Not to stir up the pot....but..
Gilbert is miles ahead of Alexi as far as a guitarists go. Pauls, been shredding up the scene since he was 16 or 17. Look for some really old Racer X stuff (Street Lethal) and you can just hear in his playing how technically good he is and was from such and early start.
Now, I'm not saying Alexi is bad, but Gilbert is just better, but Gilbert has been playing for prob 10-15 years longer than Alexi.
Paul is a music instructor, or has been, he still teaches on occassion. If you sat Alexi and Paul in room to talk music Alexi would be lost in a nano second. And knowing all the musical lingo is part of being a great guitarist. Yes, playing is key, but being able to talk music with other muscians is also very important. You can't talk tab to a horn section in a band.
And not all of Pauls stuff is of my favorite albums of his is Space Ship One...check it out...lots of different stuff on it. Pop, rock, jazz-ish....the man can do it all. I even have a live cd of his called Acoustic Samurai....he plays Technical Difficulties on a fucking acoustic...and good. I mean there is nothing the man can't do.
This song is just awesome
And another form that album...a little heavier
And even a song in Japanese
I guess Paul is just more admirable as a player to me than Alexi is.
What amazes me most about his playing isn't how technical it is, but how cleanly he can play it. All these videos were recorded live and they play perfect.