What Would You Do if Opeth Toured With........

What Would You Do IF They Toured Together

  • d) Only go to throw rancid shit at Dream Theater

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I'd go just to see Opeth.

I really can't get into Dream Theater. I listened to Train of Thought and the guitars drive me crazy. To me it's like how many notes he can fit in one minute. I'm more into the emotional playing.

osse87 said:
What if the toured with Tool?

I'd have an orgasm.
Doesnt matter who they tour with, chances are the nearest venue they'll be playing will be about 2500km away. I'd rather stay home an get drunk.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
You know, i live in NZ. I think the best international metal band we've had come here is Disturbed.

I take it thats an exaguration, ive seen Tool, Pantera, and APC, all good bands and i live in the South Island. Bands like slayer, Alice Cooper, Ozzy have all come to the Nth Island. And no Offence but distubed aint nothing compared to any of those bands.

As for the matter at han, hell yeah id go, hopefully DT would cover some Floyd like they have done recently, Id do alot to see Opeth again.
Alternative 3 said:
I take it thats an exaggeration, ive seen Tool, Pantera, and APC, all good bands and i live in the South Island. Bands like slayer, Alice Cooper, Ozzy have all come to the Nth Island. And no Offence but distubed aint nothing compared to any of those bands.

Well i mentioned Tool (ok, i forgot at first), loathe APC (the new stuff at least..), Cooper and Ozzy, and was too young/could not afford to go up for Slayer....but i am sorry for ignoring Pantera! Big Day Out brings in some, but far too few come here outside of that - and those that do largely stay away from the South Isl. Disturbed was only really a good concert because of 8ft warming up the crowd...did you see them on Thurs? I saw em fri...they were bloody fantastic!
Mirrored Ghost said:
I'd go just to see Opeth.

I really can't get into Dream Theater. I listened to Train of Thought and the guitars drive me crazy. To me it's like how many notes he can fit in one minute.

Just listen to Awake or Images & Words man (or Scenes From A Memory, or A Change Of Seasons...) ...infinitely better albums, even though I finally like Train Of Thought too. The solos were hard as hell to digest, mainly because, like you, I like "emotional" playing more. I guess everyone defines "emotional" differently, but let's not get into that. Usually I just have to be in a certain mood to get into ToT...

TheFourthHorseman said:
Just listen to Awake or Images & Words man (or Scenes From A Memory, or A Change Of Seasons...) ...infinitely better albums, even though I finally like Train Of Thought too. The solos were hard as hell to digest, mainly because, like you, I like "emotional" playing more. I guess everyone defines "emotional" differently, but let's not get into that. Usually I just have to be in a certain mood to get into ToT...


Hmmm, well I actually do have Awake and it's not doing much for me. What annoyed me about that album was his vocals rather than the guitars. I can't explain it, I just don't like the way he "vibrates" his voice or however you call that. Seems so overdone and when it comes to music, I have to like all aspects of the band so....

Who knows, maybe I'll give it another chance but then again maybe not.

The only song that I liked on Train of Thought was the first song "As I Am" because that one had more of a groove to it. It wasn't as "busy" if you know what I mean, but for me to like a band I have to like more than one song. :lol:
I voted A, but I'm thinking of going with B. I went to two shows on their last evening with tour, and petrucci just wanked in all the wrong places. He threw these nasty shred sections into places in songs that just shouldn't have been there (like a change of seasons).

I can deal with the fact that ToT is a wankfest, but to apply that to old songs in a live performance? That kinda turns me away.
Mirrored Ghost said:
Hmmm, well I actually do have Awake and it's not doing much for me. What annoyed me about that album was his vocals rather than the guitars. I can't explain it, I just don't like the way he "vibrates" his voice or however you call that. Seems so overdone and when it comes to music, I have to like all aspects of the band so....

The only song that I liked on Train of Thought was the first song "As I Am" because that one had more of a groove to it. It wasn't as "busy" if you know what I mean, but for me to like a band I have to like more than one song. :lol:

I like LaBrie's vocals the most on Awake...he's not that clean on it. Although, when he does try sounding all clean on Innocence Faded it sounds like shit. :) Then again, he shines on Train Of Thought too, I think. He can get a bit annoying when he reaches way too high, but I can live with it...you can't hate a guy who sings like he does on Space-Dye Vest.

As for As I Am, the song certainly has a lot of Metallica-ish influence.
Ive been listening to DT since 1993. folks dont seem to sit on the fence regarding LaBries vocals - they either love him or hate him. i personally think he is good and he fits well with such a technically-oriented band. alas, this forum is about opeth so i better stop.