Traditional Doom Metal

Abyss Records is reissuing The Gates of Slumber - The Awakening in ten days. Badass new art to go along with it too.

Did I mention all their releases are on sale and its only $7.50? Go get it already.
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The new Arkham Witch is stocked at SKR, not doom but this thread is the least full of posers. And this awesome sounding album from Hells Headbangers, Witch Cross, check it out!
Well shit. Looking at Hour of 13's last facebook post would imply they're breaking up.

I know no one here likes them as much as yoda and I, but fuck... This makes me sad. They were already writing demos for a new album last November. :(
The new Arkham Witch is stocked at SKR, not doom but this thread is the least full of posers. And this awesome sounding album from Hells Headbangers, Witch Cross, check it out!

Don't like Arkham Witch as much as I should, I actually ordered it blindly then cancelled my order after hearing a few tracks. I just want TLoT back.
I have learned my lesson from that band/members, you must buy and then listen..if you wait the 123 copies will be sold out and never re-printed..Never will I get Portents,Omens,Dooms...