UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I don't hide the fact that I listen to metal. But I don't have long hair, and I don't really wear band shirts. If a chick asks me what kind of music I listen to, I admit that I listen to metal. However, I don't rattle off the names of underground bands I listen to.

yeah it'S pretty much what I do. People usually don't expect me to listen to that kind of music, but once they ask I'll just blatantly say that I listen to metal. When they ask what kind of bands I listen to, I usually say I used to listen to Metallica and Iron Maiden when I was younger.

Anyway, I often wear black and band shirts. Besides my newly shitty hair (see photo thread) I dress in the usual metalhead attire. Girls seem to be attracted to me, for some odd reason.

When asked what music I like, I answer metal. Then, unfortunately, most girls then rattle off a list of shitty bands that most twelve year olds would consider metal, and I have to reject all of them. Then she becomes confused and looks at me funny when I give her some werid sounding names of bands she's never heard of. Music disscussion during dates is akward, always.

Or you only talk about fucking?
Romance and stuff is cool, but when it's over - it's good when you actually can talk about something with a person you date.

Or you only talk about fucking?
Romance and stuff is cool, but when it's over - it's good when you actually can talk about something with a person you date.

we talk about a lot of stuff, whether it be food, movies, our families, stuff like that.

Anyway, I often wear black and band shirts. Besides my newly shitty hair (see photo thread) I dress in the usual metalhead attire. Girls seem to be attracted to me, for some odd reason.

When asked what music I like, I answer metal. Then, unfortunately, most girls then rattle off a list of shitty bands that most twelve year olds would consider metal, and I have to reject all of them. Then she becomes confused and looks at me funny when I give her some werid sounding names of bands she's never heard of. Music disscussion during dates is akward, always.
The same thing happened to me Saturday with a girl I was talking to on friendly terms. i said I liked Metal and she asked if I liked Mushroomhead and Disturbed and I said no and she said "Well, you must listne to some really heavy stuff then", I said I listen to stuff like Deicide, Satyricon, Cannibal Corpse, and she had never heard of them.
It would be funny if a metalhead was talking to a devout Christian chick, and didn't know it, and she asks him what kind of music he likes, and he responds: Deicide, Severed Savior, Blasphemy, Satanic Slaughter, Grand Belial's Key, Christ Denied, God Dethroned, etc. I've actually dated a quite religious chick before.
The same thing happened to me Saturday with a girl I was talking to on friendly terms. i said I liked Metal and she asked if I liked Mushroomhead and Disturbed and I said no and she said "Well, you must listne to some really heavy stuff then", I said I listen to stuff like Deicide, Satyricon, Cannibal Corpse, and she had never heard of them.

And keep in mind that those are some of the biggest names in extreme metal - try namedropping Mütiilation, Morannon, Dark Legions, Morbid Saint and Slavator and their heads would implode (Or really, the reaction would be the same since they don't know those any less.. oh well)
One of my exes was looking through my ipod and saw Amputated Genitals, after going through my Devourment playlist.

Hah, yeah, that happens to me all the the with death. People always happen to wonder what I am listening too when I am listening to death. It must be because I start bobbing my head or something. The response is like "what kind of band would name themselves death?" or just a plain old "what the fuck?". I was driving some chick back from marching band to the high school, and she wanted to hear what death metal sounded like, so I played suffocation. As soon as the vocals came in, she started laughing her ass off. Metal can lead to very funny/akward social experiances, eh?

Anyways, I don't really have a dating life. I am in a small high school, you've got to understand. There are like mabye 10 girls in the entire school that were "compatable", that is to say, they were smart and fun to talk to,and they were nice, and whatnot. About 7 of those were hot, mabye 4 were taken, and the remaning 3 I just really had no interest in. I was good friends with one of them, but we never took the next level, because we prefered being friends to dating. Yeah, I know that probably doesn't make sense to a lot of you, but just being friends does have it's advantages. I know I'll have better pickings in college.

high school drop out, get a trade job. My friend has done construction work, and his job makes my part-time retail job seem like shit in comparison.
When asked what music I like, I answer metal. Then, unfortunately, most girls then rattle off a list of shitty bands that most twelve year olds would consider metal, and I have to reject all of them. Then she becomes confused and looks at me funny when I give her some werid sounding names of bands she's never heard of.
This happens to me when people ask me what music I like. I'd rather someone have no idea about any metal than just knowing the bad bands.

One of my exes was looking through my ipod and saw Amputated Genitals, after going through my Devourment playlist.

I don't really have a dating life as I've been with my girlfriend for over three years now. We have some similar tastes in music, I mostly listen to metal stuff whilst she will listen to anything she likes, including some metal stuff, so it's never really been a problem for me.
It would be funny if a metalhead was talking to a devout Christian chick, and didn't know it, and she asks him what kind of music he likes, and he responds: Deicide, Severed Savior, Blasphemy, Satanic Slaughter, Grand Belial's Key, Christ Denied, God Dethroned, etc. I've actually dated a quite religious chick before.

:lol: there was this religious chick in my sociology class who sat behind me last year. Her reactions when she saw my slayer/death/suffocation/nile etc... shirts were fucking hilarous
hehe yeah my mom saw an into eternity shirt i bought and claimed their logo was a picture of SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heh:

your mom will definately love this shirt then
