Utterly Epic Vocal Performances

you're a fucking moron. Satriani's music has absolutely no pop elements whatsoever. Definition of pop -

so it is pop music with absolutely no elements whatsoever that would define pop music? wow that's a new one :erk:

What functional difference exists between the music of Satriani and, say, the Grateful Dead (who I think most would acknowledge functioned as a pop band), beyond the fact that Satriani grew up on Coltrane and Led Zeppelin instead of Bill Monroe and Little Richard?
Behemoth - Demigod and Apostacy
Nile - New one whatever the name is
Job For a Cowboy - Genesis! (AMAZING)
At the Gates - "Kingdom Gone"

Burzum - "Det som engang var"

Morbid Angel - "Fall From Grace"

Deicide - "Dead by Dawn"

Hellhammer - "Triumph of Death"

Slayer - "South of Heaven"

Judas Priest - "The Ripper"
Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno (Alive at Athens)

Burzum as an utterly epic vocal performance?! I think not!
I remember listening to that song once, driving down a pitch black highway in the middle of the night after seeing Maiden with some friends. It was a damn cool experience.
You like Matt(uh) Barlow(uh) (you're a giant fag)

Hey man, no need for that. I do love Burzum and actually that is one of, if not my favorite song of his, but damn! Those vocals of his are horrid! I know he has the whole 'tortured soul' argument going for him, but that cannot take the place of an actual talented voice.

I recommend you check out the recording I listed. It's an incredible performance, not to mention it's also one of his grittier.
Here are some more:

Bathory - Under the Runes
Nevermore - Forever and Poison Godmachine
but that cannot take the place of an actual talented voice.

Talented voices can lick my anushairs clean after I pick them off the dirty paper when I've just had a good fudgy poop, it's all about emotion (See: Quorthon)

Of course, when those two are combined, miracles happen and boners arise.
Well of course! By talented I was sort of implying that I meant that special boner-inducing combination (guess I should be a little clearer). You cannot deny that the vocal performance by Matt Barlow that I listed is emotional. And I did list Quorthon, actually, in my next post if you didn't see it.

But seriously Varg sounds ridiculous. I mean if it's all emotion and no talent then you've got the same situation as all talent and no emotion.
haven't you ever heard Luca Turilli's solo work?

and I don't mind if bands use fantasy imagery in their music. I quite like it actually, since I'm probably the biggest nerd you can find on this forum (I also don't consider myself the typical metalhead).

I have heard Turilli's solo work but I didn't think he did vocals on it. I dont mind fantasy imagery occasionally, I am a big fan of Summoning. As far as being the biggest nerd on these forums, check the unmetal thread in social.. you are far from it.
Varg is one of the 3 or 4 most instantly recognizable voices in extreme metal (not to mention one of the most extreme in his stylings). Attila, Tom Fischer, David Vincent and Antti Boman are in the discussion as well, but no one matches the emotional and physical intensity of Varg's style.