who's the best in COB??

But I don't complain about the straight shredding parts as long as there's also melody... the last FTR solo is like this for example and it's one of my favourites. There's the melody climax moment and then alternate picking going up and down... but I don't want to get involved in shit I don't fully understand.
Not to stir up the pot....but..

Gilbert is miles ahead of Alexi as far as a guitarists go. Pauls, been shredding up the scene since he was 16 or 17. Look for some really old Racer X stuff (Street Lethal) and you can just hear in his playing how technically good he is and was from such and early start.

Now, I'm not saying Alexi is bad, but Gilbert is just better, but Gilbert has been playing for prob 10-15 years longer than Alexi.

Paul is a music instructor, or has been, he still teaches on occassion. If you sat Alexi and Paul in room to talk music Alexi would be lost in a nano second. And knowing all the musical lingo is part of being a great guitarist. Yes, playing is key, but being able to talk music with other muscians is also very important. You can't talk tab to a horn section in a band.

And not all of Pauls stuff is instrumental....one of my favorite albums of his is Space Ship One...check it out...lots of different stuff on it. Pop, rock, jazz-ish....the man can do it all. I even have a live cd of his called Acoustic Samurai....he plays Technical Difficulties on a fucking acoustic...and good. I mean there is nothing the man can't do.

This song is just awesome

And another form that album...a little heavier

And even a song in Japanese

I guess Paul is just more admirable as a player to me than Alexi is.

What amazes me most about his playing isn't how technical it is, but how cleanly he can play it. All these videos were recorded live and they play perfect.
Have you guys ever though of "best guitarist = who's playing sounds the best"? Who gives a shit about the absolute best techique, when the guys are at least as skilled as Alexi? IMO Alexi > Steve Vai, Jon Nödtveidt > Batio, Mick Mars > Shawn Lane, Gary Moore > every other guitarist on the planet.
PG's music is just completely uninteresting to non-guitarists.

Alexi's approach is different to these guys who are only about the technical wankery and nothing else. I put it straight but hey that's my style.
PG's music is just completely uninteresting to non-guitarists.

Alexi's approach is different to these guys who are only about the technical wankery and nothing else. I put it straight but hey that's my style.

I dont' agree here. My 55 year old father has never played an instrument in his life and some of his favorite musicians are Steve Vai and Satriani, and they are both very technical players. He has no idea what they are doing, he just knows he likes the music.

It really all just boils down to personal taste.

And not all of PG's stuff is that difficult. I mean the solos and leads may be, but lots of his riffs are very easy to play.

And I can guarantee you that if Alexi could do more wankery(you call it wankery, I would call it technique) on his guitar he would....it's in our nature as guitarists to play the more difficult techniques that we know.
I dont' agree here. My 55 year old father has never played an instrument in his life and some of his favorite musicians are Steve Vai and Satriani, and they are both very technical players. He has no idea what they are doing, he just knows he likes the music.

It really all just boils down to personal taste.

And not all of PG's stuff is that difficult. I mean the solos and leads may be, but lots of his riffs are very easy to play.

And I can guarantee you that if Alexi could do more wankery(you call it wankery, I would call it technique) on his guitar he would....it's in our nature as guitarists to play the more difficult techniques that we know.

My mother and nearly all of my friends don't really listen to metal. All are either pop or rock fans but everyone know's COB (I guess because of me) and everyone says that the instrumental parts and solos are awesome and how melodic they are and it would be such a great band if there wasn't Alexis voice :lol:

And yes, seen from the technical side, Gilbert is surely better but compared to Alexis solos which are propably easier to play, they are just boring...

What the hell? You can't just go and point at some of them? They are not five guys alone, they are Children Of Bodom! So I say - Children Of Bodom
Dude, Children Of Bodom is and will ever be Alexi. Deal with it.
I've got to agree with eveningninja here. Laiho is my favourite guitarist of all time because of the material that he writes but his technique is horrible - he is not at all efficient and he's often (not always) sloppy as hell. If you're trying to defend Laiho on any technical basis, you either don't know a great deal about technique or you're deluding yourself (that's an inclusive "or").

As for the original question: Laiho is the best in COB because without Laiho there is no COB, he writes everything; everyone else is replaceable.
I've got to agree with eveningninja here. Laiho is my favourite guitarist of all time because of the material that he writes but his technique is horrible

well to me music is all about feelings...not techniques (not that much)

you can write a song with 5 chords and make people cry or make them bang their head off their neck!!!!!!!!!!!!
i must agree with arcane here

paul gilbert may be tecnically better than alexi at some point, but alexi is MUCH more interesting to hear to anyone and thats what really matters. being tecnically efficient is just one of the ways to sound good. alexi does sound much better and composes much better than gilbert.

and by the way alexi is sloppy nowadays and i guess its a bit because of the broken hand he had, but go see alexi in 2001 or 2003 or something, his live solos were 100% accurate.
My mother and nearly all of my friends don't really listen to metal. All are either pop or rock fans but everyone know's COB (I guess because of me) and everyone says that the instrumental parts and solos are awesome and how melodic they are and it would be such a great band if there wasn't Alexis voice :lol:

haha the same here :lol:
well to me music is all about feelings...not techniques (not that much)

you can write a song with 5 chords and make people cry or make them bang their head off their neck!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no feeling in music, feeling is a response in the mind of the person listening.
This is not true. Someone can sing with or without feeling, especially singer like Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera and so on... all those ballads. Alexi for example definitely played the NMF chorus with feeling.
i must agree with arcane here

paul gilbert may be tecnically better than alexi at some point, but alexi is MUCH more interesting to hear to anyone and thats what really matters. being tecnically efficient is just one of the ways to sound good. alexi does sound much better and composes much better than gilbert.

and by the way alexi is sloppy nowadays and i guess its a bit because of the broken hand he had, but go see alexi in 2001 or 2003 or something, his live solos were 100% accurate.

Well sir, that is just a matter of opinion. I myslef get more joy listening to Gilbert and Vai than CoB. Don't get me wrong CoB is one of my favorite bands, but IMO Gilbert and Vai are just on a different level musically.

And a broken hand is no excuse. He CAN nail solos now, he just doesn't all the time. He just isn't as efficient of a player...simple as that. Laiho himself doesn't blame it on a broken hand these days. But I will give him credit....this past year it seems like he stepped up his game. He has played better live this year than I have heard play since Alexander was in the band.

I have a feeling most of you have not listened to a lot of Gilbert, just the 4-5(Technical Difficulties, Scarified, etc..) songs he is well known for. You all talk about how he is a guitar guy only and only does instrumental. He's been writing with bands since 1986 and his first instrumental album wasn't released until 2006(Get Out of MY Yard) and I think he has a total of 3 instrumentals now. So he is WAY more of a song writter than you guys are giving him credit for. Racer X(about 7 albums), Mr. Big(about 10-12 albums), solo(about 12 albums). That's alot of albums to have under your belt for any artist.
There is no feeling in music, feeling is a response in the mind of the person listening.

what you said was pretty oxymoronic!

there is no feeling in music?

I appreciate your scientific attitude!

you said feeling is a response... response to what????
This is not true. Someone can sing with or without feeling, especially singer like Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera and so on... all those ballads. Alexi for example definitely played the NMF chorus with feeling.

That's just an opinion. We can't really define feeling, because people have different taste. One simply might not find feeling in what you think has feeling. And vice versa.