why does beer make you so fucking fat!

Hey, relax! I weigh 18 stone. I'm gonna do something about it too, though. You're pretty normal.
I heard that if you eat food while you are drinking all the food you eat turns straight into fat because your body is dealing with the alcohol. So make sure never to eat anything while you are drinking if you don't want to get fat.
Have katatonia publicised this past time?

~Anyhow Im not fat yet (well ok 13 stone) but i just worry about getting to over weight.. I want V to fancy me! (hey i need some motivation here please go with me on this)

well i was over 14 stone about two months ago...and I shrunk
now a bit under 12 and my goal is 10.(god i hate using brittish units, it's such bad indicator since a stone is so heavy 6.35 kilos or 14 lbs)

how's that for motivation...I started eating a lot less and mostly meat fruit and veggies...I have 6 small meals a day, no baked goods, no dairy and 2-3 slices of a low calory multigrain bread...no sugar,no coffee, no chocolate, no beer but i can have some dry red wine every once in a while...has antioxidants and a glass of water before and after every meal.
plenty of running and freeweights and crunches.
it's true that crunches build the muscle under the fat but crunches also burn some of that fat. but if you want to look slim quicker...concetrate more on the aerobic exersize...running, cycling, stairs whatever floats your boat

now I allow myself to break my diet once a week...so technically i can eat and drink whatever I want.

as much as I like beer it takes a lot less now to get me drunk...saves plenty of money,no hangovers in the morning and makes me just as happy.
and the best thing for your motivation is that I finally got a date this week:kickass:
If you've the coordination for it, skipping is one of the best exercises for losing weight, and you don't need any fancy equipment/gym.
My friend who was quite over weight (about 16 stone) got down to about 11 with this...
Have katatonia publicised this past time?

~Anyhow Im not fat yet (well ok 13 stone) but i just worry about getting to over weight.. I want V to fancy me! (hey i need some motivation here please go with me on this)

I'll hold your hair for you while you puke, how about that? :P

And for the link-click challenged, go back up there and hit the word 'icebang' in my post and all shall be revealed...
For about a year and a half now I quit drinking Sugar based Sodas...and it shows a lot. Quit that and just drink Whiskey and Diet Coke ( I am right now :P) You get krvnk faster and wont feel full!
I bet I'd look better living in Sweden....shit I've been working in Resturants/Markets since I was 12....I'm 21 now...of course I've been eating. One day though...oh yes...one day! I have a dream!
i went on a 3 month alcohol binge where pretty much 24/7 i was maintaining a buzz via vodka... i actually lost 20 pounds.... probably cuz i wasnt eating though

just drink a shitload and dont eat !