What's the most embarassing CD in your collection?

Would say "x-mas collection", but it's not actually mine, but mom's. But it's on my shelf, so...Hohoho... With Santa on the cover... :-/
i can get all those in the usa. dont like the meshuggah. how much is it there anyways? i have the 2 disk one. with like a maiden cover (inferior to the original) and an interview with jon talkin about what a fuckin badass he is.
now, thats a great question to ask!
man, i always concider myself as someone that likes everything and with an open mind.
so i wont tell you that i think Perfect Circle and Tool is emberassing... nor In Flames.

when he asked that question- he ment a REAL emberassing one.. the kind that when someone sees you go all: "uh uh uh its my sister's..." you know? :) like that x-mas CD the other dude mentioned before...

ok- here is mine- Destiny's Child !!!
yeah yeah- now thats what i call an emberassing CD!!!!
the reason i have it: i learn vocals and DC are great to practice with.

u can all laught now.
i have them on a CD and i sing along!
my oh my someone kill me please
Finally! I saw this thread on the Ayreon-board and i thought it was a cool thread. But the answers you see here, man..this is so funny..did anybody noticed, that a lot of people give an excuse or explanation why they have that cd? Heh, some of my costomers do that too..like "oh, but it's not for me, it's a present"...or even better: with porn-dvd's!!! "could you wrap it up please, it's for my best friend, i wanna give 'm something funny""( in the meanwhile their face turns red and they almost start to stutter)..haha! you should see those faces sometimes, when they notice that i don't believe them and give them a friendly smile..hihi!!! I love my job! :D

But anyways, (i'm glad that i don't have to put Dr.Dre or Missy Elliot here, that's Stan's collection :heh: ) but mine would be the single of Vanilla ice: ice ice baby, 1990. heh, i just put it on, i i still know most of the lyrics..:lol:

xxx Iris xxx
Oh if you all people wanna talk about real embarassing, I used to have Macarena and some Madonna cd... but hey they were given to me as gifts when I was younger so... IT DOESN'T COUNT!

Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
Pilgrim go back on the Mayflower, Clayman rules!

Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack, which i got only for Metallica's I Disappear and Rob Zombie's Scum of the Earth

Clayman sucks...cant handle opinions??? Too bad.
I believe I was given a Mariah Carey album for Christmas when I was about 6. *shudder* Ummm... and... let me see... I went through a few really fucked up phases, but I didn't buy any CDs, because I was really young...
By the time I got old enough to care enough to buy CDs, I was done with the lame shit.
I think we have a Michael Bolton CD floating around upstairs...
I am not embarrassed to own the following which may surprise some:

Kittie "Spit"
Offspring "Americana" and "Smash"
The Cranberries - all discs
They Might Be Giants - all discs
Weird Al Yankovic - all discs
Alanis Morrissette - first 2

and I used to own Green Day "Dookie" but I got rid of it because it bored me after a while.

I really feel no shame for owning any of these, but I think some people here might think that I should.

Actually the most embarrassing is Echosilence "...And Sorrow", but only because there's a naked chick on the cover which is offensive to most of my friends. Great music, though.
Uhhhhh.....most embarrassing cd that I bought?I won't bother listing the pnes that I own because most of you already know some of the bands who's cds I own and I'll probobly get flammed anyway...

Cd that I bought...Creed,Human Clay.I liked "What If",and that was about all.Now it's just collecting dust on my shelf as are most cds which aren't by Nevermore,Opeth,Cradle of Filth,Immolation and Tool.There are a lot of embarrassing cds which I own,they were bought for me by various family members.That was when they first noticed me getting into "rock",or "the devil's music":lol: .
I got the things for Christmas when I was 11 or 12...Limp Bizkit,Kid Rock...I can't thnk of any others,though.I assume they thought that I would get into rap or something like that.Damn,were they wrong...
No offense taken,Amos,none at all.I had a very shameful past and I'm just trying to ignore it now...keep it all dead and buried(actually,Fred Durst was just impaled and buried alive)...execept for Korn,I don't know what the fuck is going on with them.