Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

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  • Who gives a fuck?

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  • Colonel Sanders

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  • Chafee Scrotum

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  • Uncle Jeb

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  • Uncle Ben Carson

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  • Ayn Rand

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  • Four Eyed Perry

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  • Fatboy from Jersey

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  • Haughm

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  • O'Malley

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I don't think there's any legitimate proposed legislation that would have made Sandy Hook not occur
You may be right. Taken on a case by case basis, in a nation of 300 million, there will likely continue to be incidents we can't simply legislate away. However, we should be putting our heads together to figure how we can do a better job of stopping gun violence without unhinging the 2nd Amendment. However, given that the Right has taken a completely dogmatic position on gun rights, an open and fruitful dialog is impossible.
Evidence please.

Pretty sure he's right, but voluntarily is poor word choice. The bible tells you to donate to charity. Unless your Ted Cruz, then fuck that part.

You may be right. Taken on a case by case basis, in a nation of 300 million, there will likely continue to be incidents we can't simply legislate away. However, we should be putting our heads together to figure how we can do a better job of stopping gun violence without unhinging the 2nd Amendment. However, given that the Right has taken a completely dogmatic position on gun rights, an open and fruitful dialog is impossible.

Maybe the problem is that people only focus on gun violence and not all violence
If you genuinely need to ask why Cruz terrifies me, perhaps your rightism has been left unchallenged.

And I would hope that we could start with the reasons for the ‘Eek’ response for the sake of rational discourse. I had a few presuppositions myself so I won’t press that button too quick, but I try to at least throw something out there before diving right into emotional head under-the-covers reactions.

...his campaign is currently being funded by the Keep the Promise SuperPAC.

Yes. Let’s ignore Hillary’s donors for a moment…

You’re right. This looks pretty intimidating: http://www.keepthepromise.com/why-ted/

He had a deluded vision that America was a Christian nation and it desperately needs to return to those ideals.

It was, but you’re right…it no longer is.

I fear the idea of any man having access to “the button” who sees the world through the prism of religion.

Why are you so afraid of things?

Can you give me an example of this button being pressed by a conservative? Harry Truman would like a word with you.

And lets not cry crocodile tears about the crimes of Christianity when atheistic ideology killed over 60 million people in half a century…just last century.

And if you’re still hot about religion, show me the Christian Osama Bin Laden.

I hope that’s not to suggest that conservative thinking isn’t (at best) equally insular.

Care to provide some examples? I can just sit here and list universities to prove my side of the argument.

The word “Benghazi” must ring some sort of collective conservative clitoris. It’s equal parts amazing and appalling that Hillary has spent more time answering for four deaths than the Bush administration has spent answering for 7,000 dead American soldiers and over a million wounded.

See and here’s the difference: Conservatives do not worship their politicians. They are a means to an end. Obama’s presidency has been about his celebrity status more than his policies. The left’s strict adherence to pointing back almost 10 years is stunning. Yes, Bush was shit because 9/11 happened. Now can we talk about Hillary?

Babylonians, Sumerians, etc. Google it if you’re truly interested. Much has been documented about where the Old Testament took its ideas from. Be it the Old or New Testament, many of the codes and beliefs were “borrowed” from other cultures.

I really hope we haven’t sunk to citations from Zeitgeist here. Poorly researched drivel that has been completely debunked. Set them up, and I will knock them back. If not, I am most certainly interested, but I swear if I hear anything about Horus…

That said, I admittedly have zero tolerance for people trying to legislate their beliefs...

But you would have no problem with legislating your own. Because you feel so adamantly that women should be able to murder the unborn due to their lack of sexual responsibility, Christians (and anyone opposed to it really) are now forced to pay for them. At what point should abortion be illegal? At the mother's request? 8.5 months? Where do men play a role in this or is it just white knighting?

Because you are so passionate about gun violence, you would limit the options of people who abide by the law…but more importantly, why not go all the way? Why not ban handguns or is it more about intentions to give yourself that "moral high-ground" than to actually accomplish anything? I really don’t think that Chicagoan gangbangers are running around with assault rifles.

Do you think handguns are okay? Or are they scary? They cause more violence statistically.

If I can grab two trophies, why shouldn’t I try?

So long as it's not a participation trophy...

There’s this strongly held belief on the Right that they own the moral high ground on all things.

Because it works. Look at the highest crime areas in this nation and you will see that the office holders have a D next to their names, and they are certainly sticking it in dee…nevermind. Care to explain Flint and Detroit where the donkeys had a debate and blamed...yes seriously...republicans.

There are three things you need to be successful: Graduate from high school. Get a job. Don’t have kids before you’re married.

...their desire to constantly cut welfare and social security, their denial of global warming, and their unending quest to lower taxes on the rich. It seems highly unlikely Jesus would support any of these positions.

