Dazed and Brutal
Yall About to Witness
gotcha. these kinds of convos are pointless tbh. not to beat a dead horse, but no attempt at making some type of qualitative framework is going to ever work.
Yes, only those without the ability to appreciate high art (read: black metal with keyboards) would think that songwriting and ability to compliment one another musically are important.
I just found it funny that you said that musicians playing well together results in good music and, even better, good songwriting results in good songs. You said it like it was some grand insight everyone on this board didn’t realize. I would have loved to see your face when you were struck with this epiphany![]()
You're more clueless than I ever imagined if you think that I was trying to make an insightful declaration that nobody else had ever thought of before. I was stating my personal opinion on what I enjoy most about bands. I wasn't saying that anyone else who feels otherwise is wrong or that I was making revelatory statement. There is nothing about my post that even implies that I felt that way.
I’m not sure anyone is calling it high art but I do get the charm sometimes and occasionally buy some cassettes and whatnot. It’s at best for me when it’s a mixture of dark ambient, folk, or synth with the black metal. Reminds me of some old black and white ghost story.
Were you really so threatened by my very casual opinion that you had to project your own desire to be recognized as a voice of enlightenment and authority onto it?
I was pointing out that sometimes the fundamental elements of something are what make it worthwhile. It's not supposed to be a challenging opinion to have.
Thanks for explaining your super obvious point a second time. That really cleared things up. #PlebeiansExplainThings
You're starting to sound like me, and I don't know whether to be proud or offended.It's okay, sweetheart.
To reduce metal to the concept of riffs is not only musically tonedeaf and illiterate, but makes no fucking sense. He's an ostentatious troglodyte.
I love riffs, I grew up obsessed with them, still am, my proudest moment from when I was 13 was learning how to play the patented Chuck Berry double stop riff. The thing is though, there's more to the backbone of metal than just riffs, it's the phrasing, it's the melody, the attitude. To completely dismiss something based on its supposed lack of riffs is noxious and imbecilic.
A harp powered by a diesel engine fueled by a tank the size of a small fish aquarium filled with salt water from the sea with droplets of human blood
I would love to hear what you consider to be a great metal album with mediocre-at-best riffs, black metal aside (which largely isn't actually metal for this very reason).
Almost anything Devin Townsend tbh.
I like how your only remaining course of action is to post hashtags at the end of your posts because you got offended that I casually stated a simple opinion. It was so obvious that you wildly misread why I posted it and accused me of acting like you.
It's okay, sweetheart. I'm sure Josh from Velvet Cacoon was only kidding when he said his fans are morons. The dieselharp actually exists and he is a brilliant visionary.