It sounded strikingly similar to Warning in a big way from the song I previewed earlier today.
I remember listening to some of their songs on myspace and youtube and feeling pretty underwhelmed. I'll give them another chance though. SKR has a few of thier CDs.

I'm feeling much the same really. This is based on just listening to the myspace songs though. Didn't really rub me right the way tbh. Something that has been rubbing me quite nicely though is Cardinals Folly. Pretty cool shit!

All I really want now is the new Procession.
I told you guys to buy The River release like 10 months ago, it's fucking amazing! This year has been a downer though man not really sure what albums you've been listening too..
So with the pagan altar show with blood ceremony and cauchemar in december, some band I didn't like or care about has cancelled or whatever and fucking REVELATION is playing instead.