Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

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  • Who gives a fuck?

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  • Colonel Sanders

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  • Chafee Scrotum

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  • Uncle Jeb

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  • Uncle Ben Carson

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  • Ayn Rand

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  • Four Eyed Perry

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  • Fatboy from Jersey

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  • Haughm

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  • O'Malley

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Education is a wonderful thing but the method we have of obtaining it is a total fucking scam. Colleges and Universities are one of the biggest jokes of all time. I think there is a high likelihood that particular colleges are a necessity for getting certain jobs (e.g. the Supreme Court lol) but for everything else....fuck it. People who strive to go to the most expensive schools possible for degrees like art appreciation and communication and then complain they cant pay their loans back can kiss my ass. I chose to do something I LOATHE so I can put food on the table and have a reliable job. And I have tons of debt to show for it. And I pay it back one month at a time without complaint.
good showing by Trump. 7 states. Cruz takes Texas of course, because my brethren here are fucking idiots.

i have a feeling that even if Trump were to get enough delegates, the GOP would still try to block him
I suspect that if combined the other candidates have nearly as many (or more) delegates combined than Trump the GOP will have a brokered convention and the nomination will go to someone other than Trump. Of course this would likely leading to Trump running as an independent and splitting the Right of the country and producing a President Clinton. Personally, I will hold my nose and vote for Hillary. Despite the fact that I am not a fan, the thought of a President Cruz or Trump is completely terrifying.
Personally, I will hold my nose and vote for Hillary. Despite the fact that I am not a fan, the thought of a President Cruz or Trump is completely terrifying.

I am more terrified that you qualify Hillary for party line reasons rather than disqualifying Trump or Cruz with reason. I can write an essay on Hillary. Tell the why behind Cruz? Trump is more complicated, but look at his recent healthcare plan release. It's beautiful.
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I think a lot of hillary supporters just hope that bill will actually run things. Shes the one that scares me.
I am more terrified that you qualify Hillary for party line reasons rather than disqualifying Trump or Cruz with reason. I can write an essay on Hillary. Tell the why behind Cruz? Trump is more complicated, but look at his recent healthcare plan release. It's beautiful.
I'm well aware of Hillary's baggage. However, the simple truth is she is by FAR the most qualified candidate and better prepared to step into that job Day 1. I fully anticipate a Hillary presidency would be much like an Obama 3rd term. And while that wouldn't necessarily be my first choice, it's the best realistic option.

I'm actually surprised you're asking for a "why" behind Cruz. Reason #1, Cruz is a true believer. He wants to remake America as a Christian nation and sees the world through his Dominionist prism. He's on the wrong side of nearly every political issue. He's pro-life, insanely pro-gun, pro-flat tax and pro-death penalty. He's against gay marriage and providing a path to citizenship. He's a climate-change denier, which means he doesn't understand the basics of the scientific method. He is disliked within even his own party and I've never met anyone who could look directly at Ted Cruz for more than 6 seconds without wanting to punch him in the face. In the end, I can't support anyone who turns to religion over science.
However, the simple truth is she is by FAR the most qualified candidate and better prepared to step into that job Day 1

Based on what? Being in the political machine for half a century is not an accomplishment. It’s not even a job. It only shows her dedication to manipulating people.

I'm actually surprised you're asking for a "why" behind Cruz.

Unchallenged leftism will do that to a person.

He wants to remake America as a Christian nation

Whether you like it or not, western civilization was predicated on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Even Nietzsche argued that the removal of God would lead to the deterioration of traditional values and principles. I know you hate the concept of God, but your comfortable life is the product of those that believed.

He's pro-life, insanely pro-gun, pro-flat tax and pro-death penalty. He's against gay marriage and providing a path to citizenship. He's a climate-change denier

Are these the most important things to you? You’re so hung up on ripping babies from wombs, stripping guns from lawful owners, against a tax system that makes everyone have skin in the game, and for pouring money into prison systems to keep abominable human beings alive in a cell that you would vote for one of the most disgusting and corrupt politicians today? By the way, what does insanely pro gun even mean? Is he handing out guns to third graders?

Gay marriage? The purpose of marriage in government is to provide benefits to those that contribute something to society (i.e. a child or future tax payer). What does a gay couple give to society? I really think it’s more-so an attempt to spit in the faces of Christians than to actually help anyone. Government shouldn't be involved in this at all either way.

And climate change? Even if he denies it, what could the government do to stop it? Put up some wind turbines? How about nuclear power? It’s cheap…but maybe it’s terrifying to you as well.

