Who is the best singer in metal?

I actually mentioned tarja and floor.....

And Shagrath blows dani away... shagrath is THE BEST (open for debate) extreme metal singer. He's just killer.

As for not mentioning Mikael, i love the man's voice, but opeth has the most elitest snob fans ever and i don't really like being associated with them... sorry.

Finally, i have to say though i STRONGLY dislike Circle II Circle and Savatage, Zak is a killer vocalist. And i can't believe i missed tobias... he's badass.
I don't know what the qualifications for "best" are, but these are my favorite metal singers.

Rusty Allen
Robby Halford
Ronnie Dio
Harry Conklin (Jag Panzer)
Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids)
Edu Falaschi (Angra)
Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian)
Jorn Lande (Masterplan)
Chris Boltendahl (Grave Digger)
Anders Friden (In Flames)
Andi Deris (Helloween)
Peavy Wagner (Rage)
DC Cooper (Silent Force)
Ralf Sheepers (Primal Fear)

There are probably some more, but I'm too sleepy to think of any of them...
theodyssey said:
As for not mentioning Mikael, i love the man's voice, but opeth has the most elitest snob fans ever and i don't really like being associated with them... sorry.
I dont see why you can't list Mike as one of your fav' vocalists just because Opeth has some amzingly bad fanboys, just becuase you like Mikes voice doesnt make one of those opeth losers man, you know that.

My fav's are definatly Russ (DUH!!) and Mike from Opeth (he has the best growls for me and his clean singing is like, nearly the most emotional ever) But guys like Edu Falachi, Warrell Dane, Jorn Lande, Bruce Dickenson etc... are also great, just not upto Russ or Mike's level.
yeah Ive seen him sing "hey Joe" with Vai, Satch, Nuno Bettencort and Chad Wackerman, hes really kick ass at singing
Alexi Laiho is a decent extreme vocalist, shame his lyrics look like they've been written by a group of 8 year olds,they are shockingly bad which is probably the reason why he growls over the words.

On the Shagrath Vs. Filth debate I saw Dimmu live a few weeks ago and I thought the vocals were inaudible, he is very low range and one dimensional, Danni has all the screams, growls and his highs are unbelievable.
Hey, I know many people here might consider them "nu-metal" because they get airplay and don't do guitar solos, but what do you guys think about Dave Draiman from Disturbed?

Their first album was awesome and I think his vocals were much of the reason. His voice is so unique and powerful. I love this guy!

However, Russell is still the man in my opinion. Dio and Halford (earlier years, of course) are 2 of my favorites as well.
I don't have many favorite singers - the vocals are almost always the first thing to ruin a good song for me.

That said, a few I'm partial to, *besides* Russell: (which kinda goes without saying!)

Jorn Lande (I can't get into all of his projects, but man what a voice)
Daniel Gildenlöw
Tom Englund
Zak Stevens
Geoff Tate (before he started dodging the high notes)
Nicholas Holmes
Kevin Gilbert
theodyssey said:
And Shagrath blows dani away... shagrath is THE BEST (open for debate) extreme metal singer. He's just killer.
Hahahaha NO. Mirai, Akerfeldt, I.C.S. Vortex, Killjoy, Ihsahn, the dude from Kataklysm, and even Vintersorg... all better than Shagrath.
Mmm kay, don't know mirai's stuff... he's the dude from sigh right? I remember him being decent... not great, not bad. Mikael is good, but despite what i posted earlier, he's still no where near the best, though i agree that he is good. Vortex isn't nearly as good as shagrath, ishtan is alright, but again, not nearly ass good. dunno killjoy, hate the dude from kataklysm... Vintersorg rules. Actually, i had just thought of someone i like better than shagrath.... damnit... oh yeah, galder on old mans child... he kicks ass. And i like henri from god dethroned...especially on the newest album "into the lungs of hell".
Alexander TG said:
Alexi Laiho is a decent extreme vocalist, shame his lyrics look like they've been written by a group of 8 year olds,they are shockingly bad which is probably the reason why he growls over the words.

On the Shagrath Vs. Filth debate I saw Dimmu live a few weeks ago and I thought the vocals were inaudible, he is very low range and one dimensional, Danni has all the screams, growls and his highs are unbelievable.

I disagree, Bodom's lyrics are very poetic.

But Russel Allen is my personal favorite singer.
RequiemX said:
What about our fine metal ladies? Tarja and Floor?
Tarja and Floor are good, but I like Sharon from Within Temptation's voice more than both of them.

And Anneke Van Giersbergen. I butchered that name. . . .
My #1 choice has already been said a million times. Nobody here has mentioned Damian Wilson. I'll also agree that Mikael is an awesome singer. Hansi Kursch needs to be recognized more, though he's an aquired taste to some. How about Andy Kuntz of Vanden Plas? And omg I also like Zak from Savatage. ok i'm done
haha, Silent beat me to it. I think your either joking or are actually on drugs
This is derectly from the song Hate Crew Death Roll
"No! YOu aint one of us, and to tag along yo're too ugly and blunt.
Why?! is it so hard to get that we dont need you, stupid cunt!!"
There is worse but i dont wanna say it here, I might get banned haha.

But who cares, Bodom rules anyway! Lyrics Shmyircs, ay? Kickass riffs and solos forever \m/