UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

Yes it is when we're talking about a a certain type of relationship. Not the ones based on money and power. They're all different and theres different types. Some are based on this other are based on that, ect, ect. It's all different. I never meant that its all the same.
I was done until you made generalizations about my non-generalizations. Please sir, be honest with myself and yourself. And Im sure we can come to a peaceful conclusion.
Well then we're different, aren't we, hubster. Why would I want to listen to black people sing the blues? Hmm... no. I can't think of even one reason to do so. So thats a no. You put burzum's filosofem as your avatar yet you listen to jazz? I believe I speak for varg when I say what the fuck.

jazz is a wonderful genre of music you fucking moron. Go die somewhere, Kthnxbye
BZZZT WRONG! Hell_awaits_us_all you lose 10,000 points!
You must now run the gauntlet of flaming guitars, unless you're to queer for that. Jazz is BLACK. Metal is NOT. DURRRRH! And Plus Varg Vikerns, the only true member of Burzum, specifically denigrated blacks and jazz repeatedly, and said on one occasion that Filosofem is meant to repudiate that tradition! YOU are the one who is an idiot.
BZZZT WRONG! Hell_awaits_us_all you lose 10,000 points!
You must now run the gauntlet of flaming guitars, unless you're to queer for that. Jazz is BLACK. Metal is NOT. DURRRRH! And Plus Varg Vikerns, the only true member of Burzum, specifically denigrated blacks and jazz repeatedly, and said on one occasion that Filosofem is meant to repudiate that tradition! YOU are the one who is an idiot.

:lol: :lol: Varg is a fucking racist moron, and apparently so are you. Thanks for the laugh though
BZZZT WRONG! Hell_awaits_us_all you lose 10,000 points!
You must now run the gauntlet of flaming guitars, unless you're to queer for that. Jazz is BLACK. Metal is NOT. DURRRRH! And Plus Varg Vikerns, the only true member of Burzum, specifically denigrated blacks and jazz repeatedly, and said on one occasion that Filosofem is meant to repudiate that tradition! YOU are the one who is an idiot.

That's hilarious. Absolutely retarded but still hilarious. :lol:
It may be hillarious but it is true, ben. As for you, hell_awaits, I don't feel like getting into a battle of internet wits with an unarmed retard. Or a gang of them. So I'm not going to. I'm right, you're wrong, stop being queers about it. Whats your s/n say, vihris_gari? Amongst a menstral gloom? What? Fuck off and mind your own business.
I don't get why everyone is attacking me now. What I said about filosofem is TRUE. So I'm a racist. Does this make me a terrible person, no. You're all acting like I'm a damn child molester or something. I just got here. You don't know me yet. Wait and see what I'm really like before you start hating me. When I see a fucktard I call them out. Most people who've got any guts do. I'm not going anywhere any time soon, so don't think you can scare me away with your internet posturing. And just for your information, NO, I'm not black.
My favorite BLACK metal band is Wrust. I really wanna get their new album Soulless Machine, but I couldn't find any place to buy it that accepts PayPal or credit cards. They're pure black, hailing from Africa. You can't get any blacker.
lol ^

Oh, on topic, it honestly doesn't make a difference... most of my girlfriends have been able to enjoy the lighter stuff like Iron Maiden, Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree, and some of 'em haven't minded the middle-ground stuff like Opeth, Behemoth, Enslaved, Meshuggah, etc. Nile and Cryptopsy are not commonly enjoyed : (
I never played my music for any of the cnicks I've dated. In addition to white chicks, I've dated black, Asian, and hispanic chicks, and metal would have probably gone over even worse with them than with the white chicks I dated.