What are some of your favorite recent productions?

Mitochondrion - Parasignosis
Terrifying music only made 100x scarier by its production.

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Underoath - Disambiguation
Nickelback- Darkhorse
Emmure-Speaker Of The Dead
Adam Lambert-For Your Entertainment
Soilwork-The Panic Broadcast
The Inception soundtrack sounds phenomenal in my opinion. Doesn't hurt that all the songs kicks ass too.

2nd disk of the bluray has the soundtrack on it, something like 5000kbps.
Sounded absolutely INSANE.
This will come as a huge shock coming from me, but........

Deftones - Diamond Eyes

Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Diamond Eyes


Karnivool - Sound Awake

I must be getting old. I can hardly stand some other modern productions. Everything sounds so fake, especially drums.
Converge - Axe To Fall

Everything about that album is intense, musically and production wise.
Not good from a 'technical' point of view, but as far as actually capturing what the music is all about, not many productions get as close as Axe to Fall and Jane Doe do.
Alice In Chains - Black Gives Way To Blue

This and Slash. And Rage Against the Machine, even though it's not new but I haven't ever listened to it for the production up until a few weeks ago.

Oddly enough, I YouTube'd quite a few of these albums, and really liked them (especially the Red one), but when I listened to higher quality versions.. I didn't like them as much. Red's album is still good, but everything is too clean (it still pumps really nicely though, wow).
I love what mp3 compression does to drum transients, it gives them that "Images & Words" vibe, none of this super compressed transient designed attack. Sue me.
Aeon - Path of Fire
Gojira - The Way of All Flesh
High on Fire - Death is this Communion
Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance

All of those sound close to perfect for their respective styles imo

+1 on Death is this Communion. Very nice job by Endino, although honestly Albini is definitely the producer for them (and imho one of the best for any type of heavy guitar stuff).

That Gojira sounded massive, although their music just ain't my thing.
I agree with Deathspell Omega - Paracletus. That album has kinda transcended what metal/music usually is. Even though I find it pretty hard to listen to sometimes, it's one of the most original creations for many, many years. Even the style of guitar playing is completely chaotic and unique.
To me nothing new in the metal scene has done anything intriguing for me lately.
But productions that actually inspired me from a production/mixing stand point are:
Sarah McLachlan: laws of illusion
Slashs latest album
Daniel Lanois: Here is What is
Daniel Lanois: Black Dub
Elbow: the seldom seen kid
Especially the seldom seen kid is germ from a production/mixing standpoint imo.