Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

Originally posted by Orion Crystal Ice
u ar'e not tr0e Death Mteal fan, u poser;!!!!!1111 :mad: :mad

If it means being a fucktard like you, then I'm fucking glad...

If I was a poser, I'd be saying I like Suffocation because that's what death metal fans are supposed to do, even though I think they're a pile of boring old wank. I'm not going to change my opinion to conform to your narrowminded little boxes of what a death metal fan SHOULD like and SHOULD do.
A poser is someone who pretends to be, like or dislike something he isn't or doesn't like or dislike. As long as you do none of those things, which we all do to some degree, nobody can be justified in calling you a poser.
Originally posted by Papa Josh

So, CC has done better things than Suffocation? YOU ARE A POSER!!! P-O-S-E-R.

OK, I'll type this slowly so you can keep up. It's not your fault you're American...

Cannibal Corpse have managed to get themselves a huge amount more publicity than Suffocation. They also got themselves a better record deal...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Papa Josh

Oh, you work for the evil mainstream media? Oh my, let me get on my knees and kiss your fucking feet! Please metal is about the underground, it should remain underground so that posers like yourself don't taint the scene.

No, we can't have a tainted scene now, can we?:rolleyes: The WRONG PEOPLE might listen to metal, and then it wouldn't be our exclusive little club any more! So death metal demo and album reviews in daily newspapers are a BAAAAD thing! Bands can't get that sort of publicity, it just isn't allowed in the scene, because it's supposed to be underground, and exclusively for US!

Originally posted by Papa Josh

Those who take offense must be posers... you know what they say, if the shoe fits wear it.

So you're wearing the "balding virgin living in his mother's basement" shoe then? And if you take offense...:lol:
Originally posted by markgugs
From Blabbermouth.net:

And my response:
"The world WILL be a dangerous place? Wake the fuck up you asinine, holier-than-thou shit-for-brains guitarist (and I use the term "guitarist" loosely). The world IS a dangerous place, and has been since long before you were born. I can't for the life of me understand how you feel you're qualified to comment on world events, so maybe you should just shut the fuck up and go back to sucking the major label cock like you've become so good at."

Take your pick at which part is ignorant. ;)
Well sorry to inform you, but YOUR statement is ignorant. Tom Morello has a political science degree from... Harvard or Stanford (I know, big difference, I just don't remember which). That makes him pretty qualified to express his opinion on world politics, if in fact, qualification is needed in the first place. By the way, I agree with you over Tom on this point, but your statement was ignorant of his qualifications. I should probably repeat this because of the hostility of this post: I AGREE WITH MARKGUGS, NOT TOM MORELLO, BUT YOU DISPLAYED IGNORANCE OF HIS QUALIFICATIONS. Morello is a freaking Communist as far as I'm concerned.
I know he has that degree.

I also knew that my comment was actually the more ignorant.

The difference is that a degree from Harvard doesn't mean shit. It's a piece of paper, and nothing more. I have a dual-degree in Politics and Journalism from Ithaca College. Who gives a rat's ass? If I busted my ass and graduated tops in my class (I didn't) and he coasted and barely qualified to graduate, does it matter where his degree is from? Nope.

The problem I have is that he & his butt-buddy Serj from SOAD believe that because they're prominent modern musicians that they have an important voice on these types of things. The fact of the matter is that they're both fucking rich because of 1) being on American record labels, 2) selling millions of records to American citizens, 3) selling out tour after tour in, yep, you guessed it, America, and 4) having videos on MTV, an American corporate icon (yes, I realize they're owned by Viacom, which I believe might be Japanese). Yet time and again they feel the need to insult the general American people at a very touchy and difficult time for many. Fuck them. I'd shoot him in the fucking face if I ever had the chance and do my time.

I fucking hate liberals.
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
If it means being a fucktard like you, then I'm fucking glad...

If I was a poser, I'd be saying I like Suffocation because that's what death metal fans are supposed to do, even though I think they're a pile of boring old wank. I'm not going to change my opinion to conform to your narrowminded little boxes of what a death metal fan SHOULD like and SHOULD do.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You should pay a visit here :lol:
Originally posted by markgugs
I fucking hate liberals.
Don't waste your time, they feel empowered when the right hates them. I just make a point to prove them wrong. Or rather, allow them to prove themselves wrong. :grin:

Another political science graduate here?!? ALRIGHT!!! Finally someone who might understand me!!! ;)

EDIT: I do think Tom and Serj have the right to express their opinions, even though I disagree with at least 95% of what they say. I don't have the same severe distaste for their tirades like I do for the Hollywood fucks spouting off. At least Tom and Serj have SOME knowledge, unlike Babs or Alec Baldwin.
Originally posted by NAD
At least Tom and Serj have SOME knowledge, unlike Babs or Alec Baldwin.

The king of all Hollywood idiots ... ahem *clears throat* ...Sean Penn. *leaves thread*
Originally posted by Vim Fuego

So you're wearing the "balding virgin living in his mother's basement" shoe then? And if you take offense...:lol:

Actually I'm married to a hot as fuck wife whom you could only dream of while you jack off with your grampy's trains in the background...

With a beautiful 1 year old daughter...

So swallow some cock, mainstream fag POSER! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by manuelgv
the most idiotic thing I have read lately is all of you calling each other posers

HAHAHAHA.. you're right. This is getting funny...

what tha fuck its wrong with you people???... MATTER OF TASTE!!

i can say: I love KORN as well as Cannibal Corpse
i can say: i love emperor as well as In Flames..

i like all kinds of music, the most "controversial ones" go as far as: Korn, lynkin park, Nelly Furtado, IN FLAMES (i think they are great and Reroute to Remain its a good album), slipknot, and sooo many others.

so what??? its my taste, and there is nothing you can do to change it. Don't try to change others taste. Thats just stupid, pointless and ignorant.

Poser?? who is a poser??... a guy who thinks he es dark just becose he wears black?? Don't botter to understand this assholes.