What does your Username/Name mean?

My nickname is taken from a Dire Straits song called "Tunnel of Love", and in this song there's a sentence in which it's said <<...just like me she was a victim of the night...>>.

I chose this nickname cause that song is my fav one by Dire Straits, and also cause the most of times I feel like a "victim of the night".... I mean, I love night, I live by night, I'd like it would never end.
Erl3nd, if you turn the 3 the other way its an E so = Erlend = my real name.. pretty cool eh? :D
enjoi17 = my real name :)

A cousin of yours?
Follow - to go or come after.
The - Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things
Reaper - Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe.

or, a Children of Bodom album, with the first song on this album entitled the same thing.
My nick is Igraine, short version of the one that I often use on line, Igraine Pendragon. She's the wife of a great warrior, Uther, and the mother of king Arthur. A great woman.