Whats with everyone hating AYDY?

hibernal_dream said:
Ummmmm....... no. Hatecrew Deathroll already did that. Why can't you see this?
because Alexander was still in crew, because Alexi recorded some parts of this album with Roope's Jacksons and because Cob was with this record starting to go underneath our likings - NO

HCDR just begun the fucking march to the end of respected band and seconded it with shitty AYDY
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
^ But when they brought out HCDR it was still huge, different but meaningfull. AYDY is really "easy", not really beautiful, and the sound is ugly. This has to be the CD they failed until they get back to great music. I hope so...

Yeah, that's if they ever get into making good music again. Hopefully they will...I haven't give up on COB...yet. I wish that that they will never come. It'll all become clear as soon as they release new songs. Then everyone will know if our dear ol' COB is dead. :wave:
BodomiC said:
i can add my word to this...

when i first heard cob it was very long time ago, when only SW was released and have been listening to it from that time...Nobody knew them at that time and the music was stunning until HCDR came out. I was little bit confused about the new, upcoming image and when Alexi turned himself selfish and this 'fuck you very much' thing got to public, Ale left the band, Roope came for the first show in Moscow, then he becomes a regular member of the crew and what heppens? Sinergy dies... then they start to turn in this nu metal shit and im done... they are selling themselves for money, they write they music to earn as much as possible. I remember Alexi once said in an interview that they dont earn much, but its enough for booze, cigs and normal living. Those were vise words. But now? C'mon, it seems they would do anything just to be more and more popular, i know its the dream of every musician but there has to be some line between making music for music and making music for selling records.
So now, when I look back past and all what has cob tunred to I feel pity and anger that such a good melodic death band is turning to some nu metal rap shit with 100xfucks in every lyric just to sound so grim.

Well said!

Dono about the fucks though lol
From what I know about Alexi (you could just bother checking scythes-of-bodom to get the right info.) that his lyrics ideas are based upon his thoughts and personal feelings (hatred, anger and depression)
so probably the fucks came out of anger (he has been using that word right from something wild)
You never know why! but if it is based upon rap shit then, FUCK! lol
Though I did notice that but I was tryin not to compare it to freakin rap cuz I freakin hate it.
But at least the lyrics are good enoguh, right? (I'm talking about the albums after Hatebreeder though I don't have all the lyrics for AYDY? dono why the fuck they haven't included them in both universal and Japanese editions!)

I doubt that this year would be COB's year, now that Norther, KalmaH, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow and Suidakra are going to release new albums.
But anyways I'm still gonna support COB till they actually change into rap hehe
PanzerKunt said:
Bitch nigga foo!
First of all, saying that "old fans will always whine but we like to try new things" is not an excuse for making crap music, it's an excuse to sell more albums to stupidass american 14 year old kids with semi long greasy emo hair. Regardless of whatever the fuck åmgalexi claims. It's a proven fact for christ's sake! Look at the sales, look at where they tour 24/7 and look at the stupidass new members on this forum.
Second, Alexis vocals suck donkey balls, has always sucked donkey balls and will most likely suck donkey balls forever if he continues to do what he is currently doing. His vocals are the only thing that bothered me on the old albums (subjective opinion I know) due to the fact that they are out of tone, his growl attempt always end in JAU JAU JAU and from anyone other than the fanboiz' opinions they are downright boring. In fact they are really annoying. I wish he'd just shut the hell up.
Third: Youre an idiot, we dont care how much CoB stuff you got. Bragging about it only makes you a banboi. it's ok to have the albums but you don't buy all the merch just because you're in ove with Alexi. That's stupid. Collect stamps or something instead.

if the guy does not know how to fuckin growl like other gr8 finnish vocalist, it's not his fault =p~
and im not freakin braggin or anything, my fav finnish band is Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (since 97) that's when I heard of COB, so I ain't just freakin fanboy who just heard of COB and started collecting whatever the hell they got. I like the lyrics which is something you ppl haven't talked about!
Kalma|-| said:
Well said!
thx ;)
Kalma|-| said:
Dono about the fucks though lol
From what I know about Alexi (you could just bother checking scythes-of-bodom to get the right info.) that his lyrics ideas are based upon his thoughts and personal feelings (hatred, anger and depression)
so probably the fucks came out of anger (he has been using that word right from something wild)
Actually I read once a polish interview wit Alexi after a Sinergy gig in Poland years ago. Just before he got into this crap 'fuck you all' thing. He was decribed as a short, shy, not confident and silent person. Most of the time he was speaking the interview he stared at the floor and tlaked normally. Just after they did their first Us tour he begun to feel more self confident and this come up to the 'fuck thing' i called it. Before the interview after Sinergys gig cob played here in Poland. The very first words from Alexi to the audience was a very very loud and confident 'Fuck you motherfuckers' or just simply 'Fuck you' (cant remember which phrase he used exactly :))
Is a fucking pose for the public to gain more records sold, thats it imo.