Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who gives a fuck?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Colonel Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chafee Scrotum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Jeb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Ben Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ayn Rand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four Eyed Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fatboy from Jersey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Haughm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • O'Malley

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I am wondering how thought out your worldview is when you appeal to conservative values and then spit on others. Chicken or the egg?

I'm a libertarian.
I don't believe I'm spitting on conservative values when I spit on Cruz, that's a conflation I disagree with.

If a 'country ruled by Christ' outlook is a bad thing, lay it out for us. It seems to have worked for the last 250 years.

In what sense has it worked? Seems to me, the less Christ is involved in the power structure the better it has been, not just for non-Christians but also especially for practicing Christians.
Let us not forget the Temperance movement.

@Plastic Nathrakh ^
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Very sad that a principled guy that just didn't have the likeability factor behind him had to bail out like that. He always did better in his congressional duties when he was off-the-cuff and smashing policy. But we don't care about policy in this country. If he would have stopped trying to force a presidential style that came off as preachy and beggy, he would have done better. Now we are leftist Vs. uber-leftist.

Got nothing but absolute turds left. On the bright side, I can now bow out myself, and not give two sharts about the electoral process.
The least you vould do is support trump since he wants to send back all the wetbacks

Dude's malleable as fuck, already back peddling on his tax plan and previous statements regarding a federal min wage increase. I could see voting for him if he gives me a compelling argument to do so over next 6 months. Right now only thing he has going for him is that i'd rather see his wife's mug than Hillary's chickenhead for the next 4 anios no buenos. This country is utterly doomed. Only solace I have is that i'll prob be senile or checked out before it reaches Euro level critical mass cuckoldry.
I'm at the point where I'm of the opinion that they should all be murdered as excruciatingly as possible.
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Dinesh is essentially a slime bucket.

How? Or did you hear about his 20k contribution to his friend's campaign from one of your friends? He is a brilliant man..."slime bucket" is not an argument, btw. You're a libertarian? I hear a lot of leftists call themselves this while following Bernie Sanders. Define your position.
How? Or did you hear about his 20k contribution to his friend's campaign from one of your friends? He is a brilliant man..."slime bucket" is not an argument, btw. You're a libertarian? I hear a lot of leftists call themselves this while following Bernie Sanders. Define your position.

I've watched many of his debates, actual debates, and tend to find his debate tactics slimy. I don't care about that donation scandal, all donations in American politics seem scandalous to me anyway.

You hear a lot of leftists call themselves libertarians while they also support Bernie Sanders? Somehow I doubt that very much. I don't support Bernie Sanders, not that I'm American anyway, if I could vote there I'd be behind Gary Johnson.
I've watched many of his debates, actual debates, and tend to find his debate tactics slimy.

Again, how?

You hear a lot of leftists call themselves libertarians while they also support Bernie Sanders? Somehow I doubt that very much.

It's pretty clear that many (perhaps even the majority) of young Ron Paul supporters switched to Bernie Sanders this time around. Either millennials are simply unprincipled idiots or they really want some legal weed.

He didn't respond to my other comment already. Noted haha.

Which? I do not live on this forum so I apologize for the delay. I can't keep up with your moments-later responses though it is appreciated in the graveyard of RC.
Again, how?

Watch his debates with Christopher Hitchens. Not going to hold your hand through this, since you'll likely just conveniently forget to reply.

It's pretty clear that many (perhaps even the majority) of young Ron Paul supporters switched to Bernie Sanders this time around. Either millennials are simply unprincipled idiots or they really want some legal weed.

Seems to me that demonstrates much more that young voters like political rebels, not that they flip-flop from libertarianism to socialism.
Ron Paul is more on the paleocon side of things rather than genuine libertarianism. Small point but with a deep ravine.

Which? I do not live on this forum so I apologize for the delay. I can't keep up with your moments-later responses though it is appreciated in the graveyard of RC.

I tagged your name, nice attempt at an excuse though fuckface.
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Watch his debates with Christopher Hitchens. Not going to hold your hand through this, since you'll likely just conveniently forget to reply.

Which of your posts have I not replied to? Or is the expediency of my reply at issue? I'll work on it.

