Why do Women Hate Metal- or any other complex music?


Nov 19, 2001
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Why do so few women care for complex music? I know of no woman that gets exciting about a guitarist or drummer or groundbreaking band. All women seem to care about is sappy happy songs- of course this is a broad generalization, some women really do care for complex stuff etc. Yet, as I think about it, how many women are even musicians- and those that are, how many have any talent besides a few chinese violinists, and certain female vocalists. Is complex , or non emotional music totally a male interest?
Most women are stupid whores. They're too busy being trendy and/or boy crazy to appreciate good music. There are a few talented female musicians, but there aren't a whole lot that play metal.
The keyword here is "most", not "all". You can stop rolling your eyes now.
Disturbed4ntics said:
Most women like bands if the members are hot.
This is something I don't get...........SOME girls will buy a NSync or Backstreet Boys cd because they think the guys are hot, pretty much regardless of what the music is like. If a guy thinks Britney Spears, for example, is hot they won't go out and buy a cd.......they'll just look at pictures or videos..........I don't get it
I can assure everyone that I don't like bands based on how the bandmembers look. Most of the time I don't even know what they look like except for a glance at the photos in the CD booklets.

I'm not particulary fond of most sappy love song crap either. That's one of the great things about metal if you ask me: less sappy crap and more aggression. :) That's why I don't like nu-metal (which my husband likes ironically). It's generally generic, boring, sappy, and stupid.

Of course I realize that you guys aren't saying all women are like this, but I just want to point out that there are a few of us around that aren't just stupid trendwhores excitedly waiting for the next Britney Spears video on MTV. However I will concede that there are very few women who really care about complex music.

I don't play an instrument. I tried to learn how but I wasn't disciplined enough to really do much. I don't think that it has anything to do with my being a female though. I still feel like I can recognize good music even though I don't play an instrument.

Perhaps I learned my appreciation for good music by having two older brothers who played in various rock and jazz bands over the years and who actually took musicianship seriously. One of my brothers took me to my first concert (Van Halen/Metallica) about 16 years ago so I guess I have him to blame! Haha! :loco:

I do think at least part of the reason there are fewer female musicians (in rock/metal especially) is just the way females are socialized from a young age. My brothers grew up with all of their friends playing in bands, but it's just not one of those things women are *supposed* to do if you understand what I'm saying. I was considered a tomboy just for liking metal while growing up. There is a certain amount of peer pressure to fit in and unfortunately some people just don't resist it as well. On the other hand I told anyone who tried to give me crap about my taste in music to please fuck off. I wasn't one of the more popular kids in school, let me tell ya!

The bad thing about it is I'm 28 years old and people still try to give me crap about it. You wouldn't believe how many times I hear people say, "I can't believe you like that type of music!" Well why shouldn't I? Because I'm a female! LOL

I'm sorry for the long post. Just wanted to give a female point of view. :D
His Divine Shadow said:
I do think at least part of the reason there are fewer female musicians (in rock/metal especially) is just the way females are socialized from a young age. My brothers grew up with all of their friends playing in bands, but it's just not one of those things women are *supposed* to do if you understand what I'm saying. I was considered a tomboy just for liking metal while growing up. There is a certain amount of peer pressure to fit in and unfortunately some people just don't resist it as well. On the other hand I told anyone who tried to give me crap about my taste in music to please fuck off.

Yeah I get that a lot..."You listen to metal?" I'm with DS, it's not a surprise if a guy listens to metal or plays in a band...Generally, at least in town, girls are just groupies for some emo band with guys in it that they think are hott...or they play "sappy love songs" on acoustic guitar.

Actually, this is funny, I just got back from playing a show with my band (guitar) and I got accepted into the music department of the school I want to go to today. I'm going to be a music major (cello-performance), and saying that here doesn't mean much because many schools push shitty music majors out all the time...I hoping to actually work hard and become a good musician...I’m a better cellist, than guitarist (probably because I always practice my cello, and rarely practice my guitar), but I’m better than, or as good at playing guitar than a lot of guys I know. Which isn’t that great, hahahaha.

Honestly, I'm not sure...girls...wait, most girls like pretty things, and eye candy. hahaha...that made me laugh...Most girls are just raised to be, well, like girls-so to behave in a feminine way...if you're a girl that's into metal, as DS pointed out you're usually thought of as a tomboy. I liked how Varulv put it though, hahaha.
I realize that you said most, but I just would like to say that being a woman doesn't make me appreciate metal any less than guy metalheads that I know. I don't judge bands by how hot the people in them are -- sure, there are a few guys in metal bands that I think are hot, but it has nothing to do with how much I like the band. And anyone who buys a CD because they think the artist is hot, is a dumbfuck. They spend $16-18 on a CD to look at the fuck'n pictures in the little lyrics booklet thingamajig? Fuck that.
And yeah, I think that because I'm a girl and listen to metal, it has affected the way a lot of people percieve me ... I live in a very Christian conservative town -- we have about 10 metalheads in the entire city. Most people here are pretty trendy and most guys wouldn't want to date a girl that is a metalhead, and they think I'm a satanist because I like black metal -- hell I'm 16 and I've never had a boyfriend. Don't really fuck'n care though -- I'd rather listen to metal than hang out with some moron who thinks the way his fuck'n MTV tells him to think.
I'm a female heavily into extreme metal. A lot of the band I like might not be considered pretty, so to speak. ANd i love to hear what guitarists and drummer do; I was a guitarist for years as a teenager, and then took up drumming. I listen to drummers quite intentely; a bad drummer can ruin an album for me sometimes. Been listening to metal since I was a kid pretty much; and kept with it; still into the stuff I grew up with as well as many forms of extreme metal. I love black, death, melodic death and other types. Nothing played on the radio really.

But I don't meet to many others like myself. I wish I did!
Yeah I've found this to be true in general. Most girls can't get any more complex then Pink Floyd. But then again there were a lot of chicks at the last Opeth show I went to, so it's probably just the girls around me. I wish I knew more girls into extreem metal, hell I wish I knew more people in general into extreem metal (hell, I only know one person who I consider a tr00 metal head)
It really doesnt bother me too much that most women hate metal, but it does bother me that most women refuse to listen to any other form of decent music. Its as if one can never have a discussion with a woman on music. Women will talk about some stupid alt or pop or power punk band that has almost no talent, or they wilk talk about the lyrics- always with the lyrics.

Im wondering if this aversion to anything complex, distortion, atonal, fast, etc, is in fact a genetic difference- women are by nature a bit more emotional, caring etc, they dont care for this manytimes non emotional, abrasive music.

I have made it a point to not talk at all about music with women, as it leads nowhere, but with them thinking I am a weird idiot.

This topic came up at a party-a few guys and i were in a long discussion about music from 70's prog bands, to metal, to current stuff, and the women around us, were just like why do you guys care? And doesnt it make you depressed, and you cant dance to it- and how do you know about these bands? ( and they had no idea who emerson lake and palmer is). They are all nice women too, smart etc- one i have dated. Its just a huge disconnect between the genders.
BloodStainedWalls said:
I wish more women were into the underground metal scene. Those who are...hats off to you!!
Since when female with fair attitude and ever_working in the UGBM areas get praise, is it new ?
Tx anyway for reading here somthing else than usual dick heads comments.