UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I'm a hermit of sorts. I don't see enough people for that sort of thing to even have a remote chance; especially with my attitude towards most people and how they think.

Heh, thats exactly the situation with me too. I have met a few women from online, but on all occasions it didn't turn out so great..
I know that there are girls everywhere, and I know that I can find a girl if I wanted to, but I don't want to just "find a girl." I'm patient enough to wait until I find somebody that I'm really into and could possibly be with for a long time, instead of just having a body as a placeholder and fucksack. That's not me.

40 Year Old Virgin?
Necurtal, that magical girl isn't gonna pop out of thin air. Life is not magic. Fate is not real. You have to be in your part too. "find a girl" doesn't mean looking for some damp cave to put ur penis in, it's just a metaphor to find different personalities. Reacting and socialising until you find that 1 person that connects to you like a lego.
I know that there are girls everywhere, and I know that I can find a girl if I wanted to, but I don't want to just "find a girl." I'm patient enough to wait until I find somebody that I'm really into and could possibly be with for a long time, instead of just having a body as a placeholder and fucksack. That's not me.

I'd have to agree with you here. But I'll date bitches just for fun too. Ya know, gotta keep up the social life.
I don't want to "find a girl," like I said. That's bullshit for people that need a placeholder to make them feel good about themselves. I come into enough contact with girls day to day, and if I come across one that I'm interested in, then good for me, if not, it's not a big deal. I'm not going to scavenge for women at bars and parties. Anyone that I'm likely to find in those scenarios wouldn't be compatible with me to begin with.

how have you managed to entirely obliterate your sex drive? :erk:
you are bizarre to say the least, A sex drive is a very natural thing, especially for a man in his early 20s. This isn't a "shallowness" thing, it's just nature

did you ever consider the possibility that you are asexual?