UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I'm not even remotely desperate, though I guess I could be considered a nerd. Supermodels don't appeal to me at all beyond anything but an aesthetic level, and I don't talk to an outer frame, I talk to a mind.

My point is mainly that if you have a choice between dating a girl with cardboard personality or risking being single and lonely for the rest of your life, you'll probably take the cardboard personality. It still counts for something.

Of course, you can debate other factors, such as how likely she is to stay with you or whether she's going to make you go to church or something, but all that aside I'd say that even dull companionship is better than none. And, of course, sex is better than no sex.
He should speak for himself. I'm not desperate, either. If I were, that I would take any chick that shows any interest in me, even if she wasn't any good. In fact, I broke it off with a chick I had been dating last fall since she wasn't good enough to be consuming so much of my precious time. I'm enjoying being single and hooking up with random chicks MUCH more.
He should speak for himself. I'm not desperate, either. If I were, that I would take any chick that shows any interest in me, even if she wasn't any good. In fact, I broke it off with a chick I had been dating last fall since she wasn't good enough to be consuming so much of my precious time.

tim you are one of the very few on here with any sort of social skills/ "game", not to mention you are fairly attractive (no homo). For the rest of us, it tends to be a different story.
He should speak for himself. I'm not desperate, either. If I were, that I would take any chick that shows any interest in me, even if she wasn't any good. In fact, I broke it off with a chick I had been dating last fall since she wasn't good enough to be consuming so much of my precious time. I'm enjoying being single and hooking up with random chicks MUCH more.

Well, naturally your past success with chicks will determine how desperate, or selective, you are. Not everyone has such success.
tim you are one of the very few on here with any sort of social skills/ "game", not to mention you are fairly attractive (no homo). For the rest of us, it tends to be a different story.

I have some game. And I get a ton of girls, not even lying. I'm still trying to figure this one out myself.
hmm....ummm....what can I say here....

In truth, we all have game. We just have to get over the insecurities and/or doubts we have. Talking to a girl is really easy, especially if your personalitys connect. You have nothing to lose, its just simple rapport/communication.
I'm a friendly guy who is outgoing and knows a lot of people and can be friends with anyone basically, girls or guys, and have no fear about public speaking or anytihng like that. I just haven't been able to do anytihng beyond being friends with a girl, I can be friends with any girl but can't do anything beyond that so far. I'm not shy socially but I guess I am kinda shy about relationships, I haven't asked a girl out since November 2005. I just get my eye on one girl and act interested and it's life or death to me(it shouldn't be) and act too desperate about things when I don't realize it. But I have no one in mind, I'm also picky about asking a girls out, I guess I shouldn't be either. :lol: But unless I get a crush on a girl I don't feel the need to ask a girl out even if I think she's cute, and it took me forever to finally ask the girl I last asked out.