In the end, I can't support anyone who turns to religion over science.

What is the function of government?
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.

Based on what?
If you judge a candidate based solely on their experiences, as you would most job applicants, I believe her resume reads more impressively than those of her opponents.

It's worth pointing out I'm not a Hillary supporter. The wife and I have been donating to the Sanders' campaign. That said, I will vote for Hillary over ANY of the remaining four GOP options.

Unchallenged leftism will do that to a person.
I'm not sure by what form of telepathy you've determined my "Leftism" is "unchallenged", but feel free to challenge it as much as you like.

Whether you like it or not, western civilization was predicated on Judeo-Christian beliefs.
History would disagree. Much of what you would consider "Judeo-Christian beliefs" were codified centuries prior by the Babylonians and other cultures.

Even Nietzsche argued that the removal of God would lead to the deterioration of traditional values and principles.
Nietzsche also wrote, “God is dead.” Regardless, I’m not sure why you’re attributing any level of authority to Nietzsche.

As for the “the deterioration of traditional values”, I’m not sure what those values are. The vast majority of Christians support the GOP, who regularly favors military action, cutting funding the poor and elderly, dismantling protections to the planet and ensuring unimpeded access to weapons. Conversely, the party whose tent includes the greatest number of non-religious looks to avoid war, to better legislate access to weapons, and to help the poor. Morality exists in spite of religion, not because of it.

I know you hate the concept of God, but your comfortable life is the product of those that believed.
Feel free to suppose about my beliefs anything you like. However, I do not "hate the concept of god". Within my atheism I leave open the possibility of a prime mover.

As to what makes my life comfortable, I’ll reserve those kudos for the scientists and engineers responsible for designing my modern comforts.

Are these the most important things to you?
It's these positions on which the candidates are often the most transparent. And it's these same issues which are often the most telling indicators of how candidates will respond to more nuanced issues. If a candidate does not believe in science, if he views foreign policy through the prism of bronze age mythology, if he sees immigration through a lens of xenophobia, than most of his decision-making is going to be guided by that insular thinking. So while those are not the only important issues for me or even the most important issues for me, they do work as a fairly reliable filter.

You’re so hung up on ripping babies from wombs, stripping guns from lawful owners, against a tax system that makes everyone have skin in the game, and for pouring money into prison systems to keep abominable human beings alive in a cell that you would vote for one of the most disgusting and corrupt politicians today?
As these comments are completely juvenile, I'm going to pass on justifying them with a response.

By the way, what does insanely pro gun even mean?
By "insanely pro-gun" I refer to those people who can look at what happened in Sandy Hook and ultimately view it as an acceptable level of collateral damage, so long as their access to firearms does not become "well regulated".

It's worth noting that I am a gun owner, so I'm not anti-gun. I simply believe our access to guns should be legislated more effectively.

Gay marriage? The purpose of marriage in government is to provide benefits to those that contribute something to society (i.e. a child or future tax payer).
Your argument is internally inconsistent, as reproduction doesn't necessitate marriage.

What does a gay couple give to society?
I wasn't aware a couple is required to give anything to society to warrant being awarded a marriage license.

And climate change? Even if he denies it, what could the government do to stop it? Put up some wind turbines? How about nuclear power? It’s cheap…but maybe it’s terrifying to you as well.
If a politician denies climate change he does so for one of two reasons. One, he doesn't believe in science. Two, he's in bed with the extraction industry and cares more about lining his pocket than poisoning the planet. Either option is troubling.

As for what government could do to stop it, is that a serious question? How about not fighting wars over oil? Not subsidizing the extraction industry? Regulation? Carbon tax plans? Subsidizing green energy? Passing laws that necessitate more green energy use?

Whether or not you agree with any of those ideas is ultimately irrelevant to your question. There are many, MANY things government could do to impact the outcomes if they were so inclined.

What is the function of government?
That's an open-ended question and ultimately dependent on what type of government.
By "insanely pro-gun" I refer to those people who can look at what happened in Sandy Hook and ultimately view it as an acceptable level of collateral damage, so long as their access to firearms does not become "well regulated".

I don't think there's any legitimate proposed legislation that would have made Sandy Hook not occur
I said that your leftism was unchallenged as a direct response to your reaction of surprise when I asked for clarification on why Cruz terrifies you.
If you genuinely need to ask why Cruz terrifies me, perhaps your rightism has been left unchallenged.

