What if....

Originally posted by Karrakk
*puts on flak jacket*

They became a far cry from the band they were the moment they outsted Belladonna. The Sound of White Noise was the first step down for them... damn.

Sucks that Milano acted retarded, another SOD would have rocked. bonkaz.

Anyway... yeah. Stomp 442 and Threat Is Real weren't very good, as far as I'm concerned.


You're a fan of The Crown, so I won't kill you. :)
Originally posted by Buddy_Love_Bomb
The only Thing Out of all this that I would like to see is Danny Back.. Crook sucked live, Charlie Cant Play 2 things at once. And The last to times i saw Anthrax with Rob I was so Fucked up I dont remember what he was like. danny took a big part of the Anthrax sound with him when he left. You could tell a Danny solo from 30miles away. He was the shit. It would kick ass if he came back. But the odds of that are about as good as Billy losing 100lbs and learning how to sing...

ehm, Crook sucked live? Do you mean the same Crook as I do? Nothing about your opinion, but I have watched tons of Anthrax live bootlegs (never saw Danny live) and Crook outplayed Spitz at every note, of course, in Dan's own solos! From what I saw, Danny never played e.g. Only solo that good... I mean, with Crook it finally sounded exactly like on the album.
the solos suck on stomp. especially the one on 'in a zone' - totally ruined a great song.
danny ruled. putting his personal issues aside i reckon he was (still is?) a pretty cool and very competant musician.
but can't wait to hear rob c...
Originally posted by max
the solos suck on stomp. especially the one on 'in a zone' - totally ruined a great song.

I have to disagree. This whole songs flows and just fucking kills!Yea it might not be nothing spetacular, but it builds it up to the killer riff part. Every time I hear the Riff, I just want to break stuff. Heh Heh Heh.......
I would check it out because I like both singers. However no fucking way would i go see it live. Joey's stage presence sucked a rotten load of spew. The man could sing great, I just didnt like him live. Scott was the "live show in that era" Now that they have Bush there are two front men in the band entertaining the crowd.
Crook was amazing live, amazing period. Much better than Danny. I will give Spitz one thing though, you could tell it was a Spitz solo. Which wasn't always a great thing, but he was distinctive. Rob has better stage presence and attitude. He looks much meaner than Paul or Danny.
I would not buy it. I think John Bush is by far the better vocalist. As for Rob he kicks ass. They tried to do something with Belladonna and Bush a few years ago and I don't think sales for that show were that great anyway before they announced he was not gonna do it.
Originally posted by prime666
I would check it out because I like both singers. However no fucking way would i go see it live. Joey's stage presence sucked a rotten load of spew. The man could sing great, I just didnt like him live. Scott was the "live show in that era" Now that they have Bush there are two front men in the band entertaining the crowd.

Three frontmen! How could you have forgotten Frankie?