What are some of your favorite recent productions?

Not too keen on most of Bloodbath's music but gonna have to add my support for TMF sounding amazing!!

does TMF stand for "Tightmares Made Flesh" or "The Mathomless Fastery"?? :lol:

I have to say at first few listens I really disliked Fathomless Mastery's production and much prefered the EP they released a few months before that one, but now I love it, in it's own distinct way, as Unavoidable says I think it gels with the music perfectly. Not that Nightmares isn't a "politically perfect" death metal mix if you can say that
John Zorn - Six Litanies for Heliogabalus

yeah it's a little older. but that bass is so god damn trashy, i've been trying to imitate it in my mixes sometimes without realizing it.

also i love the distortion/clipping? on track 4.
ratsapprentice said:
Whatever people think of Rutan's mixing, you can't deny the man knows how to get brutal fucking tones...

I agree. I don't like Hate Eternal, can't seem to enjoy it no matter how hard I try to, and the production is what mostly keeps me away. But his other productions are proof that the HE sound is exactly what he wants it to be and not a product of his lack of talent, and I respect him 100% for that
I love Hate Eternal but I think that they can be a bit "dense" at times, in the sense that it's 340 bpm 16th doublebass blasting ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME with massive growls and crazy riffage, which of course sound great, but you get exhausted after just a few songs.
They suck!? whaaa :hypno:
What don't you like about them?
They are all essential death metal listening imo

I know man, I sometimes even feel guilty cause I'm a huge Death Metal fan and I love pretty much all classical or "essential" bands as you put it, but I can't seem to digest that band at all

I love Hate Eternal but I think that they can be a bit "dense" at times, in the sense that it's 340 bpm 16th doublebass blasting ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME with massive growls and crazy riffage, which of course sound great, but you get exhausted after just a few songs.

This is a huge part of it, their songwriting doesn't appeal to me, and on top of the fact that all I can hear are the annoying plastic drums blasting above everything else with some weak guitars in the background. And those lead tones, dear god do they suck. All strictly my personal opinion of course, everyone's in the right to love whatever band he loves

I repeat though, I have huge respect for Rutan as a producer, guitarist and musician in general, and huge respect for the band for what it is
This is a huge part of it, their songwriting doesn't appeal to me, and on top of the fact that all I can hear are the annoying plastic drums blasting above everything else with some weak guitars in the background. And those lead tones, dear god do they suck. All strictly my personal opinion of course, everyone's in the right to love whatever band he loves

I had the same problem with the first two albums, it took me a very long time to get my head around them, especially KOAK
I think dense is definitely the best description of it.

Just so you know, his lead tone on Fury and Flames is incredible...
Have either of you heard "Haunting Abound" yet?
Ugh, Hate Eternal
I love Conquering the Throne. It's actually one of my favorite DM records ever, but then they just kinda went downhill. KOAK and I,Monarch are cool too.
I just hate Rutan's leads and vocals. and im not really a fan of his productions.
The Sword - Warp Riders

They finally mixed out some of the annoying ride and much better production.
Can't stop listening to it.

The overall mix and specific instrument tone and the way the perfectly interact with each other despite the busy riffing and furious drumming left me speechless first time I heard the latest Decapitated record.

Bergstrand has really done an amazing job and the natural yet crushing drumtone stands among the best I've heard in a long time in that genre.