Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who gives a fuck?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Colonel Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chafee Scrotum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Jeb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Ben Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ayn Rand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four Eyed Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fatboy from Jersey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Haughm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • O'Malley

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I didn't really have much more to add to this, but I was interested to hear if an atheist could present a respectful case against it which you did. I guess the retort would be that the cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest crime rates. Translation: just having an armed populace discourages or at least makes the criminal think twice before using it. i.e. less senseless violence.

I admit I do not own a gun. My wife and ex therapist both say I should never own one. So yes, I do feel safer going out, knowing or assuming someone near me might/probably has a gun.

Like I said, it's just the hypocrisy that drives me nuts, especially when folks in Texas say shit like "I love my God and guns" or have similar bumper stickers. I seriously have thought about emailing Hannity or Todd Starnes (Fox News writer) and asking their views. If only because they are public figures that fit that mold.

For the record, I'm not an atheist. Not a Christian, either. More of just a spiritual person, I guess.
I could vote for Rubio. I certainly dont agree with everything he stands for, but my conscience would be clear. I would just feel dirty if I voted for Hillary, Bernie or Cruz.

And Cruz proved my point about how dirty he is with his tactics in Iowa regarding Carson. I hope people realize how slimy the guy is.
And Cruz proved my point about how dirty he is with his tactics in Iowa regarding Carson. I hope people realize how slimy the guy is.

Hmm..what was slimy? The fact that CNN reported Carson was out of the race which grassroots Cruz campaign staffers tried to inform the voter of afterward? I heard the big deal that was made, but any big deal from leftist media needs close examination. Especially while they are letting Hillary's FBI investigation slide, and Bernie's madness pass the economic viability test. I mean even "moderate" democrats like Obama (lol) just pushed a record budget plan of 4.1 TRILLION dollars (must be Bush's fault). I just wish more credit was given to Republicans for actually having debates while the donkeys just blow each other on stage with the super-PAC media throwing out softballs and divisive language. Crazy times. Anyhow, back to Cruz:

Cruz has since apologized for the error AFTER CNN corrected themselves. Either way, Carson was never expected to be a frontrunner. He's got good ideas, but is too meek to communicate them. What you call slime, I call smart proactive politicking. Keep in mind that even after the "big deal", Carson still outperformed the polling average by 1.6%. How many voters did he lose?

This goes back several pages, but the argument is always character from the left. Not you specifically, but the media trance around it.

To be clear the mailer read as follows (believe it or not, this is the standard practice of politicians, unfortunate as it may be):

“ELECTION ALERT: VOTER VIOLATION,” “FURTHER ACTION NEEDED,” and adds, “You are receiving this election notice because of low expected voter turnout in your area. Your individual voting history as well as your neighbors’ are public record. Their scores are published below, and many of them will see your score as well. CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE and please encourage your neighbors to caucus as well. A follow-up notice may be issued following Monday’s caucuses."

The big point to me is that this election will force an honest candidate from both sides. While I think Bernie is a lunatic (which I can support by the way. I don't want to be labeled a hypocrite), at least he is consistent which is refreshing from a leftist. And Cruz came clean and spoke respectfully and directly to Carson about the situation, unlike the Benghazi hearings. I hope for Cruz/Trump and Sanders/(Insert...well..who else would it be? There were like four people on the stage).

Additional Edit: Do you see how much time it takes to combat a one-liner like this? This is what conservatives need to work on. We are always on the defense when there are so many missed opportunities for offense.


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I was happy to see trump win NH. A shame rubio is falling. Glad cruz dodnt pick up much, though he'll do good in the south with the religious zealots.

I admit i dont know much about kasich
I can't believe Donald Effin' Trump is actually a legitmate candidate for presidency. What an absolute joke all of this is. The last thing this country needs is more excessive pride/arrogance, insular attitudes, socially myopic outlooks, and tendencies toward xenophobia. Not to mention, I have a feeling this is just one big competitive game to stroke his ego. Trump? Really?! Has this country finally driven off the cliff of sanity?!
I'm loving it just for sheer morbid curiosity. Also, it's hilarious watching all these deluded Cruz fans down here squirm, at least for a little bit.

At least Donald is a legitimate American.
What's more asinine is that the left's best candidates are a 74 yr old Marxist ideologue and a bint who needs to be behind bars at Leavenworth.

Trump has my vote in the general. Hope it doesn't come down to that, but the alternative is scary as hell. Especially with the appointments of 3-4 Supreme Court judges waiting in the wings. This country will really fall of the cliff with a commie court. :erk:

I guess our nation's demise will all be worth it for the "free gibs." Oh ye make a decent living ye say? Guess you'll be the one "gibbing." :suspicious:
I don't get how free healthcare and free college is going to force people into a life of no working. I get it if they were advocating for raising welfare or unemployment...but it's things that do not effect people working.
Who do you reckon is going to pay for these free gibs? Is it fair that blue collared workers on the assembly line get a tax increase to pay for little Sammy's education? If one can't pay a student loan, don't go to school. Everyone should be responsible for their own lot in life, make do.

