Tshirts you'd like to see?

I have been wanting a Children of Bodom t-shirt for a long time now. I want a "Follow the Reaper" shirt or a "Hatebreeder" shirt. That would be cool, although I bet I can find some around my town, since they are in abundance it seems.

I wear shirt sizes in either XL or XXL men's. Anything lower than that is too small.
Theredintheskyisours said:
I have been wanting a Children of Bodom t-shirt for a long time now. I want a "Follow the Reaper" shirt or a "Hatebreeder" shirt. That would be cool, although I bet I can find some around my town, since they are in abundance it seems.

I wear shirt sizes in either XL or XXL men's. Anything lower than that is too small.

Umm... here's what you're looking for:


Kult ov Azazel, The Chasm, Lord Belial, Sacramentum, Shub Niggurath, Tsjuder, Sadistic Intent, and doom metal shirts would be nice!
The Chasm, Demigod, Gorguts, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Atheist, Nocturnus, Cynic, Windir, Immolation etc....I've got a long list, but I lack the money and I can probably get them if I could be bothered searching.
I'll try to contact some of these bands, but it would be better if anyone who's really in touch with them (hint, hint, MetalAges) would help me get in contact with them. I'm sure many of them blow by my emails because they don't know me. I cant get a hold of a single freaking person at Nuclear Blast to talk to about Death and Immortal reprints.
Somberlain said:
I'd kill for this shirt.


Devils Arts Distributions seem to have it in stock... though I didnt email them to confirm. Alternatively, check your PM's.
