Who has the best growl in ALL of metal.

OK, Akerfeldt and Stanne rule, however why has noone here mentioned the ALMIGHTY god of metal vocals CHUCK BILLY (Testament if you are ignorant enough not to know!)?

Fuck yeah!!! Good call! :kickass: I was about to be sorely disappointed in this board if Cradle of Crap got more love than Chuck & Testament. Even though he only really "growls" on a couple of tracks per record (with the exception of Demonic), Chuck is the MAN! He's such a big dude, and his voice is so naturally deep, that he doesn't have to strain to do it, which makes him more intelligible when he does it than anyone else I've heard. He's also one of the really early guys to do it. The dude is the voice of fucking SATAN when he gets really serious about it!

I particularly love that, because he doesn't do it all the time, it has even greater effect when he does let it rip. The last "FEAR IS ONLY WHAT YOU FEEEEELLLLL!!!" at the end of F.E.A.R. from TFoD makes you fear HIM!

Mikael is a very close second, though. He's not always easy to understand when he does it, but it always sounds evil as hell, especially on any word he growls that he adds an "-UHH!" to the end of... that kills me every time he does it! :headbang:
Dan Swanö, hands down. I love Akerfeldt, but Swanö has such an amazing range and growls with a clarity that I've yet to hear paralleled. Guess that's what you get when you growl so hard you destroy your voice :p Can't say I much enjoy his clean vocals, but his growls are amazing.
I want to say Åkerfeldt and Peter Tägtgren, cause they're great and stuff, but I must go for Justin Timberlake.


But seriously, Åkerfeldt has the perfect growl, it's vast and achromatic and well-pronounced :heh: Dan Swanö comes second, I think, his growl is quite similar to Mikael's. There are other vocalists who sound like drunken fatties - ridiculous.
Jörgen Sandström, Mikael Åkerfeldt and David Vincent for deathgrowls.

Garm was the king of black metal vocals.
Mikael ofc. Other than that... Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth), Dan Swanö on the first Crimson, Garm on Bergtatt and Paul Khur is good too.