What was the best moment of your life so far?


Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
I had two, actually. Well, one if you count the last almost-six-months as a single time, but there were two highlights. One was when DT was halfway through Lethe at Evolution and Ivana suddenly hugged me really tightly and didn't let go for the rest of the song. I'm not going to describe the second one, but it involved falling asleep and it happened on august 7-8.

Your turn. :)
Hmmm well, I guess the best one will be the thing that says in the signature, and also having my pics taken with DT and grap Mikael's hand during the konzert and say to him: " thank you :cry: " to which he answered like this: " :) ".

The second best will be everything nice that involves Mrs.Gigi and me :dopey: :Spin: :D .

First kiss ever, on a hotel in London this march, the 11th I think to be precise. The girl in question had come over to England as I was studying there, after we got to know eachother on the net. First time we spent together was on december the 28th last year at klubben, fryshuset, stockholm. Guess who was playing? :)
December 8th, 2005! Konrad came to Brussels to see me, so we could also go to the DT concert in Antwerp that day! Was a nice day, and the best concert I ever went to.
Funny also because my parents never knew I went to the concert (it was in a not so nice part of Antwerp, and they didnt want me to go alone because it would end to late for the last train. I would never have gone alone anyway...)
Well exept that we had to spend the rest of the night in a crappy bar with tons of weird people because there are no trains between midnight and 4:30 am.
That was the creepiest bar I have ever seen. A group of really agressive-looking russians, all of them around 25, with two 14yo girls on their laps.. and the girls looked like they were enjoying their night, at 4 in the morning
I really wouldn't be able to pick an individual great moment, but I can point to a few.

When my ex and I had been in our relationship for about a month, we strayed away from "the group" we usually pissed away our time together with and cuddled (yes only cuddled) in an alotment while talking about everything and nothing, like you do. It was a crisp night, the fullest moon and a cloudless sky. There was a light layer of snow on the ground so everything was illuminated in this incredibly "disney" blue light. Conversation ran out and so we just held each other, and it was amazing. In a pequliar turn of events there was a sudden meteorite shower. 4 shooting stars in quick succession. I honestly felt like god was winking at me. We both stood aghast, and then laughed, and then astonished silence. Then I told her I loved her, and she told me she loved me. We were happy for about 2 years. But as you all know. It ended in bloodshed.

Another great moment was at my most recent decapitated show in bradford rios. Their sound was fucking phenominal. I thought I was in the middle of a 50 minute long napalm shower! The playing was not only immensely concise but immensely passionate aswell. It was all made perfect by a schizophrenic light show and that I got to stand in front of Vorg the entire time. Even my mate, who loves music but can't really get into deathmetal, thought it was a once in a life time experience. He said they should have the decapitated ride at disneyland :lol:.
it's impossible to choose, because after being in a depression, you tend to look at each day as good, for different reasons... so i guess im more or less happy that i'm alive at all
6SF said:
I have so many things I want to do, including getting more than 4 hours of sleep per day.
Uhhhh, that happened to me last semester. But it was well worth it. :)

rahvin said:
Reading this thread is vying for the position of #1, let me tell you.
That bad, life, eh? :(

Makaan said:
First kiss ever, on a hotel in London this march, the 11th I think to be precise. The girl in question had come over to England as I was studying there, after we got to know eachother on the net. First time we spent together was on december the 28th last year at klubben, fryshuset, stockholm. Guess who was playing?
Errrr, Teh Rolling Stones? No, no, wait... Adam Sandler? :D Nah, it sounds really great. Are you still with her?

And 2006.03.11 was really close to a very special day for me. :)

Gav said:
When my ex and I had been in our relationship for about a month, we strayed away from "the group" we usually pissed away our time together with and cuddled (yes only cuddled) in an alotment while talking about everything and nothing, like you do. It was a crisp night, the fullest moon and a cloudless sky. There was a light layer of snow on the ground so everything was illuminated in this incredibly "disney" blue light. Conversation ran out and so we just held each other, and it was amazing. In a pequliar turn of events there was a sudden meteorite shower. 4 shooting stars in quick succession. I honestly felt like god was winking at me. We both stood aghast, and then laughed, and then astonished silence. Then I told her I loved her, and she told me she loved me. We were happy for about 2 years. But as you all know. It ended in bloodshed.
:) It's beautiful moments like that that make life worthwhile. That sounds like something from a dream, mate, really (but then i know that reality sometimes does that). :)
This topic is depressing... -_-
I don't have any happy moments, none that I can be like "Ohh, that was the best time of my life". Everything good has eventually turned into something rotten. Like biting an apple and finding it's full of maggots.

And this year... don't get me started. Worst year after 2004.
Best moment in my life?

Every. Fucking. Day.


So many good things happened (to remember), so many will (to look forward to). Why just pick one?
Sacred Profane said:
This topic is depressing... -_-
I don't have any happy moments, none that I can be like "Ohh, that was the best time of my life". Everything good has eventually turned into something rotten. Like biting an apple and finding it's full of maggots.

And this year... don't get me started. Worst year after 2004.
Are you the one who writes the lyrics for your band? ;) Seriously, i love the seven songs i downloaded from your sig. Looking forward to seeing a demo actually in a music store (or an online store). :)
UndoControl said:
Are you the one who writes the lyrics for your band? ;) Seriously, i love the seven songs i downloaded from your sig. Looking forward to seeing a demo actually in a music store (or an online store). :)
Yup, I wrote those. Glad you like them :) They going to be put up on CDbaby soon :)
This thread has become really depressing... :cry: .

Actually a nice moment in my life was when I got me first kiss. Hehe I had waited for that soooo fuuucking long, and it was terrible :lol: .

Concerning the ones that involve Mrs.Gigi, the first time we kissed was really special. It was more special than the 1st one I ever had. Also and obviously, the first time we made love :) .

@KC: If I may know, what happened?

6String, ye shouls sleep more hehe.
Gah, fucking kids, - wait till you get first blowjob!

But lemme tell you - rim-job beats them all. So you gona be living very happy lives, ja.