it's the 4th after the Sun, Sirius y Canopus.
^In Sorte Diaboli is good, though a lot less symphonic than usual.
Well I wouldn't say "anything" good you know? PEM is a good album IMO, but EDT is definitely their best.
Hellhammer and Vortex are definitely a waste in Dimmu, but well, what can we do? If they're happy there, let them be. If not, then the third-brightest-star in the firmament seen from Earth should shine again.
Awww man I miss them.
Nope, it's the 3rd.
Meh. ISD had The Invaluable Darkness which is one of Simen's best performances ever, so I liked it.
Not that I don't literally hope Shagrath takes a bullet to the head.
Vortex and Hellhammer should start Arcturus again. =)
That's probably my least favorite Vortex performance. Sounds a bit Opeth-y, though.