What bands are bands that you just dont "get"?

Any kind of ”-core”.
and how come Pain Of Salvation sucks in songwriting,i just dont get it
did you listen to BE.
and to the people who dont like Katatonia i recommend for you 2 bands
Kenneth R. said:
don't want to pick a fight, but at least i'm not closedminded to other genres of music. you're only limiting yourself. if you enjoy that, its cool. personally i'm a music fan, not a metalhead.

Its not that Im closeminded its just that out of all the music Ive heard(which is quite alot) metal/rocknroll/certain prog is the best and Im content not giving two shits about what else is out there. Pretty much all my friends dont listen to metal so Im quite aware what is out there and just doesnt do it for me.
You know, I've had dozens of people trying to get me to listen to hundreds of different rap "artists" and, though I've tried each and every time, I just get annoyed and haven't once found myself at all able to get into it, or even pretend I was enjoying it. Everything I've ever heard has made me cringe.

And, like I think leigonX is saying, I've heard an absolute load of other music (though I do have a few non rock and metal bands I really enjoy listening to), but nothing has been able to give me a rush, hold my attention, or take me into another world or mood like metal does.
Hey guys, is Tubbs still bitching about us Dream Theatre haters? He should really get off their nuts.

Oh, and whoever said U2 wins this thread.
Goober said:
Led Zepplin:....nuff said
Most porupine tree

Uhhh, what's not to get with Zeppelin? It's amzing rock music. Their music would be amazing if it came out today. Yet, they broke through in 1969! I don't understand your argument there. Sorry.

As far as Porcupine Tree is concerned. Unless you just have no concept of music, or you simply do not get excited when you hear intricate compositions with incredible melodies and some of the most amazing harmonies I've ever heard, then I am further confused by your argument.
this is much more of a prog thing but...

Conception. the PPUSA forum gushes over this, which I think is Roy Khan's worst performance to date. Why do people like them more than Kamelot? :confused:

Going more towards actual prog:
Rick Wakeman. The guy is great and all, but his solo albums tend to be seemingly random, meandering chords on a keyboard, with equally disconnected song titles which at a glance look interesting, but at a listen, one wonders what he has been smoking. I get bored after 2 minutes.
daz436 said:
These are Opinons.

Yeah, but unless this thread was meant to be completely vague and useless, it'd be nice if people would give their reasons for why they "just don't get" these artists.
Once again, theres a difference between "getting" and liking. I'm sick of you idiots saying 'so and so sucks'... Thats not what this thread is about; its about whether or not you understand their music. If you don't understand it yet you already have an opinion on it, thats just pure ignorance. Theres plenty of stuff I absolutely hate, but I only hate it because I do "get" it. Learn to fucking read, people.
Bard In The Forest said:
Once again, theres a difference between "getting" and liking. I'm sick of you idiots saying 'so and so sucks'... Thats not what this thread is about; its about whether or not you understand their music. If you don't understand it yet you already have an opinion on it, thats just pure ignorance. Theres plenty of stuff I absolutely hate, but I only hate it because I do "get" it. Learn to fucking read, people.

All you ever do is moan, cheer up it might never happen.
Khayman666 said:
I think a lot of people (myself included) are adding bands they "get" but don't like because they don't get why they're popular.
that was my understanding of it... bands you don't understand why they are revered as they are.
daz436 said:
All you ever do is moan, cheer up it might never happen.

without someone moaning, people never realize their problems. Unfortunately people aren't mature enough to be able to recognize thein own faults, though.
I can understand you misunderstanding the thread the way it was phrased, but either way, its no excuse for flaming a band that actually has something to offer musically... The whole Dream Theater thing was ridiculous, because its quite obvious that the they are all great musicians, and even if you don't enjoy the music there are absolutely no grounds to say they are horrible. I'm sure they play with more emotion and have more talent than most of the crap that the people who were flaming them listen to anyways. Its another thing for me to flame System of a Down, because they really have little to no talent musically, are nu-metal, and half their lyrics are about sitting in a car, and the other half are cliche political things everyone already knows anyways. They have no message and they have no talent. Malakian's "solos" are the same notes over and over... Honestly, that hardly counts as a solo in my opinion... And it pisses me off people nominate them for album of the year and stick Malakian in guitar magazines like hes some kind of god, 'cause he sucks... Granted, System of a Down are far superior to pretty much any other nu-metal band, and are nowhere near the horrendous level of Korn or Slipknot, but they still suck. But I got in a rant, and all this is totally off topic like I was trying to point out in the first place.... So, the point of the thread is to say 'I don't understand why people like such and such. they don't appeal to me.' not to say 'I don't like such and such so they fucking suck because I don't like them.' If you at least say something sucks, back it up.
Bard In The Forest said:
The whole Dream Theater thing was ridiculous, because its quite obvious that the they are all great musicians

Its another thing for me to flame System of a Down, because they really have little to no talent musically

Learn what the word opinion means then realise that yours isnt always right.

Goober said:
if you are an idiot and dont understand what i mean, which bands do you not like but a lot of do and you dont really know why?

For me,

Black sabbath:...im sorry....i really am, but this band just doesnt interest me at all

Led Zepplin:....nuff said


Most porupine tree

Just about all metallica:....ok now i know i've hit a nerve in most everyone, but i truly do not see what is so great about them, and yes, ive listened to many old songs too. but i find them boring.... Let the flaming begin.....now

In order to appricate Metallica, it's one of those things you need to live through. I was in high school back in the 80's when they first became popular. At that time, most had never heard that style of music. It was just fucking ausome! :rock: Kids today could never have the respect for metallica that others has in the beginning.

As far as Bands that I dont get:

Almost all "Pop Metal" bands

Sorry I cant think of anymore...