Yes it will help some, but this becomes the exception and not the rule. Do we really need the Federal government to pass sweeping laws that affect both New York City and country bumpkin rural towns? Also, if you employee 50+ people you have to provide them with healthcare. If I'm teetering on 49, am I really going to hire anyone else or if I am at 60 do you think I'm not going to find a way to get that down to 49? Let the states decide which is kind of the point of this country.
I agree, it discourages hiring if a company is at that threshold. The states deciding wouldn't be a bad idea, but it would be another red/blue state divider. In reality, the entire healthcare system needs an overhaul. Quality healthcare is quickly becoming a luxury only the upper middle class can comfortably afford, which in principle, should not be the case. I'm curious what Rubio/Trump/the Canadian would do if they won.
Fundamental stances aside, conservatives are simply arguing that the state should not be funding it. You spoke about guns as well so let's compare the two arguments.
Leftists say that no one should have an automatic weapon (when they truly mean semi-automatic, but their sophistry gets in the way of them making accurate statements) meanwhile bashing the NRA which is a private organization with no government funding. Right-wingers worry about a gun grab which isn't too far-fetched when the Left keeps pushing the envelope. On the abortion side, conservatives ask you to stop forcing them to pay for other people's sexual irresponsibility through a government funded nightmare called Planned Parenthood. This is somehow twisted into a women's rights issue? No intrusion argument can be made here. If you're going to kill babies, do it on your own dime. Not to mention it fosters a culture of single-motherhood which is just terrible.
And about it being tricky for Christians...This is a separate conversation, but if you'd (as an Atheist I'd assume) like to make the argument go for it. I didn't see one. But remember you'd have to craft the argument from their scripture and not insert broad-brush Atheistic interpretations about their beliefs.
Abortion first. If this was a state decision, once again it'd be a red/blue situation. Roe v. Wade made it legal in 1973 with a Supreme Court decision. It should be left alone. I won't get into the whole "it's a person at conception" "no it's not" argument, because quite frankly, I'm no doctor or theologian.
But what drives me crazy is that politicians want to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body. Seriously, how does anyone justify that? If we're talking principles here in a FREE COUNTRY, you cannot force a person to do something they do not want to do. It's that simple.
I live in Texas, so the abortion debate is constantly in the local headlines. Politicians FORCING doctors to show the woman pictures of the fetus before making the decision is just disgusting. Land of the free, huh? And I thought conservatives wanted less government intrusion. They sure are obsessed with controlling a woman's uterus. How is this not intrusion?
As far as PP, its's funny that Conservatives only want to concentrate on abortion and ignore the numerous other services that PP offers. And the one service that tax payers do not contribute to is the service they want to stop. The funny part is that this promotes single mothers, which are typically poor considering the situation. And guess who wants to stop welfare for poor people? Yep, the same group of politicians that wanted them to be single mothers. I'm not so blind as to think teens aren't going to have sex out of wedlock. It's practically encouraged in today's society. When Conservatives accept this as fact, perhaps they can be part of the solution.
As far as guns, I don't really care if folks want to have an arsenal. Do I think suburbanite Stan needs an AR-15 for home protection? No. A shotgun or pistol will do just fine for that. But if he wants it, fine. Texas just passed Open Carry and that fine. Just don't flash it around or wear your AR-15 strapped to your back like wannabe Rambo, and I'm cool with it.
My problem is more with the Christian Right than conservatives as a whole. I grew up in church, with my mother (RIP) being a staunch Baptist. So I am familiar with scripture. And I can tell you right now that the Christ (Jesus) that Christians (Christ-like) worship was a pacifist.
This says it all: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."
How can any Christian argue with this?
What part did you disagree with and why? Lumping what I said in with some big controversial names is a tactic of dismissal rather than refutation.
I simply disagreed with the part that stated that the majority of the country are idiots that want free stuff. It sounds like a generalization Rush or an idealist like Hannity might say.