UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

self esteem issues due to shitty childhood

on top of that, I just naturally have low self esteem, it seems like anytime I see a really attractive girl, something inside of me tells me that I am not good enough (IE not attractive enough, not rich enough, no personality/game, etc...)

I also have an absolutely ferocious pride to the point where I am horrified of rejection so I'd rather stay in my comfort zone I suppose
Comfort zone. thats your problem. You have to get out of that comfort zone and dare to do things you wouldn't normaly do. Do not fear rejection, because its just part of life. We've all been rejected its nothing new. It's what we learn from that and move on that makes us stronger.
Comfort zone. thats your problem. You have to get out of that comfort zone and dare to do things you wouldn't normaly do. Do not fear rejection, because its just part of life. We've all been rejected its nothing new. It's what we learn from that and move on that makes us stronger.

most girls I see are so fucking stupid and worthless anyways

I need to be one of those guys who just uses these girls as fucktoys and leaves em right after :lol:
most girls I see are so fucking stupid and worthless anyways

Hey are you in college yet? Even though there are a lot of dumb cunts at my university I've found that I've met much more interesting ladies there than I did in high school. Plus, if the girl is worth your time, she's matured enough to appreciate more than just the stupid shit that girls seem to care about in high school.

I need to be one of those guys who just uses these girls as fucktoys and leaves em right after :lol:

Don't do that.
Hey are you in college yet? Even though there are a lot of dumb cunts at my university I've found that I've met much more interesting ladies there than I did in high school. Plus, if the girl is worth your time, she's matured enough to appreciate more than just the stupid shit that girls seem to care about in high school.

I have met some nice girls in college but I haven't had a chance to get to really know any of them

I have been hanging out with some of my sister's friends lately who are 19 - 24 years old and they are all seemingly as retarded as the high school girls. They all talk about the same shallow bullshit, and the most disturbing aspect of this is the fact that they are all succesful (financially and socially) and very attractive.

I need to meet some nice girls in college, I will try to do so next year.
The site that Xorv posted a link to did actually have some decent advice on picking up girls. Of course, some people don't like making such a 'contest' out of it, but if you're desperate enough (like me on occasion), you'll probably want to try it out.

I thought the "3 second rule" in particular was pretty interesting.
It's probably not just the pick-up line that works.

Well I'm sure its not just that, but it seems like maybe the girl just likes the attention given? Guy hits on girl, girl flirts with guy, easy homerun :Smug:
I've seen this many times and usually the guy comes off as being completely lame and lives into the whole (alpha) male ego/image. They hook up and date and then she wonders why he is a complete moron in the end....'Nice guys finish last' is a sad truth. I don't know, I honestly find it hard to respect women these days. I remember a while back having a convo with my 80 year old grandma, and her sounding off on how women have no class nowadays :lol:
I guess that just goes to show that girls aren't really that hard to get if you have even an ounce of balls. Obviously they want attention from the opposite sex just like guys do. They're just used to having guys come to them first, I suppose.

I have to agree, it's annoying how much emphasis seems to be put on guys being bold and confident, as if that's the only personality trait at all that girls notice - fuck intelligence, kindness, not being shallow, etc. No wonder it's so hard to have respect for most girls. But oh well, who said life was fair.
Well, with me and girls, I really can't seem to take the step from being friends with a girl to having a girlfriend. I become friends with a girl, and I lose my some of my sexual intrest in her. So, I don't want to have my friends, but I am too timid to just approach a complete stranger, so I might be out of luck for now. I'm hedging my bets on college.