Insert the Yearn for the Bern slobbering shill of "Wall Street Speculators dur hur."

That old coot is going to have a coronary.
Furthermore on this whole free gibs bullshit. The education one is particularly vexing to me, as one can make a case that health care is a humanitarian right, the argument for a shiny degree on the other hand, not so much. This socialist hack would enjoy nothing more than to indoctrinate more milk sops through collegiate lib driven brainwashing. Social Justice degrees for all! Yaaaaaay we feel so so good about ourselves. Lets hug!

With a heavily subsidized education system, government would have their hand in another cookie jar and be able to impose influence on these institutions. Many a milk sop from silver spooned backgrounds who currently have the means to pay would get ushered in along with this wave of "feels." All the while the working class, who is actually breaking brow sweat to put food on their table sees another pork chop thinning, as little Sammy the SJW gets to take a free course on Cultural Appropriation 101. Yaaaaay, don't you feel fantastic?

Not enough fn billionaires in this country, even if ye seized every kopeck they have in their coffers. Lets burden the strength of our dollar some more as the inefficient gubernate that the libtards love to expand at every turn grows and grows further out of control. These hacks want to control every aspect of the citizenry, and the sheep are more than happy to offer their napes to the ax. Lambs to the slaughter, baaaaaaaaaah, yearn for the Bern, baaaaaaaaaaaah. Bleat away ye dumb fucks. :heh:
We have to understand that it's a requirement to at least get an associate's degree in this world (and by associates I also mean a 2YR program for 'skilled' labor) We also have to realize that education is not for the individual, even though we think it is. Sure, there are a lot of useless degrees, but jobs require that you at least waste your time in a 4YR institution just to get a cushier job. Degrees are for big business, which is ultimately America. So it's not that it's an individuals weird journey to get a college degree, the modern globalized world requires educated labor. There's a gap between operators and the next step.

You're right on the 2nd paragraph and that's why I can't decide either way. The current system of FAFSA and other grants just raises the costs for everyone else while the super poor get it for free. If government controls both healthcare and the public education system, they will eventually intend to do things in the interests of the government budget. But we have to realize that both parties love government spending and I doubt Rand Paul and his followers would get elected any time soon.
It's unsustainable breh. We have bigger entitlements to be concerned over than adding another shrimp to the barbie. Seeing as that we're paying into Social Security (FICA) and are a long ways a way, if at all, towards recouping our generous gibs (which in theory should be to our elder selves, rather than erstwhile 4 generations. Now we stand here in 2016 debating on how to give away more free shit?

How about a plan towards privatizing social security for future generations, where they will be able to have some modicum of control over their golden years? This is never discussed, as it takes a hearty helping out of the gubanate maw.

I want as small a government as feasibly possible.

Down with libs, down with gibs. :heh:
I think college is more sustainable than random healthcare/SS mediums. I don't think i've read anything convincing regarding privatized social security, isn't it just a government mandated retirement fund for a ROTH IRA or something?

Yeah man, weird world. People want the government to protect them when shit goes out of hand but then are upset when nothing goes bad for them and they pay for it. Welfare states do complicate things
If you want something out of life, you should be willing to pay for it. These student loans are paid back typically within 10 years. A tuition at a state college is under 10k.

40-50k paid back over the course of 10 years is paltry. Taking into account that the graduate has attained some wisdom and found a job that pays more than a fry cook, this shouldn't be too damn hard. Plus who is benefiting in the long term? Pay your fn own way.

The entire talking point is absurd, and just a method for old coot to compete against the felon to be. Pander to the poorly-educated collegiate aged indoctrinated libtard masses. Ironically enough, these same twits will be signing off on their own financial ruin, ruing the day the gibs become a palindrome for the bigs.

"But the freebies feel oh so good." :heh:
if they get all this shit for free, i expect my college and healthcare money back....in one lump sum.....tax free....with interest
as one can make a case that health care is a humanitarian right

No one is entitled to someone else's labor.

I doubt Rand Paul and his followers would get elected any time soon

And the only reason for this is the RNC thinking his stance on foreign policy is childish. Trump is the bane of the RNC. If Trump's only accomplishment is destroying left-wing media and the bureaucracy of the Republicans, he will have succeeded. Trump won a landslide in New Hampshire while being boo'ed during the REPUBLICAN debate. That has to say something. I have not met one right-leaner that supported Jeb Bush...and I live in in hardcore red territory. And yet somehow he still stands on the same stage as the guy (Trump) that throws him around like a rag-doll. You are at least left leaning from my experiences with you, but at most open to ideas. Once you drop conservative as a pejorative, maybe the ideology will start to make sense.

One of us...one of us...
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If you want something out of life, you should be willing to pay for it. These student loans are paid back typically within 10 years. A tuition at a state college is under 10k.

I'm with ya man. I joined the Army to get a free education. But it's clear people do not make smart fiscal decisions and also don't comprehend the long term effects of being in debt. Now private corporations are making bank off stupid college age students while there's supposedly long term problems with graduates and realizing they are under so much debt, etc.