UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I'm a friendly guy who is outgoing and knows a lot of people and can be friends with anyone basically, girls or guys, and have no fear about public speaking or anytihng like that. I just haven't been able to do anytihng beyond being friends with a girl, I can be friends with any girl but can't do anything beyond that so far. I'm not shy socially but I guess I am kinda shy about relationships, I haven't asked a girl out since November 2005. I just get my eye on one girl and act interested and it's life or death to me(it shouldn't be) and act too desperate about things when I don't realize it. But I have no one in mind, I'm also picky about asking a girls out, I guess I shouldn't be either. :lol: But unless I get a crush on a girl I don't feel the need to ask a girl out even if I think she's cute, and it took me forever to finally ask the girl I last asked out.

You have the problem of one-itis. You basically put that one girl on the pedestal so to speak. In truth, there shouldn't be any pedestal to being with. Ask the girl out and see what happens. Whether its a girl right now or in the future. 70% of relationships don't last long anyways, its just another "fun" part of life. Once we get "bored" its time to look for that new personality/genital. (whether you're a sex fiend or are more like necrutal or w/e his name is)
^That website is dumb. wtf is this??

money and looks mean much less than 90% percent when it comes to women. More like 12% (or 0 in some cases)

and then theres this garbage i found in the website. WTF X2!!!!

"Let's face it, if you're like every other guy who works a normal job and tries to live a good life, you're probably like just about every other guy. Chicks don't dig this, and why would they? Who wants someone who is just like everyone else? Something different is more attractive. Like someone who does not have to work during the day like most people because they have lots of money from business or selling drugs. Or like someone who has stabbed a man and went to prison for it. Different and a veritable ticket to getting laid."

that last line made me giggle, cause its soo dumb!!! Its right in the part that women DO want a man who is not like the previous one, but I don't think they want someone who just got out of prison for stabbing another human.
is that PUA crap actually effective? although I suppose, considering the massive failure that I am right now, it certainly wouldn't hurt to take a new approach.

check out this page, and the 9 levels. I think your on like level 2 or 3.

Yes pick up artist are real. It takes time just like all skills, but it is real. You have nothing to lose to try a new approach.
Probably because you're in denial that a lot of it is true, or did you just try to point out something 'stupid' to put me in my place because you have a girlfriend and honestly think it doesn't apply because you have one? Please take the time to read shit like this before you make asinine comments on shit you have only gleaned.

If you honestly don't see any logic in anything the ladder theory says, you are either an idiot or in denial.
check out this page, and the 9 levels. I think your on like level 2 or 3.

Yes pick up artist are real. It takes time just like all skills, but it is real.

what I am so fucking frustrated about is just the utter lack of exposure to girls. In high school, there were so many attractive chicks who lived around me. In college, everybody seemingly lives 80 miles away from me.
That's probably because you're a closet faggot.

Nice edits, by the way. It still doesn't make you seem like any less of an idiot for assuming the ladder theory is full of shit.

I use the elevator, thank you very much.

Anyways, don't listen to ozzman. He obviously is lost somewhere on the ladder. Lets get back to the real solutions here.
All I'm saying is that if you don't think the majority of girls are attracted to powerful men or men with a lot of money, you are just being ignorant.

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." - Henry Kissinger

money and looks mean much less than 90% percent when it comes to women. More like 12% (or 0 in some cases)

You mean you actually believe that girls don't look at the level of physical attractiveness of guys at all (or at least don't weigh them that much)?

You are an idiot or are really being sarcastic and are trying to fuck with me.
You have the problem of one-itis. You basically put that one girl on the pedestal so to speak. In truth, there shouldn't be any pedestal to being with. Ask the girl out and see what happens. Whether its a girl right now or in the future. 70% of relationships don't last long anyways, its just another "fun" part of life. Once we get "bored" its time to look for that new personality/genital. (whether you're a sex fiend or are more like necrutal or w/e his name is)
Yeah, I've looked at some of that seduction stuff before, it totally is not my personality but I'll keep it in mind in case I seriously want to try to change or anything, right now I'm not worried about it. And what am I on that seduction level anyways?
And without a "one-itis" it doesn't seem likely I'm going to ask a girl out so I don't know, this seduction stuff doesn't make sense to me and doesn't seem like me, but how've you had luck with it?
OMG another fool who thinks power and money attracts women. I rarely mean this when I say it, but SHUT THE FUCK UP. For reals, man! Relationships are not based on money and power. But chemistry and attraction/seduction. If a women is after a guys wallet, then thats it. All she wants is his wallet, not him alone. If the man lost all he had do you really think those needy/desperate women would stick around?
Girls like men with power of some form, whether it is in the form of currency, confidence or charisma. I mean, would you expect any girl to be in a relationship with a guy who isn't confident in himself or can't take control of certain situations? Probably not.

You never answered my question on physical attraction though, even though you touched on 'attraction' as a general term in the previous post. Care to elaborate?
Yeah, I've looked at some of that seduction stuff before, it totally is not my personality but I'll keep it in mind in case I seriously want to try to change or anything, right now I'm not worried about it. And what am I on that seduction level anyways?
And without a "one-itis" it doesn't seem likely I'm going to ask a girl out so I don't know, this seduction stuff doesn't make sense to me and doesn't seem like me, but how've you had luck with it?

Yes I have had luck with it. Wether you are an introverted or extroverted you can mold this seduction stuff to work with your personality. Don't go to that website thinking that this stuff is for one track guys all with the same types of personality. Just remember one thing bluewizard. Think, think good. Sound dumb I know, but your thoughts alone can help you change. Instead of posting "its totally not me" "it doesn't work with me" you'll get EXACTLY those results. Instead think "hey! heres some information to start on"

Don't live by this information word by word. Its mostly just basic information to start out with. Most of your learning is actually doing it.
Girls like men with power of some form, whether it is in the form of currency, confidence or charisma. I mean, would you expect any girl to have sex or be in a relationship with a guy who isn't confident in himself or can't take control of certain situations? Probably not.

You never answered my question on physical attraction though, even though you touched on 'attraction' as a general term in the previous post. Care to elaborate?

I NEVER said women don't look at physical appearance AT ALL. I also never mentioned that it does not attract them, because it does. Although while physical appearance plays an important role, its really not important as you think. It is nothing more than the "first impression" you know what I mean? The true seduction/attraction is built up when you actually have a conversation with the woman herself. Build up feelings/emotions/thoughts through verbal and non-verbal communication.