What if....

Steve M

Surasshu Metaru
Feb 1, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
so... i'm sitting in the computer lab between classes that i don't go to... so i'm bored and i am going to start a new thread. this is the part where i play the devil's advocate.

So, let's say anthrax becomes a far cry from the band that they are... playing half empty clubs a la guns n roses... so they decided that they need something to jump start their career again. john and rob are ousted. and "good ol'" joey and danny are back. they release a new album and lauch a world tour.

would you approve of this decision by the band? would you buy the new record and would you see them on tour?

me, personally, i would not approve of this action. the bush era is far better to me than the joey era. the lyrics are more personal as opposed to being about comic books and stephen king novels. don't get me wrong, i still love all the joey era things, but bush is a better singer in my opinion and he OWNS all the joey era songs during the live show. he really turns them into his own.

i would still buy the record for sho'. gotta support my band. i'm willing to bet that i would enjoy the record too, but i'd still definately miss bush.

seeing them on tour... this is a tough one. i would probably go, but knowing how it usually works and knowing joey's vocal ability, very little or no Bush songs would be played. no bands usually play replacement singer songs if they reunite with an old singer.

so... how do you feel about this?
I wouldn't approve. But I'm under the Anthrax spell, and I'd buy the album and go to the concert.
I don't care what they do, as long as the don't get me kicked off of Morpheus. :)

And, not to change the subject or anything, but:
How the fuck do you get $100,000 in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4? I've got about $98,200. I've got every cash Icon on every level, but I need more $$$ to unlock the "Hot Chick".
i'm not to sure man.. i picked it up and i stopped playing it because my brother got an xbox and we've been playing HALO using the system link. oh... and metroid prime came out. BOOYAH. that game is fucking great. it's ALMOST as good as the originals. TY. PICK UP METROID FOR YOUR GAMECUBE.
if the record sounds good, i'll buy it. it's that simple.

like fistful of metal. i listened to it, didn't like it, didn't buy it. i really don't care what they do. if they did it as a reunion, fine.
I certainly wouldn't approve, and I'd be very disappointed. I agree that while I enjoyed the Joey era stuff, to me John-era Thrax is so much better...it's the difference between a band I liked, but not enough to rush out and buy one of their albums unless I'd heard stuff off it, versus my favorite band that I will do whatever it takes to get the album the day it comes out, if not before.

If they were to go back, I certainly wouldn't buy the album until I'd downloaded some stuff and heard if it was any good. Seeing them live would depend on the venue, the ticket price, who was touring with them...it wouldn't be the same, but on the other hand, I never did see them live when Joey was part of the band.
Do you have Metroid Fusion for the GameBoy Advance?
I was playing a store demo of it. It was beautiful.
i don;t miss joey but-
i wouldn't mind if danny came back. they haven't had single decent guitar solo since he left. let's see what this new guy rob c. is like...
God I hope they don't do that. I think that would be grasping at straws. I would be there, buying the album, going to show, but J. Bush is awesome, and I thing the band has a better groove, than ever. They definetly have the perfect package...musically. But I've been wrong before too.
I've always been a die hard fan, ever since Among the living. When Joey left...I shit my pants...I thought this band was going down, and I was seriously bummed. Then, they come out with Sound of White Noise, and I was like "Holy Shit...this is the best yet...but he can't play the old shit, like Joes does!"
Boy was I wrong. Not only does he play the old shit really well, all the new songs are even better, and he is better live than Joey.
IMO...had Anthrax had the current setup, (preferably with Spitz) earlier, when Metal was hotter, they wouldn't have to push their album so much. People would just crave it like mad.
Rock on Anthrax!!!!!! :headbang:
I resent the 'Junior Member' status.
I've been around for awhile, especially on the last board. Just couldn't post a lot, since I was doing most of my surfing at work! :p
To me J B is Anthrax... ok I take that back . Bush era Anthrax to me is Anthrax.
Without John it wouldn't be the same considering I started listening to Anthrax when John was in the band. I think it would be deffinately a bad career move. I don't see masses of fans flocking to Anthrax because Joey came back. 80's metal isn't as popular any more. Now if Danny came back and played WITH Rob that would be badass. They could have dueling guitar solos.
Think about it. They might gain the fan base that they lost when Joey left. But they would lose some of the John fan base. So I think it would even out.
*puts on flak jacket*

So, let's say anthrax becomes a far cry from the band that they are...

They became a far cry from the band they were the moment they outsted Belladonna. The Sound of White Noise was the first step down for them... damn.

Sucks that Milano acted retarded, another SOD would have rocked. bonkaz.

Anyway... yeah. Stomp 442 and Threat Is Real weren't very good, as far as I'm concerned.

I started a similar thread some time ago. To be honest I am pretty much afraid of this "catastrophic scenario" yet I am aware it IS possible to happen. Of course I hope it DOESN'T happen. Everything depends on US, fans... I don't know what I'd do, then. I'm sure I would take a listen to the album, maybe not purchase it first... and then I'd see.
Why would such an abomination happen??
Anthrax with John Bush to me is a real metal band... yes, they were thrash and had guitar solos in the eighties, but times and music change... and quite frankly, in Anthrax's case, for better... Volume 8 was but an indication of the new direction that the Anthrax are taking and I think that with "We've come for.." they will have another killer album under their belt and any reunion with primadonna is out of the question!
However, if by any far-fetched, sci-fi, sick and downright nasty twist of fate such a reunion happens, my interest in Anthrax would drop a good 2/3...
Originally posted by Jono
To me J B is Anthrax...

Keeping safe there eh? :p

I'm a big fan of both John Bush and Joey Belladonna, so I'd still buy the album and see them live (depending on dates and so on).

I'd personally say the Belladonna era Anthrax, were a little better, but the music is almost completely different so it's hard to comapre the two.
The only Thing Out of all this that I would like to see is Danny Back.. Crook sucked live, Charlie Cant Play 2 things at once. And The last to times i saw Anthrax with Rob I was so Fucked up I dont remember what he was like. danny took a big part of the Anthrax sound with him when he left. You could tell a Danny solo from 30miles away. He was the shit. It would kick ass if he came back. But the odds of that are about as good as Billy losing 100lbs and learning how to sing...