Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


Feb 20, 2005
IS SO GOOD HOLY GOD - I just got it along with a 60 gig PS3 (gotta have the Emotion Engine for BC) for my 21st birthday (Dec. 19th, by the way ;) ), and I don't know why it wasn't rated higher or isn't receiving more acclaim - the graphics are by far the greatest of any game I've played (which includes Gears of War, the Darkness, Bioshock, and CoD 4), especially the lighting, and the gameplay is an absolute blast - definitely derivative of Gears, but more fluid feeling because it controls more like a genuine third-person game rather than an over-the-shoulder FPS like Gears. Also, the environment design itself is breathtaking, and the animation and character voices/design are superb as well.

In short, I highly recommend it, so support the poor old PS3's only good exclusive!!
Honestly, J, all I can think of is MGS4, which granted is the reason I wanted the system in the first place (I'm a die-hard fanboy for the series), but still, I'm planning on getting a 360 both because of its amazing exclusives and because, according to Gamespot.com reviews, pretty much every game available on both systems thus far is better on the 360. And Co, Uncharted actually is a lot more like Gears of War in its combat, and except for literally one tomb type place in the beginning (and maybe more later, I'm only about 2/3rd's through), the rest is outdoor exploration in absolutely astoundingly well-rendered environments. And your sidekick chick is pretty foxy too...
Isnt Grand Theft Auto exclusive? If its not, I think its at least gonna just be a PS3 release for awhile...

Unreal Tournament isnt on Xbox, because Xbox live doesnt support the usermod community...

And Final Fantasy of course is another one...

And the Tekken series.. hell, anything from Namco if I remember correctly.

Socom and Killzone 2 are PS exclusive also.

you play any shooters?
Got the Wife a PS3 for Christmas.... mainly so I can play GTA3 & Force Unleashed when they come out...

However, I play UT3 & all other shooters on my PC. FPS games on a console just plain suck. Trying to aim with a gamepad is like left-handed masturbation. Yeah, it's fun sort of, but it's much better with the tried & true method.

I used to game on my old PC... but fuck updating it all the time with the latest shit just to play...

I like UT3 just fine on the console... they've got the controls down these days... I never played shooters on PS2 for this, but on PS3... its usually done right...

PLUS UT3 allows mouse and keyboard use anyways...

AND Im a mac user, so... no games here, really.

the PS3 is nice... that hard drive is beginning to be put to use with the games coming out these days... importing mods... importing your own music and pictures... thats in the works anyways.

Check it out.
See, I dig shooters, but really only the ones with really innovative and intricate gameplay like Gears of War or the ones with great settings/stories like Bioshock and the Halo series; most other run 'n gun FPS's bore me (Resistance and CoD 3, for example). And Oz, I know what you mean, but I feel like the control pad method has been perfected in the past few years thanks to a minimal amount of auto-aim (kinda like a weak magnetic attraction when you've got the target centered) and variable turning speeds depending on how long you hold down the stick. Naturally, though, mouse and keyboard always wins, but I play video games to unwind, so I'd much rather relax on a couch, stretched out like a schlumpf with a gamepad in my lap, than sit at in a computer chair dealing with a mouse and keyboard.

As for exclusives, GTAIV is simultaneously launching on both platforms, and UT3 is actually coming out for the 360 in like March '08. And though I'm not a fan of fighting games, Namco has another franchise that I love, the Ace Combat series, which was PS2 exclusive, and is now not only on 360, but ONLY on 360 ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH. So the PS3 does not have a very bright outlook for exclusives as of now - but MGS4 was enough to make me get one! And to reiterate, Drake's Fortune absolutely rules (especially at 1080p via HDMI on my Toshiba 32HL67U LCD" :worship:)