Where would I even begin with Cruz? Setting aside for a moment that I disagree with him on almost every issue, he’s a Dominionist Christian, who was raised by a religious zealot, and his campaign is currently being funded by the Keep the Promise SuperPAC. He had a deluded vision that America was a Christian nation and it desperately needs to return to those ideals. I fear the idea of any man having access to “the button” who sees the world through the prism of religion.

That's not a very large leap when you consider the liberal echo-chamber of anti-diversity of thought.
I hope that’s not to suggest that conservative thinking isn’t (at best) equally insular. For the record, I do like to listen to the handful of conservative voices I respect to ensure my thinking doesn’t become limited.

Thanks also for giving me the green light to assume things about you.
No worries. It’s the same carte blanche I give all people on the internet who’ve never met me.

You can give anyone a title and claim experience. Failures in the State Department causing American deaths in Benghazi along with major lapses in judgement in the use of a personal email server are very disqualifying behaviors.
The word “Benghazi” must ring some sort of collective conservative clitoris. It’s equal parts amazing and appalling that Hillary has spent more time answering for four deaths than the Bush administration has spent answering for 7,000 dead American soldiers and over a million wounded.

Like what? Which 'other cultures'?
Babylonians, Sumerians, etc. Google it if you’re truly interested. Much has been documented about where the Old Testament took its ideas from. Be it the Old or New Testament, many of the codes and beliefs were “borrowed” from other cultures.

Are you of European descent? I ask (and don't let questions surprise you please) because a lot of the attacks on Christianity and western society in general stem from the self-criticism we have that the other races do not exhibit in the broad sense (even though Christianity is a middle-eastern religion). This is probably the more boring of the subjects we're discussing, but feel free to answer or brush aside as you see fit, sire.
Russian and Irish. My thoughts on Christianity mostly stem from having been a Christian for a period of time, having witnessed the frightening amount of circular reasoning necessary to justify the belief system, having consequently done an intense amount of reading on the topic, then having come out the other end of it an atheist. And while my atheism was more militant when I first landed there, my position on religion has evolved to one of “live and let live”. That said, I admittedly have zero tolerance for people trying to legislate their beliefs or stifling science when it fails to align with their religious texts.

He was a very influential atheistic philosopher who provided tons of insight into the modern progression of nihilism in our society brought on by the emptying of meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, and essential value to human existence. Pretty good reads. You should brush up on it.
My point about you referencing Nietzsche is that it felt like little more than an appeal to authority. Nietzsche doesn’t speak for all atheists, nor are his philosophies anything but his philosophies.

You're making two very conflicting arguments and trying to take both trophies.
If I can grab two trophies, why shouldn’t I try?

You cannot claim both that Ted Cruz is a "true believer" while attempting to make a hypocrisy argument.
While I understand why you might see it that way, my point was not intended to conflate the two arguments. The two points overlapping is due more to the nature of trying to have a discussion within this format. I’ll attempt to better explain.

There’s this strongly held belief on the Right that they own the moral high ground on all things. However, this argument seems flawed (at best) given their Hawkish views on diplomacy, their unwillingness to stem the flow of guns, their desire to constantly cut welfare and social security, their denial of global warming, and their unending quest to lower taxes on the rich. It seems highly unlikely Jesus would support any of these positions.

With regard to Cruz being a “true believer”, I’ve found that Christians generally fall into two major groups; those who are “spiritual” about their beliefs and those who take a scriptural view of the world. I see Cruz as the latter type. As such, I believe he will be especially dangerous on the foreign policy front.

Atheistic morality in the west only exists in the borrowing from a Christian worldview. It's either ignorant or dishonest to say otherwise.
I’m not even sure where to begin, given how demonstratively absurd your statement is. For starters, as I pointed out earlier, the core ideas you ascribe to Christian morality are not originally Christian. Second, and this is offered really more as an aside, science has been making interesting inroads that seem to indicate our morality is inborn and possibly not even limited to humans. Third, your holy texts either advocate or justify everything from rape and incest, to infanticide and genocide, to slavery and stoning. The notion that the foundations of the Judeo-Christian ethos is moral is both historically and scripturally untrue.

Religious and non-religious conservatives give more of their own money to charity than the left does...voluntarily.
Evidence please.

The left depends on keeping the poor right where they are by shoveling more welfare down their throats and eliminating any incentive to climb out of it.
If the left didn’t want to see the poor rise above their circumstances, why would the left push to make college free for all? The left has taken up cause after cause to make college more attainable and affordable to the poor, all the while being fought by the right at every turn. In the history of the world, no one trying to repress a people did so by fighting to educate them. And in that light, if you can’t see how your point is purely the product of the conservative thought bubble, I don’t know what else to say to you.