I specifically deleted my post, because I didn’t want this to turn into a theological debate (especially on a forum where we chat about bands like Necros Christos) but…

Welfare is theft. It doesn’t help anyone. It enables irresponsible behavior (see previous thread pages) by creating incentive.

Global Warming? What is that? I thought it was Climate Change to cover all bases. Scientific consensus is not enough either way. Is that how science works? On a vote. Einstein should have been written off before he even got started then. Again, I don’t care about this argument, because concern about Global Warming is a luxury for elitists. Do you think poor Chinese factory workers living in the slums think about this at all? No. They will go to work just to make enough to survive. Any legislation you can think of wouldn’t be enough to stop it even IF I agreed with you. And it would only hurt the industries that provide a means for these people to provide for their families. Not to mention that our legislation doesn’t impact other countries. None of the proposals have been shown to be economically viable, so what stops China from continuing?

Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's…”

Forced altruism is not altruism at all. It has to be voluntary for it to matter. This is why the left thinks that they (contrary to what you believe about the right) have the moral high ground, but they are the party of theft. From theft of labor (slavery) to today. Not much has changed.

I’m not even sure where to begin, given how demonstratively absurd your statement is. For starters, as I pointed out earlier, the core ideas you ascribe to Christian morality are not originally Christian.

That first sentence was just mean. You meanie. Demonstrate it then. Don’t tell me, show me.

Third, your holy texts either advocate or justify everything from rape and incest, to infanticide and genocide, to slavery and stoning. The notion that the foundations of the Judeo-Christian ethos is moral is both historically and scripturally untrue.

Is this where you start cherry picking (how ironic) bible verses and reading them out of context in the most fundamental way possible (how ironic) and think that the Christian is going to have an “A-ha” moment?

Evidence please.

Buy it:


Here’s a review of the study:


If the left didn’t want to see the poor rise above their circumstances, why would the left push to make college free for all? The left has taken up cause after cause to make college more attainable and affordable to the poor, all the while being fought by the right at every turn. In the history of the world, no one trying to repress a people did so by fighting to educate them. And in that light, if you can’t see how your point is purely the product of the conservative thought bubble, I don’t know what else to say to you.

College was made expensive through government intervention. They create the problem and ask you to send more of them to fix it (as is typical of statists).

If everyone goes to college, the value of the degree will suffer. Furthermore, not everyone is qualified for university. We are not a homogeneous society and our academics have suffered trying to shove people into something that will only lead to their failure. I may have said this previously but the arguments don’t change so why not repeat it: If I am 5’5 and you put me on the basketball team, I am not getting any taller.

Leftism in a nutshell is ‘equality of outcome, not opportunity’ which will never be achieved. They only win by dividing the haves and the have nots.

*Just one last note about your previous comments on "xenophobia". Do you hate the Japanese, Saudi or Mexican laws on immigration? Almost no other culture puts forth laws with anchor babies attached to it. Or is it just white countries that should be subject to "diversity"? Tell us about how diversity encourages development. It is all IQ related and R&K genome selection specific. Let's get scientific. Otherwise your inconsistency will be the sign of a failed argument.
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Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's…”

He also said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

So tryhard Christians like Ted Cruz are screwed. And Joel Osteen.
Very sad that a principled guy that just didn't have the likeability factor behind him had to bail out like that. He always did better in his congressional duties when he was off-the-cuff and smashing policy. But we don't care about policy in this country. If he would have stopped trying to force a presidential style that came off as preachy and beggy, he would have done better. Now we are leftist Vs. uber-leftist.
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his voice is annoying as pee wee herman. and i couldnt stand that smug look he always had like "im better than you"

eh, oh well. americans like smoking cubans
Very sad that a principled guy that just didn't have the likeability factor behind him had to bail out like that. He always did better in his congressional duties when he was off-the-cuff and smashing policy. But we don't care about policy in this country. If he would have stopped trying to force a presidential style that came off as preachy and beggy, he would have done better. Now we are leftist Vs. uber-leftist.

Ha. Principled. He is just a bought-and-paid-for faux-outsider evangelical cretin.
Why the fuck would anybody want to vote for an Israeliphile, 'country ruled by Christ' candidate?
Why the fuck would anybody want to vote for an Israeliphile, 'country ruled by Christ' candidate?

You put this forward as an insult, but I am not sure why you think it is. I would simply go full GTFORC, but you clearly want some cake. Either make an argument or fuck off. Yes...we see you chiming in. You exist.

If a 'country ruled by Christ' outlook is a bad thing, lay it out for us. It seems to have worked for the last 250 years. I am wondering how thought out your worldview is when you appeal to conservative values and then spit on others. Chicken or the egg?