unpopular albums that you really like

Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine
Damnation and a Day

I don't really see the reason why people hate the new stuff, I think it's just as good as the older material.

You have to admit their most recent was quite poor by far. Danny singing and doing a hardcore "shout" on Thornography... :zombie: I think Dani tried to be a jack-of-all trades with his vocal range and hit a new low instead.
Beherit - The Oath Of Black Blood

back when I posted on Relapse everyone cited this album as the worst black metal album ever. that and Drawing Down The Moon. hell, they hated all Beherit. needless to say, I don't post there anymore.
That's probably my favorite Therion album. What makes you dislike it - the mellowness?

While it's probably unlike anything I've ever heard except more Therion, I think the whole choir thing just bores me. The music is not very deep or technical & I can only bob my head to "Sodom & Gomorah" so much. I feel after a few songs the album goes downhill. I much prefer "Gothic Kabbalah", "Lemuria", "Secret of the Runes", & probably "Theli" personally. I can only do the same sounding choir thing so much before I need a change.

& "Dark Side of the Moon" is not a fucking un-popular album... D00d, WTF...
You have to admit their most recent was quite poor by far. Danny singing and doing a hardcore "shout" on Thornography... :zombie: I think Dani tried to be a jack-of-all trades with his vocal range and hit a new low instead.

I'll admit the new album is pretty damn poor, having the lead singer of Him singing on one of the songs was painful to listen to. I can see what Cradle have tried to do with this one though, as their style was beginning to stagnate so at least they tried to freshen it up (even if it did fail horribly).
Well, I think the dislike for Dimmu definitely started around PEM with most of the BM crowd, didn't it? I'd guess that is what Unfaithfully is getting at...

Yes, that is what I meant. I guess he didn't catch that. "Unpopular" to me doesn't necessarily mean saleswise... it means hated by the metal community not the mallcore etc.. metalheads.. .
Fucking Tsjuder and their "Desert Northern Hell" ablum. :kickass: It kicks your ass from the beginning 'till the end. :kickass: