UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I NEVER said women don't look at physical appearance AT ALL. I also never mentioned that it does not attract them, because it does. Although while physical appearance plays an important role, its really not important as you think. It is nothing more than the "first impression" you know what I mean? The true seduction/attraction is built up when you actually have a conversation with the woman herself. Build up feelings/emotions/thoughts through verbal and non-verbal communication.

money and looks mean much less than 90% percent when it comes to women. More like 12% (or 0 in some cases)

God damn, like YOU know? pfff

Instead of deleting this shit and ignoring it why don't you tell us WHY this is so pathetic and WHY we are wrong? Instead of giving me the STFU and shit like that.
Are you really that stupid? Do you really think THERE'S A FORMULA that dictates the qualities that all women look for in men? Amazingly enough, just like males, females have independent minds that value things differently.

dude you're not even interested in sex. Stay the fuck out of this discussion
Are you questioning the validity of my statement? It's pure common sense.

Anybody who proposes that there is a formula by which women judge men and imply any type of universality to it is an utter fucking idiot. Anyone in general that attempts to make a generalization regarding the way in which women judge men is a fucking idiot. This is very simple. If you think you know "how women work," know that you don't, and you're twice the idiot for thinking that you do.

that site is not a single formula type thing, it is actually more about practicing and experiencing and determining which approaches work best with specific types of women. That site is nothing more than guidelines/tips and most of it is seems very sensible.
Isn't that what you and ozzman have spent the last two pages bitching over? It is getting a little old.

True, I haven't ventured into this thread for a few days, but I only contributed things about what I've experienced/read.

I never really said explicitly that "Women think this, this and this."

It was more "From what I've seen, women dig these kinds of guys," which implies that I am quite sheltered being in Cincinnati.
I never really said explicitly that "Women think this, this and this."

It was more "From what I've seen, women dig these kinds of guys," which implies that I am quite sheltered being in Cincinnati.

Im not guilty of such accusation. I do realize all women are different and desire different things.

Cool, sounds like we all agree. Discussion over. :)
I don't know but when I throw the metal in and get busy on the fucking they don't seem to mind it much. I've actually encountered a few women that do in fact listen to metal. Though nothing as extreme as what I myself and many others here listen to, disenfranchised women are getting more into the stuff than before, I think. On the other hand there have been occasions when I had to kick their ass to the curb for wanting to listen to non-metal pop shit constantly. They don't call me VonCreep for nothing you know.
Well then we're different, aren't we, hubster. Why would I want to listen to black people sing the blues? Hmm... no. I can't think of even one reason to do so. So thats a no. You put burzum's filosofem as your avatar yet you listen to jazz? I believe I speak for varg when I say what the fuck.
Everything I highlighted was a generalization, whether you realize it or not. :zombie:

Nope. I never meant THIS APPLES TO ALL WOMEN. I never generalized. I never used the follwing words that follow: ALL, EVERYONE, FORMULA, ALL OF THEM, APPLIES, GENERAL, MAJORITY, ECT. I just Im sorry if my message came across that way.