Yes I have seen his debates with Hitchens, but your opinion that he is 'slimey' was not apparent to me. On the contrary, I could say that Hitchens' style of sophistic, snarky, and sarcastic debate tactics are quite slimey. In a debate you are usually looking for the truth and probably hope to persuade some people along the way. His style (which neo-atheists have followed his lead on) of attack and dismiss rather than refute through exchange probably turned many fence-sitters away and helped the atheist movement simply say "Christians are dumb...shut up." which shuts down debate. This is an odd choice if you're confident in your ideas.

Seems to me that demonstrates much more that young voters like political rebels, not that they flip-flop from libertarianism to socialism.

So they are unprincipled idiots. I knew it would be one or the other. Bernie is not a rebel. He is a marxist. His rebellion is only in his honesty as many in his party are also marxists, but they tip toe around it. As far as your libertarian views, I probably agree with you on most things.

I tagged your name, nice attempt at an excuse though fuckface.

Do you work for UM? I promise I'll start logging in more. It's not you, it's me.
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Which of your posts have I not replied to? Or is the expediency of my reply at issue? I'll work on it.

Yes I have seen his debates with Hitchens, but your opinion that he is 'slimey' was not apparent to me. On the contrary, I could say that Hitchens' style of sophistic, snarky, and sarcastic debate tactics are quite slimey. In a debate you are usually looking for the truth and probably hope to persuade some people along the way. His style (which neo-atheists have followed his lead on) of attack and dismiss rather than refute through exchange probably turned many fence-sitters away and helped the atheist movement simply say "Christians are dumb...shut up." which shuts down debate. This is an odd choice if you're confident in your ideas.

Work on being less dense.

I wouldn't say Hitchens' debate style was slimy, abrasive would be a better way to describe it.

So they are unprincipled idiots. I knew it would be one or the other. Bernie is not a rebel. He is a marxist. His rebellion is only in his honesty as many in his party are also marxists, but they tip toe around it. As far as your libertarian views, I probably agree with you on most things.

I'm not saying Marxism is rebellious, it's really not that hard to read my comment within the context of what we're talking about. Bernie is a rebel in comparison to what's going on in American politics (aka the two party/basically one party system of neocons) and if you think being an outspoken socialist and running for POTUS isn't rebellious within that context, I can't bring you along with me on this field trip of ideas.

It's laughable to say that the DNC is filled secretly with Marxists though. If anything it's filled with a bunch of authoritarian moralist neocons.

Do you work for UM? I promise I'll start logging in more. It's not you, it's me.

I tagged you in the post you missed 7 and a half hours ago. Maybe it didn't work. Either way, go to the previous page and you'll see an exchange wherein you challenged me, I responded and then you didn't follow up. Which is strange considering you called me out, not the other way around. Remember, it was about a Jesus Christ headed government?

Nothing to do with expediency or my expectations of you so calm the fuck down with that nonsense. I just personally find it funny when someone calls me out and then coincidentally goes quiet when I respond.
all these uber conservative politicians and donors are cracking me up. its almost like theyd rather have hillary for 4 years instead of trump because theyre worried about their precious party.....or the votes they fear they will lose if they side with him. WEAK!

a 3rd party candidate will hand the election to hillary. time to get on board and back the guy YOUR CONSTITUENTS chose.
In what sense has it worked? Seems to me, the less Christ is involved in the power structure the better it has been, not just for non-Christians but also especially for practicing Christians.
Let us not forget the Temperance movement.

Is this what you wanted a response to? I asked for clarification on why you think an "Israeliphile, 'country ruled by Christ' candidate" is a bad thing and you bring up...the Temperance movement? You didn't even make a claim of why the Temperance movement was bad for the country, thus there is nothing for me to respond to. Do you think Ted Cruz was pushing for prohibition? I don't see the connection.

Dinesh is essentially a slime bucket...

So...how is he slimy? I showed you how to do it in my example of Hitchens. Come on, I believe in you.

...fuckface...Work on being less dense...It's laughable... calm the fuck down

These are not arguments. For someone who leans American-right in Libertarianism, you argue like a leftist...like a scorned harpy with a bleeding nether-region.

I guess 'fuckface' could be an argument of persuasion if you were explaining logistics while pointing at your own mouth.
Never ever said I leaned American-right. Do you have issues or something? I'm going to take rms' advice.

You seem really annoying.