Why do people think Opeth is so great?

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:lol: Don't wet your diapers man... just get daddy to buy you a new pony and everything will be alright. :) No need to cry.

And I always laugh when someone here tells me I have no life. I've done more in the past few months than you probably have in your life. I mean, I sure do post a fucking lot, but that's cuz I barely sleep. Sometimes only 2 hours a day. And I work fucked up hours. Which leaves little time to go out. But hey :lol: The day I care what a 13 year old queer daddy's boy says about me is the day I get a MCR tattoo on my ballsack.
what he is trying to say is insulting him for being young is stupid because what looks more sad?
a 13 year old on an internet messege board or a 20 year old on one?
what he is trying to say is insulting him for being young is stupid because what looks more sad?
a 13 year old on an internet messege board or a 20 year old on one?

I saw your name here and before I even read your post and I already knew it was gonna be something gay against me. You've had some boner-grudge against me for months, I don't know why... but your dick gets hard anytime you have a chance to talk shit to me. Maybe it's because you're like 15 and take offense to some of the stuff I say or my great grandparents stole some of you land, I don't know.

And I got his point dipshit, it's not all that hard to get. I am just fucking with him, and if he can't take it then he knows where the ignore function is. WHen he makes good posts I talk properly with him, when he acts gay I respond accordingly. Now stfu and mind your own business you nosey cocksucker.

Btw, I'm 19 :D
I saw your name here and before I even read your post and I already knew it was gonna be something gay against me. You've had some boner-grudge against me for months, I don't know why... but your dick gets hard anytime you have a chance to talk shit to me. Maybe it's because you're like 15 and take offense to some of the stuff I say or my great grandparents stole some of you land, I don't know.

And I got his point dipshit, it's not all that hard to get. I am just fucking with him, and if he can't take it then he knows where the ignore function is. WHen he makes good posts I talk properly with him, when he acts gay I respond accordingly. Now stfu and mind your own business you nosey cocksucker.

Btw, I'm 19 :D
hah when I said 20 I was generalizing, if you want to know why I have a grudge with you is cause 10% your posts are funny but all the others are either you trying too hard or you are fighting with someone. Hell I bet you'll respond to this and it will get into a whole new argument.:lol:
hah when I said 20 I was generalizing, if you want to know why I have a grudge with you is cause 10% your posts are funny but all the others are either you trying too hard or you are fighting with someone. Hell I bet you'll respond to this and it will get into a whole new argument.:lol:

Or you know, I just don't give a fuck what you say and therefore won't bother addressing what YOUR opinion of me is. Like I said, you can't take it/don't like me you know where the ignore function is. :)
Or you know, I just don't give a fuck what you say and therefore won't bother addressing what YOUR opinion of me is. Like I said, you can't take it/don't like me you know where the ignore function is. :)

nah I cant use that, I am too curious to as what is there.
Trying to play the odds to catch something funny then? :lol:

shut up heartless, you've done nothing but flame people for not agreeing with you on this. you take shit to seriously.
No, that's a cop out, you meant every word of it, but now your in hot water so your claim you were joking.

Your entire post here, certainly does not come off as "joking"

Like I give a fuck :lol: I've been in more "hot water" than this and I don't really care if I offended anyone with anything I say, just as I don't take their shit to heart either. It's the internet. And besides, I WAS actually pissed that day when I wrote that so you're right, that post was not written in a 'joking' tone. But I already apologized to the people I lashed out at. Some of it was true and made a point but the pure attacks on Opeth fans/the fact they liked Opeth was just a product of having worked all night, then waking up and have 50 million things go wrong, then reading the whining and shit set me off. So :lol: Whatever :p

Does it really matter to you anyways?
Like I give a fuck :lol: I've been in more "hot water" than this and I don't really care if I offended anyone with anything I say, just as I don't take their shit to heart either. It's the internet. And besides, I WAS actually pissed that day when I wrote that so you're right, that post was not written in a 'joking' tone. But I already apologized to the people I lashed out at. Some of it was true and made a point but the pure attacks on Opeth fans/the fact they liked Opeth was just a product of having worked all night, then waking up and have 50 million things go wrong, then reading the whining and shit set me off. So :lol: Whatever :p

Does it really matter to you anyways?

It matters because your lash outs may cause people to leave the forum, and cause others to not join in the discussions. if work has you down maybe you should quit, or not post when you're stressed out. either way, leave the chip on your shoulder at the door when you come here.
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